The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 921 You are plotting against me, am I plotting against you?

Chapter 921 You are plotting against me, am I plotting against you?
"Have you cooperated with Concubine Di?"

"Cough cough!"

When Xie Xiaofeng spoke, he coughed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

"He didn't cooperate with me, but was controlled by me!"

"So many people have fought for you, Xie Xiaofeng, you are not wronged for your defeat!"

At this time, Concubine Di in a long black dress came out from the darkness, looking at Xie Xiaofeng with cold eyes

Behind her was an old man in a gray robe.

"Concubine Di!"

Seeing the Concubine Di appearing, Xie Xiaofeng struggled to stand up.

"You designed me so carefully, is it just to kill me!"

Xie Xiaofeng said in a deep voice.

"Of course not, I hope you are like them!"

Concubine Di looked at Xie Xiaofeng and said.

"You want to control me!"

Hearing this, Xie Xiaofeng said with condensed eyes.

"If I control you, I believe that I will be able to know more information about [Blue Dragon Club], and I can also break into [Blue Dragon Club]."

"Not to mention being an enemy of the [Blue Dragon Society], or I can use the power of the [Blue Dragon Society] to expand my strength,"

"This is also the reason why I plan on you so carefully!"

"After all, plotting against you, I have lost a lot!"

Concubine Di looked at Xie Xiaofeng and said in a cold voice.

"I didn't expect that you would have such ambitions and want to corrupt me [Blue Dragon Society]."

"Do you really think that you can control me?"

Xie Xiaofeng looked at Concubine Di and said.

While speaking, he coughed again.

"Since I showed up, of course I'm sure of it. Now that the world has changed, they have already made them forget my other identity as a land concubine!"

"I am not only the concubine of the Demon Sect, but also the master of the Demon Sect. What is the highest unique skill of my Demon Sect? Heaven and Earth Transformation Dafa, a skill that can affect the spirit. I have cultivated it to the highest level these years!"

"I have been able to influence the divine power and control your spirit!"

"Of course maybe I couldn't do it when you were at your peak, but now that you are seriously injured, you can't resist my mental attack at all!"

Concubine Di looked at Xie Xiaofeng and said.

"is it?"

"Then you are really confident, but do you really think I'm hurt?"

At this time, Xie Xiaofeng looked at Concubine Di and said
Hearing this, Concubine Di's expression changed, and she looked at Xie Xiaofeng solemnly.

"Isn't that trying to lure you out?"

"I'm not hurt, will you come out?"

"The setup this time is obviously aimed at me. I really want to know how you can definitely deal with me at such a cost!"

"Think about it for a while, and only those who can get close to me and make a surprise move can do this."

"There is only one person like this in Huangfu's family, and that is Huangfu Tiance."

"If you can control Huangfu Yunsheng, then you can also control Huangfu Tiance!"

"I, Xie Xiaofeng, have spent my whole life in the rivers and lakes. I have encountered many conspiracies and tricks, and I don't know how many times they are!"

"This is what you want to plot against me, Concubine Di, you still can't do it!"

"To kill you this time, by the way, get rid of the members of the Huangfu family. The Huangfu family controls the territory, and we [Blue Dragon Club] just happened to take it!"

Xie Xiaofeng looked at Concubine Di and said,

"You also want the Huangfu family?"

Hearing Xie Xiaofeng's words, Concubine Di looked cold.

"Why can't we have Huangfu's family? Originally, I wanted to absorb Huangfu Tiance, but it's a pity!"

Xie Xiaofeng sighed.

"Concubine Di, I'm going to test it out!"

At this time, the old man beside the concubine Di spoke.

At the moment of speaking, his figure flashed and he walked towards Xie Xiaofeng.

The speed was so fast, the palm was raised, and a sword light appeared in the opponent's hand.

Sword Qi is fierce
And when the sword energy appeared, the opponent's other palm protruded out, the protruding palm was black, and the palm was poisonous.

move forward with sword spirit
Poisonous palm behind,

Xie Xiaofeng snorted coldly,

As soon as his body moved, he didn't feel any breath fluctuations, only saw the flash of sword light and figure.

But the old man's expression changed drastically,

Because he saw a long sword in his pupils,

Xie Xiaofeng surpassed him in speed.

Seeing this, there is no need to try at all.

The opponent was not injured.

Back in shape.

He didn't dare to make another shot at all.

It's just that he retreated quickly, and Xie Xiaofeng's sword was even faster.

make it impossible for him to escape

He could only immediately recover his sword light and burst out a terrifying energy surrounding him, forming a stellar energy.

And erupted his aura.

sword light flashed
The grey-robed old man's aura, sword light, and aura were all shattered in an instant.

His body flew upside down.

hit the ground.

His face was pale.

Although his face was pale, he still felt a sense of survival after a catastrophe,

"You failed to kill me!"

He looked at Xie Xiaofeng like this.

Just say so.

Between his brows, a sword mark appeared.


The old man let out a scream

Skull cracked.

The whole person was breathless for a moment.

Seeing this, Di Fei's expression changed.

Xie Xiaofeng just shattered the divine power, the qi, and the light of the sword with a single sword.

Too fast.

And among them, there is no use of the power beyond the concentration of the sea.

Just when Concubine Di was surprised.

Two sword lights erupted from Xie Xiaofeng's hands,

Huangfu Tiance and Huangfu Yunsheng at the side, two sword qi appeared in front of them.

They can't dodge

Sword Qi enters the body
The whole person turned into a cloud of blood mist.

"You are so ruthless!"

Concubine Di saw this, her eyes turned cold,

Xie Xiaofeng shot too hard.

At this time, the two people who hadn't died completely lost their breath because they were surprised by Xie Xiaofeng's attack.

There was only Difei left in the field.

"If there is someone, you call out, if not, I will send you on your way!"

Xie Xiaofeng looked at Concubine Di and said.

"Xie Xiaofeng, I didn't expect that I planned such a perfect round, but I was still defeated by you."

"I don't want to believe it, but I did lose. If that's the case, you should fight!"

"Divine power, Heavenly Demon Dances!"


The concubine Di burst out with her divine power, and graceful figures appeared in the divine power, and these figures revealed endless charm,

For a moment, the surroundings seem to have entered a kind of blissful world,

"Heaven and Earth Transformation, Heavenly Demon Charm!"

The divine power exploded, and the imperial concubine gave a low shout.

Between the eyebrows, a black light appeared.

After the black light appeared, it instantly merged into the surrounding void.

But there was an invisible wave, covering Xie Xiaofeng.

And at this moment.

The figure of the concubine Di gradually merged with the endless charming figures around her, and it was impossible to tell which one was the concubine Di for a while.

Xie Xiaofeng's eyes narrowed.

Mind sinks into the sword
Kenshin is transparent,

Xie Xiaofeng's body merged with the long sword in his hand, turning into a sword light,

Jian Guang directly slashed towards a figure

The sword light disappeared.

The endlessly charming shadows around him also disappeared,

Xie Xiaofeng appeared,

And the other side.

The concubine is standing in another place.

Turning to look at Xie Xiaofeng.

"How could you find me!"

There was disbelief in the voice.

Swordsman, cut everything!
The sword heart knows everything!
Xie Xiaofeng's voice came.

The sword energy in Concubine Di's body exploded, and her whole body turned into a cloud of blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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