Chapter 927 Confused, Someone Arranged
"Dugu will definitely move for me, which means that there will inevitably be huge waves in the north-south canal."

"The Ministry of Officials and the Zhenfu Division asked His Highness to handle the affairs of the rivers and lakes of the North-South Canal. This is obviously a trap!"

"Your Highness, this is obviously aimed at you. We must find a way to withdraw from the North-South Canal!"

The middle-aged scribe said with a serious face.

"It's a bit aimed at me, but I know why Xue Pingsheng ended up at this time?"

The fourth prince Liu Long's face has recovered calm at this moment and he said.

From Murong Qingchen's words, he could sense the shadow of Xue Pingsheng in this matter.

"It may be because of me. I have contacts with [Blue Dragon Club] and [Tianya Pavilion]. It is estimated that he wants to use this to test the two parties."

Murong Qingchen said.


For the time being, she couldn't think of the reason why Xue Pingsheng did this.

"I always feel that it shouldn't be so simple? You just have friendship with Su Chen, the head of the young dragon of [Azure Dragon Society]."

"Besides, Su Chen is just the head of the young dragon. I'm afraid he can't decide many things!"

"So Xue Pingsheng should not only be because of this."

Fourth Prince Liu Long said in a deep voice.

"If that's the case, why is he doing it?"

Murong Qingchen frowned tightly,

"Don't worry about this matter. Since he's done with this matter, there will always be a clue!"

Liu Long then said.

"But the First Prince, the Twelfth Prince and the Fifteenth Prince are dealing with matters in the Jiangnan area!"

"They may be heading for the [Blue Dragon Club] in the south of the Yangtze River."

The fourth prince then said.

"The magic gate in the south of the Yangtze River has reappeared, and some hidden forces have emerged. [Blue Dragon Society] is just one of them. It is not so easy for them to stabilize Jiangnan!"

Murong Qingchen shook his head and said.

"For the matter of the evil god's palace, the fourth brother will wait here for now, and I will go to the Golden Wind and Rain Tower to meet Bai Choufei later."

"It must be because of this that Bai Choufei saw me at this time."

"I'll first get in touch with Bai Choufei from the Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower to see what he thinks, and then you will decide whether to cooperate with the Palace of the Evil God!"

Murong said lightly.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news here!"

The fourth prince Liu Long pondered for a moment and then said.

"Then I'll go see Bai Choufei first?"

Murong Qingchen turned and left, heading for the Golden Wind and Rain Tower.

Liu Long looked at Murong Qingchen who was leaving, frowned slightly, and said to the middle-aged scribe next to him, "I want to study all the news about Xiao Yu from the evil spirit palace after he came to the capital."


"Subordinates to arrange immediately!"

The middle-aged scribe also bowed and exited the hall.

"This crisis, I don't know if it can be converted into an opportunity for me!"

The fourth prince Liu Long murmured.

at this time
another place

Jiangnan outside Sucheng

A very remote manor.

Inside the manor.

In the underground chamber.

Concubine Tian sat cross-legged on the dark stone bed.

Not far from her, there is a bloody long sword floating, it is the demon blood sword she used at Murong's house before.

At this moment, she is continuously pouring the power in her body into this blood sword,

But the zhenqi she poured into the blood sword was swallowed up in an instant.

As time passed, beads of sweat appeared on Tianfei's forehead, her face turned pale, and her breath began to weaken.

Tianfei stopped the influx of true energy.

With a dignified face.

"It seems that I want to find the treasure and restore my own essence. If the essence cannot be recovered, I will not be able to exert its maximum power on this Heavenly Demon Blood Sword!"

Tianfei murmured in her mouth.

Back then, she was imprisoned in the palace by Emperor Zhou, and the essence of her body was also obtained by Emperor Zhou.

The essence was obtained, which damaged her strength.

It still hasn't recovered.

After adjusting her breath for a while, Tianfei stood up.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Tianfei said.

A figure came in from the outside, it was Director Zhao, the head of the Demon Sect.

"Concubine Tian, ​​a secret letter from the capital?"

Manager Zhao took out a secret letter from his pocket and handed it to Concubine Tian.

Tianfei opened the secret letter.

On the secret letter, there was only one word "kill", and his brows were furrowed.

And handed the secret letter in his hand to Mr. Zhao.

Director Zhao's expression changed instantly when he looked at the killing character.

"Our current strength, if we do this, I'm afraid it will? We can't do this!"

Manager Zhao shook his head directly.

"Only wrote a killing word, indicating that this matter requires us to implement it."

"Actually, when Concubine Di had an accident, I knew that such an order would come."

Tianfei said in a low voice.

when they speak.

A figure entered the secret room.

His figure is like a shadow, both illusion and reality, that is Ying Wuxie.

"Concubine Tian, ​​just got the news that Yuan Tianhuan, the governor of the Jiangnan Township, came into contact with Li Xunhuan, the second leader of the [Blue Dragon Club], and paid a high price. Li Xunhuan agreed to assist the governor of the Jiangnan Township to take action against us."

Ying Wuxie said.

"Li Xunhuan promised Yuan Tianhuan to attack us?"

Hearing this Tianfei frowned slightly.

"It's normal, the Huangfu family, the concubine conspired against [Blue Dragon Society] sword master Xie Xiaofeng, and was killed by Xie Xiaofeng."

"The [Blue Dragon Club] should treat us as enemies, and the [Blue Dragon Club] is generally ruthless when it comes to enemies."

"But this time the leader is Jiangnan Town Fusi!"

Ying Wuxie said.

"I'm afraid it's not just the Jiangnan Zhenfu Division, but the Tianjian Division may also move!"

Mr. Zhao on the side piped.

"Concubine Tian, ​​Qin Beiming was arrested by the Fusi of the Jiangnan Township. I am afraid that the people of the Fusi of the Jiangnan Township already know that you are here. You should evacuate immediately."

Ying Wuxie said.

"Are you paying close attention to the Jiangnan Town Fusi and the movements of the [Qinglong Club]? I will make arrangements here."

Tianfei said.


Ying Wuxie saluted slightly, then turned and exited the secret room.

"Tianfei, who is the capital master?"

"Jiangnan Town Fusi asked [Qinglonghui] to take action, he should have known in advance."

After Ying Wuxie left, Director Zhao spoke.

"I haven't seen that person, but he has the [Heavenly Demon Token] created by the demon head back then, which is the bead he gave me, which has the spiritual power of the demon head."

Tianfei said.

Hearing Tianfei's words, Manager Zhao's eyes froze.

"This person's strength in the capital is extraordinary!"

"I'm afraid this person is using us to plot big things."

Director Zhao said in a deep voice.

"I have been checking the other party's information, but there is no news."

Tianfei said in a low voice.

"Then what should we do now? Are we really going to kill Su Shaolong's head?"

Manager Zhao said with a solemn expression.

"This matter cannot be done according to the other party's thinking. I want to meet the other party in person? See the other party's attitude."

Tianfei said in a low voice.

"And we need to make some arrangements here, otherwise, Qin Beiming might not be able to take this opportunity to break into the Jiangnan Town Fusi."

Tianfei ordered.

"I've already made arrangements for this!"

"Tianfei, don't worry!"

"Okay, then I'll go see Su Chen now!"

"You stay here!"

After finishing speaking, Concubine Tian left the secret room.

Director Zhao frowned slightly as he watched Concubine Tian leave.

(End of this chapter)

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