Chapter 928 To take Yan Nanfei's head, see Li Chenzhou

Tingzhou area
A resident of the Palace of Bliss.

In the courtyard, in the hall
Liu Chunyan was standing in the hall with a young man in a black robe.

"I didn't expect that the other party would send someone here so soon. Who do you think will come this time?"

The young man in black robe said.

"You are the person sent by the prince to Tingzhou. You don't even know how a small person in charge of my Bliss Palace can know the identity of the other party."

Liu Chunyan looked at the young man in black and said.

"You Bliss Palace is closely related to these people behind. Don't you know their identities and when they will arrive?"

The young man in black looked at Liu Chunyan and said.

"If I knew, would I still need to wait here with you for so long?"

Liu Chunyan looked at the young man in black and said coldly.

"I don't believe it!"

The black-robed youth said.

"If you don't believe me, then I can do it too?"

Liu Chunyan waved her hands.

Just then.

Three figures appeared at the entrance of the hall.

as soon as it appears.

A terrifying coercion appeared in the hall, this coercion was like a dark cloud,

The two were under this heavy pressure, but they didn't react, and they were crushed to kneel on the ground for a while.

The masonry on the ground instantly shattered.


The black-robed young man growled with anger on his face, and his whole body burst out with true energy, resisting the coercion, and wanted to stand up.

But at this time.

Among the three people, one person moved and appeared in front of the black-robed youth in a blink of an eye.

The palm was slapped quickly, and the palm hit the black-robed youth's chest.

The young man in black robe who wanted to get up was sent flying backwards by this palm, and his body hit the central wall of the hall.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Then the body fell to the ground.

Liu Chunyan, who was beside the young man in black, changed her expression drastically.

She didn't expect the other party to attack as soon as he came, a kind of fear rose in her heart, she didn't dare to raise her head, and just half knelt on the ground like this.

But with his head down, he could see the black-robed youth out of the corner of his eye.

"You are here to deal with the [Blue Dragon Club], why are you attacking me?"

The injured black-robed youth struggled to stand up and asked with a low growl.

Among the three people who came, the leader moved towards the injured black-robed youth.

Only at this moment can one see the appearance of a person, wearing a bronze mask, revealing extremely cold eyes.

"Don't you know why I shot you?"

"Sometimes, people have to pay the price for their actions!"

between talking.

The head of the people has come before him.

The palm is raised suddenly.

In a blink of an eye, the palm falls,

Before the injured black-robed youth could react, his head was directly smashed by the opponent's palm, and blood spurted out.

"Give you a chance to take a few breaths, I don't cherish it."

After finishing speaking, the leader looked coldly at being pressed on the ground, without getting up Liu Chunyan said: "You are a smart person, you didn't do anything stupid, otherwise, you will end up like him?"

"Within one day, I want to find the trace of Yan Nanfei. When that time comes, I will take his head to meet that Li Chenzhou."

There was a sense of domineering in the cold voice.


Liu Chunyan just wanted to speak.

"If you can't do it, you have no value in living,"

There was a cold killing intent in the visitor's tone.

Liu Chunyan, who lowered her head, trembled all over.

"We must have found Yan Nanfei's whereabouts, but after finding Yan Nanfei's whereabouts, why, how to contact the adults?"

Liu Chunyan stammered a bit.

"I will come to you in a day!"

Turn around and leave.

The figures of the two who came after them also quickly disappeared.
After a while, Liu Chunyan stood up.

"It's a terrifying coercion, and there is a terrifying ferocity in the coercion, which makes me feel suffocated."

"Who is behind the general king?"

Liu Chunyan murmured,

"I also want to know who they are?"

Just when her voice fell.

At the back of the hall, a figure came out.

Seeing the figure that appeared, Liu Chunyan's eyes were horrified.

"Yan Nanfei, why are you here?"

It was Yan Nanfei who came.

"Killing someone, I always want to see your reaction,"

"What's more, you want to find my whereabouts one day, Miss Liu, you are really capable."

Yan Nanfei looked at Liu Chunyan and said,

"I, I was threatened, Master Yan, you have seen what happened just now."

"If I didn't say that, I'm afraid I'd be the same as him now!"

Looking at the black-robed youth lying on the ground with his head exploded, he said.

"He died, he asked for it himself, sometimes people have to be responsible for their own actions!"

"Two days later, you will take them out of the city, in the ten-mile mountain,"

Yan Nanfei looked at Liu Chunyan and said,


Hearing Yan Nanfei's words, Liu Chunyan's expression changed.

"Master Yan, are you going to deal with them?"

"They are not simple. We have reported your strength, and they are still so domineering, which shows that they have absolute confidence."

"So I suggest Hall Master Yan, it's best to return to the side of the three dragon heads,"

Liu Chunyan said,

Yan Nanfei was next to Li Chenzhou, the leader of the three dragons, and told the three of them about this matter. At that time, the three of them might go directly to find Li Chenzhou.

That way, even if something happens, it has nothing to do with her, Liu Chunyan.

"I'm not talking to you, I'm asking you to do this."

Yan Nanfei looked at Liu Chunyan with cold eyes,

Hearing Yan Nanfei's words, Liu Chunyan trembled all over.

"I will follow Hall Master Yan's request and take them to Shili Mountain outside the city."

Liu Chunyan said.

"very good!"

"You are very smart, from now on you will obey my orders."

Yan Nanfei looked at Liu Chunyan and said.

Liu Chunyan is the person in charge of the Bliss Palace in the Tingzhou area.

Take Liu Chunyan and control the Palace of Bliss in the Tingzhou area.

"See you in Shili Mountain in two days, I hope you don't let me down,"

After finishing speaking, Yan Nanfei also left in a blink of an eye,

in the hall
Only Liu Chunyan was left.

Waited for a while.

Seeing that no one came again, Liu Chunyan's face gradually recovered, and she looked up at the corpse on the ground.

Shaking his head, he walked out of the hall and out of the yard.

"Put the corpse inside into the ice cellar!"

Liu Chunyan instructed the guards outside the courtyard.

The young man in black robe was from the palace of the Great General, and he is now dead.

She can't dispose of the corpse at will, she needs to wait for someone from the General's Palace to inspect it.

"My old lady is really unlucky to encounter such a thing."

Liu Chunyan scolded in her heart.

at this time
Heaven Fantasy Sect,

Li Chenzhou sat on the bench, looking at the secret letter in his hand.

Brows furrowed.

"You actually want to bring Yan Nanfei's head to see me, what a shame."

"In that case, I will visit you in person in two days to see if you have the ability!"

A cold light flashed in Li Chenzhou's eyes.

Then he took the people away from the Illusion Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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