The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 931 Body of nothingness, escape into the void, attack, strange body

Chapter 931 Body of nothingness, escape into the void, attack, strange body
As for Li Xunhuan's Heart of Nothingness

It was Su Chen who surprised him the most.

[Heart of Nothingness] The heart of an ancient form of nothingness, after being integrated into the body, is continuously developed and improved to form a body of nothingness, which can escape into the void and become invisible.

Li Xunhuan himself entered the country with a flying knife.

If you add this body of nothingness, you will escape into the void.

The attack can be invisible and invisible. After a knife strike, who can block it.

"It's amazing!"

Su Chen looked at this introduction and was amazed.

Tingzhou area.

Bliss Palace Residence

Liu Chunyan was standing respectfully in front of the three men in black.

These three men in black were on the day when Liu Chunyan was asked to find Yan Nanfei within a day.
"In just one day, I found Yan Nanfei's trace, and I sure didn't misread you!"

The leader looked at Liu Chunyan and said with some appreciation.

"Reporting to my lord, after Yan Nanfei made a move to kill someone, I began to track his whereabouts, so I was able to locate Yan Nanfei so quickly."

Liu Chunyan said hastily.

"You are really smart, then take us to meet this Yan Nanfei."

The leader ordered.


Liu Chunyan nodded quickly, and then led the three of them out of the station.

In a secluded forest.

Outside a small manor.

Four figures appeared.

At the forefront is Liu Chunyan.

"Yan Nanfei is here, but who is inside, my people didn't dare to probe deeply, for fear of being noticed by the other party."

Liu Chunyan said.

"Hmph, don't worry about who's inside."

The man in black behind him said in a cold voice.

when speaking.

A figure among the three stepped forward,

Under the loose robe, a long knife appeared.

Immediately, a saber intent spread out.

He raised his palm and cut it with a knife.

The manor gate in front of them.

It was instantly divided into two by this saber intent, and collapsed.


The moment the gate of the manor was cut in two by this knife.

A low voice came out

Then, a figure burst out.

It was Yan Nanfei who came, and Yan Nanfei looked at the man with the knife sharply.

But then his eyes fell on Liu Chunyan.

"The Palace of Bliss, Liu Chunyan, it seems that you are from the palace of the Great General, but you came here uninvited, and even slashed at the gate of my villa. Are you trying to keep you?"

Yan Nanfei looked cold.

"Hmph! Just because you still want to keep us, I will behead you today!"

Hearing this, the person who brought out the knife snorted coldly.

The voice was like thunder, and it swept towards Yan Nanfei.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Yan Nanfei also snorted coldly.

Then there was a mocking sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he clenched his fingers tightly without stopping.

A wave of vigor emerged above his fist, and then condensed.

Punch out.

The vigor seemed to form a half-moon arc and attacked the person holding the long knife.

"Is this a temptation? Then you underestimate me!"

The man with the knife snorted coldly.

The knife intent on his body changed instantly, and an indescribable gloom and terror appeared on his long knife.


The long knife cut out instantly.

It collided with the attacking Qi Gang.

The sound and energy burst instantly, sweeping towards the surroundings.

The walls of the manor were shattered at this moment.


After one hit.

The figure of the person who drew the knife flew into the air.

The vigor of the whole body rushed towards the long knife in his hand like sea water, and the cold breath surged out of the long knife.

"Divine Power: The sea of ​​swords is like a tide!"


Behind him appeared phantoms of sea water, and above the phantoms, the sea water condensed into sword shadows.

Cooperate with the long knife in his hand.

"Knife kills the world!"

The momentum is surging and the knife is fierce.

When the sword came out, the sky and the earth changed color, and everything around seemed to be suppressed by the sword

The cold, bloody knife light shrouded Yan Nanfei.

"So strong!"

Liu Chunyan, who followed the three of them, was horrified when she saw the knife.

His eyes moved towards Yan Nanfei who was under the light of the knife.

At this moment, Yan Nanfei's eyes were fixed, and a terrifying sword intent erupted from his body, and a whirlpool-like momentum appeared in the sword intent.

The divine power is condensed and does not appear, but is devouring the surrounding breath,

And the soft sword pinned to his waist came out in an instant.

Thunder with a sword.

A bolt of lightning appeared in the sky.

Then the sword light collided with the knife light in the darkness.

I saw Jinglei splitting the opponent's knife like a tide.

"With this little strength, you dare to come to me!"

With one blow, the tide-like light of the sword was chopped into pieces.

Yan Nanfei stomped his footsteps, and his body flew into the air in an instant. The long sword in his hand slashed out, and a thunderbolt appeared in the light of the sword.

This is the Shocking Thunder Sword Jue he has recently cultivated.

The sword came out, and thunder started.

The eyes of the man who drew the knife became cold.

He didn't expect his own knife to be cut open by the opponent's long sword.


With a low snort, a chilly saber air erupted from his body, and the saber air flow turned to his long knife, and a layer of frost appeared on the long knife.


There was a billowing cold air on the long knife, and it slashed towards the long sword.

But when the long sword collided with the long knife, the thunder collided with the cold air, and there was a wave of energy, but the moment the wave of energy appeared.

The long sword in Yan Nanfei's hand seemed to have a suction force.

The thunder and cold air instantly moved towards the opponent's arm.

this moment.

The face of the man who drew the knife changed.

Immediately cut off the energy pouring into the long knife.

But at the moment when he broke off the energy of the long knife.

Suddenly, a terrifying sword energy poured towards him like a flood.

"not good!"

The person who drew the knife showed a look of horror.

Before he had time to think about it, his figure suddenly moved and he retreated behind him.

It's just that Yan Nanfei has already made a move, how could he be allowed to evacuate as he wished?

He wants to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

The true energy in the body circulated, turned into terrifying sword energy, and swept towards the opponent without giving the opponent a chance to retreat.

The sword energy was like surging sea water, colliding with the person who brought out the sword.

The long knife flew out from the hand of the person who made the knife, and his whole body flew upside down, hitting a big tree.


The big tree broke, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from the mouth of the man in black.

The mask on his face fell off, revealing the face of a middle-aged man.

The face is very ordinary and there is nothing special about it.

"You can't even block my blow, I don't know why you have the courage to come here!"

Yan Nanfei showed contempt on his face.

Just when Yan Nanfei finished speaking.

The middle-aged man who was knocked away by him let out a low growl.

A scarlet color appeared in the eyes,

When the scarlet color appeared, a terrifying energy and blood appeared on this person,


At this time, when the terrifying blood energy appeared.

Yan Nanfei's expression froze.

Because the opponent actually melted the sword energy he left in the opponent's body when his blood was burning.

The meridians on his body that had just been shattered by the sword energy also recovered immediately.

Accompanied by the gushing out of Qi and blood, a wave of destruction rippling out of his body,

"I will tear you apart and devour your blood!"

A low growl came from the opponent's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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