The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 932 Divine blood, blood of ferocious beasts, sword cutting, head flying

Chapter 932 Divine blood, blood of ferocious beasts, sword cutting, head flying


Seeing this situation, Yan Nanfei's eyes became serious,

The power of his sword just now was extraordinary.

But the opponent recovered from his injury in the blink of an eye, which was completely unexpected to him.

"Do you feel incredible!"

"Do you think your sword energy can hit me hard? Let me tell you, your sword energy is of little use to us."

The leader looked at Yan Nanfei with cold eyes.

"If you are killed with a single knife, you can still die without pain. If you let him use such power, you will die a miserable death,"

The leader continued to speak.


"Then let me see how strong you are!"

While Yan Nanfei was speaking, his figure leaped out, the long sword in his hand aimed at the opponent's throat,


"Blood God Armor!"

Just when Yan Nanfei drew out his sword.

The man who brought out the knife let out a low growl, and a blood color appeared on his body, and the blood color continued to flow to form a layer of armor.

And he raised his hand and punched.

There is also a layer of armor on the fist,


Fist collides with long sword,

A bloody energy wave shattered the sword energy and poured into Yan Nanfei's long sword,

The sword shattered,

A wave of Qi and blood poured into Yan Nanfei's body,

Yan Nanfei cast his big purple sun hand and began to absorb the energy and blood of the other party pouring into his body.

But when he absorbed this energy and blood.

Suddenly, a sky-shattering roar appeared, and along with this roar, a sky-shattering violent aura appeared in his body.

Yan Nanfei suddenly pumped out this energy and blood,

The figure retreated quickly.

When the figure fell, a mouthful of blood spewed from the mouth.

There was still a hint of madness in the eyes.

"This blood?"

Yan Nanfei was horrified.

"You also want to absorb my blood. We are all people who absorb the blood of the gods. We all have the power of the blood in our blood. If you dare to absorb it, you are really courting death."

Seeing Yan Nanfei who was injured by the blow, the leader sneered,

"God's blood, that blood has terrifying killing intent and violent aura, it's completely the blood of a ferocious beast, how could it be god's blood?"

Yan Nanfei said in a cold voice.

"It's just that you can't appreciate the power of divine blood!"

"Don't waste time, kill him, and then go see Li Chenzhou again!"

The leader looked at the injured Yan Nanfei and said.


After his voice fell.

The figure of the person who made the attack earlier shot violently, with ferocity in his eyes, and a terrifying blood appeared on his body.

A terrifying phantom appeared above the Qi and blood.

The phantom is the shadow of an invisible beast.



Appeared violently in front of Yan Nanfei.

punch out,

Seeing this, Yan Nanfei quickly backed away.


"Heavy blood!"

When Yan Nanfei retreated violently, the person who made the attack shouted.

The blood gushing out from his body, like a tidal wave, turned into a terrifying pressure and flew towards Yan Nan.

Yan Nanfei's figure was immediately affected,

"Tear you apart!"

Yan Nanfei's body was blocked, his expression changed,


At this time, something was thrown from the courtyard.

Yan Nanfei grabbed it, it was a long sword, Yan Nanfei's eyes lit up when he received the long sword, it was a weapon-grade sword.

This is what he got from the transaction just now, but he has a soft sword on his body, so the long sword was not brought out.

The long sword was unsheathed, and then a sword was cut out.

The long sword intersected with the punched fist.

Yan Nanfei blocked the opponent's blow with his long sword, but his body was shaken back dozens of steps.

As for the punch, the armor on his fist was broken, and drops of blood flowed from the fist
"You have a top-level weapon in your hand!"

Seeing this situation, the leader looked at Yan Nanfei intently.

While speaking, he looked towards the hall in the manor.

Someone threw a long sword just now, which means there are still people in the manor.

"Since you're here, come out!"

The leader said in a cold voice.


as he speaks.

Suddenly a figure flew out from the manor, and it landed in front of the puncher in a flash.

The long sword in his hand was cut out instantly.

There is a black breath in the sword light, and the speed is extremely fast.

The person who punched gave a low growl, and a layer of blood-colored armor appeared on the fist in his hand again, but a layer of black appeared on the armor.

Of course when this black blood energy appeared.

The aura of the person who punched became more violent, and a layer of black appeared in the eyes.

The shadow of the ferocious beast in his blood also began to become clear.

It's a giant crocodile.

Fist blows out.

The fist collided with the long sword, but with this blow, the dark blood armor on the opponent's fist was not chopped into pieces.

Liu Sheng, who drew the sword, moved his sword, his eyes fixed

The long sword in his hand is also a top-level weapon,

This blow did not shatter the opponent's fist,


Just when he was surprised.

The person who punched made a low growl, and suddenly a violent breath swept towards Liu Sheng with a sword.

Liu Sheng Yijian looked calm, grasped the long sword in his hand, stepped forward, and slashed out with the sword again.

After chopping out, the sword quickly withdraws, and chops out again,

This bloody armor is not simple, but if it can't be broken by one sword, then the second sword,

Liu Sheng moved his sword step by step.

The person who threw the punch could only resist, his figure was continuously cut back by Liu Sheng's sword.

See this situation!

The leader glanced at the person beside him.

The person beside him took a step forward, a stick slipped out from the top of the capacious robe, the stick appeared, and he pulled his hands together to form a long stick,

Step out.

With a shake of the stick in his hand, he moved towards Liu Sheng with a sword.

Seeing this, Yan Nanfei's expression changed, and he wanted to make a move.

But this time.

A horrible blood appeared on the leader, and the blood pressed towards Yan Nanfei.

Yan Nanfei's body was blocked.

At this time, the long stick has already come out horizontally.

He moved towards Liu Sheng with a sword.

Liu Sheng swung the long sword in Yijian's hand, blocking the falling long stick.


Terrorist forces erupted.

The ground beneath Liu Sheng's sword shattered.

But it blocked this violent blow.

When he blocked the blow, a terrifying wave of blood erupted from the man with the stick.

This blood is very similar to the previous one.

Rage bloodthirsty violence.

There was also a layer of black blood in his eyes.

The berserk and tyrannical breath pressed against Liu Sheng's mind.


The previous person also attacked Liu Sheng with a sword when he saw this.

At this moment, a black light appeared in Liu Sheng Yijian's eyes.

The magic blood power in the body began to be stimulated.

Just now, he didn't stimulate the magic blood in his body, but the state of the two people was obviously different, so he directly stimulated the magic blood.


At the moment when the devil's blood was aroused.

A terrifying breath erupted in Liu Sheng Yijian's body.

With the eruption of this breath, a wave of horror and magic permeated the air.

At the moment when this magic power pervades.

The two people who had a violent aura before, seemed to be affected by something, and a trace of instinctive fear flashed in their eyes.

The shape is affected.

Just this moment.

The long sword in Liu Shengyijian's hand was drawn out in an instant

The heads of the two flew out instantly.

Blood sprayed.

The body fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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