The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 950 Slashing Thunder, Slashing Opponents, Gai Nie, Wei Zhuangxian

Chapter 950 Slashing Thunder, Slashing Opponents, Gai Nie, Wei Zhuangxian
Above the crack, a trace of blood flowed out.

It's just that the blood that flowed out quickly dried up and condensed, and the injury was not visible.

At this moment, Liu Boyuan, who was behind the burly man, had just been engulfed in Fu Hongxue's terrifying saber intent, and the killing intent in his body was suppressed.

His eyes regained a bit of clarity, and he tried hard to suppress the killing heart in his heart.

With his suppression, the killing intent on his body gradually faded.

It's just that the violent breath on his body still emerged.

"The blood knife in his hand should have reached the spiritual level, you are not his opponent, step aside first!"

The visitor looked at Liu Boyuan and said.

The glove in his own hand is a top-level weapon.

Colliding with the opponent's long knife and being shattered by a blow, the long knife in the opponent's hand has definitely reached the spiritual level.

Hearing this, Liu Boyuan's mind moved and he backed away.

Spirit-level weapon, his physical body couldn't resist it.

Just now the other party's saber slashed across, he might be decapitated.

the other side.

Wei Dongjun, the Lord of Yan Luo Palace, looked at the situation in front of him, his eyes fixed,

"Sacred blood has such a big side effect. If so, once I absorb the divine blood, I'm afraid I will be controlled by the people of Bulaotang!"

Wei Dongjun thought in his heart.

Looking at the person next to him, he said via voice transmission: "Things have become unusual, we will leave when we find an opportunity!"

Judging from the current situation, it is a contest between [Blue Dragon Club] and [Bulaotang].

If he participates, I'm afraid his body will stay here tonight.

He looked at Qiao Feng.

Seeing Qiao Feng's expression was calm.

Voice transmission to Li Hanqiu who was beside Qiao Feng.

"Master Li, it's an opportunity for us to leave, otherwise, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave by then!"

Hearing Wei Dongjun's conversation, Li Hanqiu said via voice transmission: "Master Wei, you can leave, we will be with [Blue Dragon Club]."

Qiao Feng was related to Fu Hongxue.

She is dominated by Qiao Feng, and it is impossible for Qiao Feng to leave in this situation, so she will not leave either.

Hearing Li Hanqiu's words, Wei Dongjun's eyes froze.

He wanted to leave with Li Hanqiu and the others, and if something happened, he would have a helper.

But I didn't expect that Li Hanqiu would not leave, and it seemed that he was going to participate in the next battle.

Brows furrowed.

Now is the time for him to make a choice.

To leave, or to stand on the side of the [Blue Dragon Club].

You can't stand on the side of Bulaotang.

But [Blue Dragon Club] doesn't necessarily accept him.

Was in a dilemma for a while.

Can only stand still.

"The current state of your glove can't stop another blow from me!"

Fu Hongxue looked at the burly figure and said.

"Not always!"

The burly man snorted coldly. When he was speaking, his aura surged, and his true energy gushed out, and a strong wind flew around him for a while,

The blood in his body also began to boil.

As the blood boiled, a layer of scales appeared on his arm.

The glove that had been cut by Fu Hongxue before was also covered by a layer of scales.

A cold metallic light emanates from the scales,

"My glove can't stop your bloody knife, but your bloody knife should have just broken through to the spiritual level. I wear a layer of scales, and with my glove, I can completely block the bloody knife in your hand."

"Now let me see the strength of the four dragon heads of the [Blue Dragon Club], my name is Henry Zhang!"

The burly man announced his name.


An invisible pressure erupted from his body, engulfing Fu Hongxue,

As soon as the foot kicked the ground, the knee bent violently.

The ground shook violently.

Henry Zhang's burly body rushed out like a tiger leaping over a stream, his thick arms were covered with scales, and he punched out.

A violent black light erupted from above the fist, covering Fu Hongxue,

A gleam flashed in Fu Hongxue's eyes.

Cut out with a long knife in the palm
The huge blood-colored sword light shot out instantly.

There is also an invincible sword intent in the bloody sword light.

The lethality of this knife is astonishing.

The long knife collided with the fist, making a trembling sound.

The figures of both sides landed on the ground at the same time.

At the moment of landing, Henry Zhang had a long-known smile on his face, and stepped on his feet.

The blue bricks on the ground shattered and turned into dust.

Footstep changes.

The energy and blood in his body accumulated to a certain level during the trampling of his feet.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Fu Hongxue.

suddenly punched down,

The fist was like a stream of black light, forming a glow of energy and heading towards Fu Hongxue's.

Fu Hongxue's face remained unchanged.

With a grip of the blood knife in his hand, he cut it out instantly.

The speed of the knife was extremely fast, and the blood light burst out, turning into a rainstorm and covering the opponent.

The light of the two swords collided, and the energy of the sword and the strength of the fist raged.

For a while, I was horrified.

His eyes were terrified.

"The strength of this person who appeared can be compared to that of Fu Hongxue!"

"If Fu Hongxue only relies on the power of the blood knife, I'm afraid he won't be able to defeat the opponent?"

Li Hanqiu who was beside Qiao Feng said.

The two bodies retreated violently at the same time.

"Your blood knife can't do anything to me. When I exhaust all the strength in your body, it's time for me to unscrew your head."

That Xuan Zhang looked at Fu Hongxue with cold eyes,


Just when his voice fell.

Fu Hongxue's aura changed.

"Since you are going to die, I will send you on your way!"

An extremely strong murderous aura permeated Fu Hongxue's body.

This killing intent was so cold that it made people feel like their blood was frozen.

"I have a knife! I don't know if you can take it!"

Fu Hongxue's voice was flat.

But there is an endless danger in the plainness.

Sensing the change in Fu Hongxue's breath, Henry Zhang's eyes froze, and a strong blood-colored light burst out from his eyes.

Huge tendons also appeared on his forehead.

The breath on his body began to surge wildly.

A force of gravity emerged from his body.

At this moment, Tianmen emerged.

Fu Hongxue's aura began to surpass the concentration in the sea, so the Tianmen emerged.

Thunder flickered above the Tianmen, accumulating quickly.

The moment Fu Hongxue raised the knife, the thunder fell instantly.

When falling in an instant.

Fu Hongxue's eyes shone with horror, and the long knife in his hand slashed out.

This knife came out, forming a terrifying blood-colored knife glow.

The bloody saber glow directly cut through the thunder above the Tianmen.

The moment it unfolded, it didn't change at all, instead it became even more terrifying, enveloping the entire world.

a time.

The sky became blood-colored, and the blood-colored light enveloped the earth.


Seeing this scene, Henry Zhang's expression changed dramatically.

Because he saw a bloody long knife in his eyes.

The bloody sword light is sweeping over.

His whole body was locked by the bloody knife light.

In this case, Henry Zhang growled, and the sound of the growl was like a terrifying beast.

There was a layer of terrifying black blood on his body, and the blood formed into scales, covering his whole body.


As soon as his footsteps kicked the ground, his body rushed violently, and all the energy and blood in his body poured into his fist in an instant.

Punch out.

If this knife can't resist him, he can only die.

So at this moment, he also tried his best.

Even if he couldn't kill Fu Hongxue if he blocked the knife, Fu Hongxue could only leave by stepping on the gate of heaven.

Because he smashed the sky thunder, not the sky gate.

So if he doesn't leave, the power that erupts again will swallow him completely.

The fist collided with the bloody knife light.

Henry Zhang burst out and was penetrated by the bloody knife light.

With one knife down, Fu Hongxue flew into the air, without looking at Henry Zhang, and stepped into the gate of heaven.

"Thinking about leaving, why do you like it!"

Just then.

A figure appeared, and the palm of his hand shot out instantly, and countless blue rays of light shot towards Fu Hongxue.

Fu Hongxue didn't pay attention to the burst of blue light.

The footsteps did not stop.

He could have stayed away.

But his strength has been raised to a certain stage. He is a warrior who likes to use his full strength. He can no longer go further in this world.

He has already obtained Huayu's exercises from Su Chen.

It is completely possible to step into the gate of heaven.

As for the Heavenly Gate, whether it is dangerous or not.

Warriors are not afraid of danger.

What's more, he is different from others, he is a lonely person, there are not many friends in this world.

Qiao Feng is one of them, but he already likes to be alone, it might be better to go to the Heavenly Gate.

This is also the reason why he just exerted all his strength to kill the opponent and leave.

blue light sweeping
A figure appeared in front of Fu Hongxue,

The light of the sword in his hand flowed.

All the bursting blue light was blocked by the sword energy,

"Thank you!"

Fu Hongxue who stepped into Tianmen thanked the visitor.

Then Tianmen disappeared.

The figure fell.

Holding a long sword and wearing white clothes, but there is no such coldness, but a feeling of being out of the dust.

It is Ge Nie,

The cyan light is blocked.

A figure appeared, also wearing white clothes, but the face of the person who came was rather pale, and he looked like a young man.

He looked at Gai Nie, who was dressed in white and held a long sword, with a somewhat elegant breath.

"Who are you? The Azure Dragon Society doesn't seem to have someone like you before?"

The pale young man looked at Ge Niedao.

"My seat, Gai Nie, one of the top ten sword masters of the [Blue Dragon Society]!"

Genie said.

Gai Nie, Su Chen's definition is the top ten sword masters.

"Ten Sword Masters?"

Hearing this, the young man's face moved slightly.

"But your strength is a bit worse than that of Fu Hongxue just now. Did you come out to die?"

The pale young man looked at Ge Niedao.

Although Gai Nie blocked his attack just now, he could sense the aura on his body.

So he looked down on Gai Nie.

"If you have the strength of that person just now, I might not be able to kill you!"

"But I have a younger brother, I can join hands, there is no problem in killing you!"

Ge Nie's voice seemed very calm.

He knows his own strength.

If the other party was the same as the previous one, he really couldn't kill the other party.


Hearing this, the pale young man's face changed.

His eyes looked around.

At this time, under the moonlight, a shadow appeared, and then Wei Zhuang, dragging a shark-toothed sword, came out from the darkness.

"I didn't expect you, brother, to ask me for help!"

Wei Zhuang looked at Gai Niedao.

"Wei Zhuang, the Seven Dragon Heads of the [Blue Dragon Club] have just stepped into the existence of concentration?"

"No, the aura on your body is definitely not just stepping into Concentration?"

The young man has Wei Zhuang's information.

The previous introduction mentioned that Wei Zhuang's strength is just stepping into the sea and concentrating, but Wei Zhuang's strength is definitely not just stepping into the sea and concentrating.

"Are you surprised? When did I say that I just stepped into the sea to concentrate?"

Wei Zhuang looked at the pale young man and said.

"If the information is wrong, then it must be wrong. Even if the two of you work together, you can kill me. You are really delusional!"

"However, judging from this situation, your [Qinglonghui]'s strength in the south of the Yangtze River should be gone."

"Elder Zong, show up too!"

"Take them down and don't give them a chance to resist."

The pale young man said towards one place.

He will not make Henry Zhang’s mistake.

Everyone also looked at each other.

An old man with a dark complexion appeared. The aura on the old man's body was restrained, and he couldn't feel the fluctuation of the aura on his body, but no one dared to underestimate this old man at this time.

The old man looked at Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie.

"What a pity, you two will perish here today."

The old man said in a calm voice.

"Your strength is good, I just want to see your strength?"

At this moment, Qiao Feng suddenly spoke.

The figure stepped forward, and the aura burst out, enveloping towards the old man.

"Qiao Feng, you are going to be my enemy!"

When the elder Zong saw Qiao Feng's outburst of breath, his eyes turned cold, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

"Isn't it already an enemy? You don't have to use Bulaotang to threaten the leader of the clan. The leader of the clan is not afraid of your threats!"

Qiao Feng also said in a cold voice.

"You are very arrogant, since this old man will send you on your way!"

"Liu Boyuan, get rid of that Li Hanqiu!"

The elder Zong ordered to Liu Boyuan.

Liu Boyuan's mind has stabilized at this moment, he nodded when he heard the old man's words, and stepped forward.


Just then.

Confronting Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, the pale young man suddenly moved, and rushed out instantly like a black flying swallow.

As he rushed out, countless cyan lights shot towards Gai Nie and the others again like a rain of needles.

Ge Nie cast the long sword in his hand, and the light of the sword exploded, forming a wave of terrifying air that swept out.

The torrential rain-like cyan light was drawn by the sword light, and instantly rushed towards it like a locust.

However, when these blue lights were attacking backwards, the opponent's figure cleverly passed through these blue lights and appeared in front of Gai Nie.

The palm of the hand clapped out.

It's just that when he shot, Wei Zhuang, who was beside Ge Nie, shot.

The shark-toothed sword in his hand shot out instantly, and the sword light collided with the palm of his hand!
Vigorously flying, Wei Zhuang's figure was slightly shaken back.

The pale young man wanted to rush out.

But at this time.

Ge Nie's sword also arrived.For a while, he was unable to move forward.

Wei Zhuang, who retreated slightly, moved his footsteps, and shot out violently. The long sword in his hand slashed out, with a faint sound of wind and thunder, and slashed towards the pale young man's head, quite fiercely.

When the two join forces, their power not only complements each other, but also doubles their power.

a time.

The three of them clashed fiercely, their vigor raging, and their killing intent shaking the sky.

Seeing this situation, Elder Zong's eyes froze.

Looking at Liu Boyuan, at this moment Liu Boyuan stepped forward and locked on Li Hanqiu with his breath. Li Hanqiu's strength has not recovered, but he has no problem resisting the pressure of Liu Boyuan's breath.

"Master Li, we will help you!"

Wei Dongjun moved and appeared in front of Li Hanqiu.

This is Jinling City, the site of the [Blue Dragon Club], Fu Hongxue dared to leave, Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang still showed up, there must be masters.

He wants to take a gamble, others can't help, but they can help Li Hanqiu.

"Wei Dongjun, I didn't expect you to be ignorant of current affairs."

Liu Boyuan's eyes were cold and fierce, and there was a fierce aura in his body, he didn't hold back at all, he wanted to kill the other party.

As for [Blue Dragon Club] there are no masters, he doesn't care.

Because Elder Song of Bulaotang hasn't made a move yet.

As the elder of the Hall of Immortality, he has an unknown amount of divine blood fused into his body, and the strength that erupts is absolutely powerful.

Liu Boyuan's aura enveloped Wei Dongjun.

Wei Dongjun's face looked very solemn, he just felt like he was being stared at by a terrifying beast, and a strong pressure enveloped his heart.

As soon as his footsteps moved, his breath exploded.


It is better to strike first, raise the palm, and the power of the body explodes, and the terrifying power erupts, and a yellow river figure appears behind him.

This is his aura, hell and hell!

Liu Boyuan erupted with a ferocious beast aura, which was instantly dispersed.

Beside him, Li Hanqiu looked at Wei Dongjun's expression, his eyes narrowed

This Wei Dongjun is ambitious.

"Yellow Spring Earth Palm!"

Wei Dongjun slapped out his palm, and the infuriating energy of Huang Quan swept towards the opponent like a tidal wave.

When Wei Dongjun did it.

Li Hanqiu's figure also moved, raising his palm.

A deadly energy erupted from her palm, forming a cyclone, and cooperated with Wei Dongjun to attack and kill the opponent.

Liu Boyuan's eyes turned cold, his footsteps moved, and his palms were raised, fierce blood gathered in his palms.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind him.

It was an extremely thin old man, and lightning flashed from time to time on this old man.

It was Li Wuxie, the No.12 leader of the [Qinglong Club] who used his body to fight against the thunder before,

(End of this chapter)

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