The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 951 Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, 1 strike combined vertical and horizontal

Chapter 951 Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, one strike combined vertical and horizontal

Liu Boyuan suddenly felt a breath behind him.

With a startled look, he hurriedly turned his head.

But when he turned his head, a palm suddenly appeared above his head.

A golden light radiated from the palm, and there were thunderbolts in the light. A giant Buddha appeared in the thunderbolt, and the palm was lifted and fell towards him.

A sense of extreme danger erupted in his heart.

The fierceness in his body was also stimulated by this danger, his eyes turned red, and his body began to become abnormal.

The upper body robe was shattered, and the exposed skin was covered with dense red hair.

The hair was like steel needles, giving off a cold glow, the face began to change, the original normal teeth also protruded, looking very ferocious, and the arms became thicker, giving people the impression that they were changing towards a ferocious beast.

A low growl came out of his mouth, like the roar of a ferocious beast, deafening.


"This is?"

Seeing this situation, Wei Dongjun and Li Hanqiu's expressions changed, they didn't expect Liu Boyuan to have such a change.

"Is it ferocious beast?"

Li Hanqiu was shocked when he saw this.

"Bulaotang, Beast God Sect, what do they want to do in this world?"

Li Hanqiu couldn't help thinking.

While she was thinking in her heart, Liu Boyuan roared, punched out with his thick palm, his arm convulsed violently, and terrifying power surged out, the air was trembling under this fierce fist, and a thick air burst out The waves moved towards Li Wuxie's palm.

The two forces collided fiercely, and there was a violent roar.

A series of punches spread around the place where their fists collided, and the figures around them kept retreating to avoid being swept by the air waves.


A smile appeared on Li Wuxie's face, and a powerful force suddenly appeared in the falling palm, not one, but several waves of force fluctuations.

Wave after wave poured into the opponent's fist through the palm,

Then, like a tide, it rushed into the opponent's body.

Immediately, that Liu Boyuan's whole body was filled with qi and blood, and he felt as if he was going to be violent, his whole face turned red,

There was a scream from the corner of his mouth, and then the whole person turned into a cloud of blood mist with a bang.

After Li Wuxie resisted the thunder, his strength was further improved.

After beheading Liu Boyuan with one blow, he looked towards one side with cold eyes, and said: "Old guy, I know you are there, come out!"

Hearing this, Li Hanqiu and the others froze.

From Li Wuxie's words, there was another person hiding in the dark.

"Li Wuxie, rumored to be the strongest hall master of the [Blue Dragon Society]!"

After Li Wuxie's voice fell, a figure came out from the shadows, it was Elder Song of the Bulaotang.

When Elder Song came out.

The young man who was fighting against Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, several hidden needles appeared in his hands, they came out quietly, under the moonlight, he couldn't see clearly at all.

Ding Ding Ding!
But it was blocked by a sword, and with a turn of the sword, the several dark needles were instantly pulled towards the pale young man.

Even faster than when it came.

When the dark needle returned, Wei Zhuang approached the opponent like a ghost, and the shark-tooth sword in his hand exploded with full force, the light of the sword flowed, and the sword slashed away like flowing water. Like a sword.

"What a fast sword!"

The pale young man, with his hands folded, kept colliding with the sword light, and his eyes were shining brightly.

But then the killing intent appeared.

A layer of cyan light appeared in the hands, and the light carried the power of corrosion, with a low drink in his mouth,

Aura: Azure Suoying,

After blocking Wei Zhuang's long sword, he slapped his palms with both hands, covering Wei Zhuang in an instant.

The cyan vigor in the palm is like a Changhong.

Seeing this, Wei Zhuang avoided it and stepped back.

It's just that when he retreated, a cyan light appeared in the opponent's eyes, and a cyan light appeared on the whole body.

When the cyan light appeared, his speed of attack instantly increased.

The palm of the shot also instantly changed into a claw.

The energy flowed between the fingers, exuding an icy aura, and grabbed Wei Zhuang's head.

The speed was so fast that only a cyan claw shadow was seen.

Compared to others who choose the power of the beast, he chose the speed. In his mind, as long as the speed is fast enough, he can kill the opponent before others react.

His speed is fast, but not only Wei Zhuang, but Gai Nie,

Gai Nie's figure suddenly approached, and the long sword in his palm was instantly slashed out. The light of the sword was like mercury, and he attacked towards the opponent.

The long sword collided with the claw shadow!
The pale young man's expression changed. He shot so quickly, but was blocked by the opponent's long sword.

"If you want to die first, then I will send you on your way!"

The attack was blocked by the long sword in Ge Nie's hand, the pale young man's face changed and he shouted sharply.

The blue light on his body became brighter and brighter, his figure moved towards Gai Nie, his palms changed into claws, vaguely turned into wolf claws, and he moved towards Gai Nie sharply.

"I'm still in front of you?"

"Across all directions!"

At that moment, Wei Zhuang spoke, and the shark-toothed sword in his hand slashed down with terrifying gravity. This blow showed great strength.

Opening and closing, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and he was not given a chance to leave the battlefield.

Seeing this, the pale young man could only resist.

The palm of the hand collided with the sword energy, and there was a faint shock, and the opponent's sword was very powerful.

I was taken aback.

Suppressed by such force, he was unable to take advantage of his speed for a while.


Just as he was meditating in his heart, all of a sudden Wei Zhuang's sword energy erupted, and all the terrifying power poured into the long sword.

A sword cut out!
This sword is like the Milky Way falling down, with the sword energy of turbulent waves, the pale young man's expression froze. sword.

At this moment, Ge Nie made a move, seizing the opportunity to stab with the long sword in his hand.

Jianguang, momentarily, is like a streamer, giving no chance for people to react at all.

When the palm interlaced with the long sword.

Gai Nie's long sword pierced through the Qi Gang on the opponent's body, and stabbed the opponent's throat with a sword.

But when the opponent's throat was pierced, the opponent's figure retreated violently and let out a low growl. The throat that had been pierced originally began to quickly condense and form scars.

And at this moment, a shadow appeared behind the opponent, it was the shadow of a blue giant wolf, and the giant wolf raised its head to the sky and howled.

Grab it with one claw.

Horror claws emerged.

"Not good, combine vertical and horizontal!"

Gai Nie saw the change in the other party, his eyes froze.

Wei Zhuang moved and appeared beside Gai Nie.

"The hundred-step flying sword traverses all directions!"

At this moment, the two of them launched a joint attack, and the long sword was slashed out, and two dragon shadows, one black and one white, erupted from the long sword.

The roar of the dragon roared, shaking all directions!
The attacking wolf claws were shattered directly, and then roaring and roaring, the dragon shadows staggered and bombarded the huge wolf shadow in an instant.

The wolf shadow was scattered, and a pale young man emerged, his body flew upside down, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

At this moment, Wei Zhuang moved his footsteps, and his body appeared next to the opponent's retreating body. The long sword was cut out, and with a scoff, the opponent's body was split into two.

(End of this chapter)

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