Chapter 961 [Blue Dragon Club], the main character
"Who is this person? Could it be the [Blue Dragon Society] big dragon head?"

Seeing this person, some people secretly guessed in their hearts.

Looking closely at Shen Lang, Shen Lang showed absolute strength as soon as he made a move, and he slapped the person who shot secretly with one hand, causing serious injuries.

"Dragon head, please tell the master, I will leave first through the gate of heaven."

When everyone was shocked by Shen Lang's powerful strength.

Xiao Qiushui who resisted Tianmen suddenly said,

The long sword in his hand smashed the thunder, and he jumped into the gate of heaven.

But what he just said shocked everyone and made them unbelievable.

Master is a kind of respectful title, and it is the title of subordinates to the master.

Xiao Qiushui's display of strength is very strong, it can be seen that such a person is not ordinary to call his master.

And what he said just now revealed another meaning, that is, that person is also the master of the [Blue Dragon Society] Great Dragon Head.

"how can that be?"

Some people were full of disbelief and looked at Tianmen, wanting to confirm Xiao Qiushui's words.

But Xiao Qiushui's figure has disappeared along with Tianmen.

He has just resisted a lot of thunder, and he can't do it without stepping on the gate of heaven.

What's more, there are many restrictions in this world, and he also wants to enter the heavenly gate to practice stronger and improve his own strength.

Martial arts experts have a stronger heart.

The most important thing is that now [Qinglonghui] is strong like a cloud, he can go to the gate of heaven,

Xiao Qiushui's figure disappeared, but the words he left behind made people feel a lot of terror,

"Come on, let's show up together!"

Facing everyone's surprise, Shen Lang seemed very calm.

He can understand Xiao Qiushui leaving this world,

"Show me?"

Hearing Shen Lang's words, the people watching the battle couldn't help but look at me, I look at you,

"I didn't expect the big dragon head of the [Blue Dragon Club] to show up in person!"

While everyone was observing each other, the red-robed man came out. The moment he came out, a drop of blood appeared in his hand, and he shot it into the mouth of the brown-robed man who was severely injured by Shen Lang's palm.

After getting this drop of blood, the man in the brown robe let out a low growl. His chest was shattered by a palm before, and he began to recover, and the blood on his body also rose rapidly.

For a while, the strength on his body also reached its peak.

"In the fifth hall of Xiabulao Hall, the view at the head of the hall is infinite!"

The man in the red robe introduced himself.

"One of the five dignified heads!"

Many people didn't pay attention to its name, but paid attention to one of the fifth dignified names that Jing Wuxian said!

That is to say, there are at least five halls of Bulaotang.

"[Azure Dragon Club] The head of the big dragon, Shen Lang!"

When the other party introduced, Shen Lang also made a formal introduction accordingly.

"Shen Longshou's strength is probably close to that of Huayu?"

Jing Wuxian looked at Shen Lang, and tentatively said,

"It doesn't matter whether you get close or not. The important thing is that you are not old. What you have done recently is a bit too much."

Shen Lang said in a flat voice,

But in this plainness, there is also a breath that makes people feel sharp,

"Shen Longshou, I don't know about this matter, how about stopping here?"

The red-robed youth looked at Shen Lang and said.

Shen Lang had just made a move, and his strength was too strong, causing changes in the surrounding atmosphere.

This Shen Lang's strength has definitely reached the realm of half-step transformation.

He is not an opponent, so he thinks that today's matter will stop here.

"Our [Blue Dragon Club] made a move, how could it end so easily? You guys have repeatedly provoked me [Blue Dragon Club], how can you not pay a price?"

"I think you are a good price for being the head of the hall,"

Shen Lang's voice was flat, but a chill enveloped everyone's hearts.

This is not intending to let the other party leave,

Hearing Shen Lang's words, the red-robed man's expression darkened.

"Shen Lang, you are only one step away from stepping into the domain of transformation, but after all, you are still one step away!"

The man in the red robe said with a cold face,

"It doesn't matter if you are one step away, as long as you can kill you!"

Shen Lang looked at the man in the red robe and said.

"you wanna die!"

At this moment, a drop of blood was swallowed, and the man in the brown robe let out a low growl.

"Shen Lang, just now, I will seek revenge from you!"

The man in the brown robe let out a low growl, and took the lead in killing Shen Lang.


The whole body emits a black evil spirit, and the evil spirit winds around him, emitting a huge breath vibration, and his eyes are not scarlet, but dark, giving people a feeling of coming from hell.

The black true energy condensed in his palm, and in the blink of an eye a black spear was caught in his hand.

Although the spear is condensed with true energy, it looks crystal clear, with a cold light emitting from the tip of the spear, with a gloomy aura,


The body moves with very little energy fluctuation, but the speed is extremely fast, reaching a terrifying level, and it appears in front of Shen Lang in an instant.

The spear shot out violently, and he wanted to use his full strength to strike and kill Shen Lang, the head of the [Blue Dragon Society].

In one hit.

The man in the brown robe felt that this was his strongest blow, because he used all his strength.

Staring at Shen Lang, he believed that Shen Lang couldn't stop his blow at all.

But the next moment, the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

Without dodging or avoiding, Shen Lang raised his palm, patted it lightly, and bombarded the spear.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering sound sounded instantly,

At this moment, the man in the brown robe let out a low voice: "Boom!"

When the palm of Shen Lang touched the black spear, it exploded instantly, forming a wave of terrifying power,

But Shen Lang raised his hand and turned his palm, the explosive power was instantly absorbed by a terrifying suction, forming a vortex, circulating in the center of his palm,

"This level of strength can't do me any harm!"

Shen Lang looked at the zhenqi energy that he was playing with in his hands, and said.

"No, Death Spear!"

Seeing this situation, the man in the brown robe had disbelief in his eyes.

With a low shout, the true energy in his body condensed, and several black spears appeared in front of him in an instant, carrying a breath of death,


These spears shot towards Shen Lang in an instant,

Shen Lang snorted coldly, and the vortex in the raised hand instantly became bigger, and he grabbed those spears with his palm,

Those spears instantly turned into true energy and were absorbed into the vortex,


No harm at all.

The darkness in the long-haired brown eyes became stronger and stronger, and there was an unusual fluctuation in the body, and the power in the body began to rise.

Just when the energy explodes on him,

The energy in Shen Lang's hand turned into a spear in an instant, held in his hand,


Seeing this, the man in red robe immediately spoke out.

But when he lowered his voice, Shen Lang's figure had disappeared and appeared in front of the man in the brown robe
The spear in his hand shot out instantly,

Instantly penetrate the qi and blood of the opponent, and directly insert into the heart of the opponent,

The body was severely injured, and the strength of the man in the brown robe stagnated instantly.

"how is this possible?"

He didn't believe it, raised his hand to grab the spear stuck in his heart,

When he touched the spear,

The spear exploded, forming a wave of terrifying energy pouring into the opponent's body,

Then the body of the man in the brown robe exploded directly.

Turned into a cloud of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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