The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 962 The power of the domain is invincible, powerful beheading

Chapter 962 The power of the domain is invincible, powerful beheading
The people watching the battle from afar gasped and trembled when they saw this situation.

This is too powerful.

kill each other by means of the opponent,

The opponent still can't avoid it.

This is simply beheading the opponent with a backhand.

Although no one knew who the man in the brown robe was, he just said that he was Du Amano's friend,

Being able to be friends with Du Amano shows that the other party's strength is not easy.

But now, Shen Lang, the head of the [Blue Dragon Club], easily solved it with a backhand move.

This undoubtedly shows Shen Lang's strength,

"Isn't it too strong to be displayed in this world? Why is Shen Lang so strong?"

For a moment, some people looked puzzled in their shocked eyes.

Why is there such a big gap between people,

Du Tianye and the red-robed Jing Wuxian changed their expressions, especially Jing Wufei. The man in the brown robe had worked with him for many years and helped him with a lot of things. I didn't expect to be here today.

"Then there are only two left,"

Shen Lang looked at Jing Wuxian and Du Tianye,

"I can give up the black market, what do you think?"

Du Amano looked at Shen Lang and said.

Just now Shen Lang showed that his strength is too strong, he is not an opponent at all, and I am afraid there is no way to escape, so he is going to give up the black market,

"Give up the black market and kill you, the black market is also me [Blue Dragon Society]."


Hearing Shen Lang's words, Du Amano knew that Shen Lang didn't intend to let him leave alive.

His eyes looked towards Jing Wu infinite.

The sound transmission said: "It's not easy for you and me to leave today, he wants us to die!"

"If we want to die, let him die!"

Hearing Du Amano's words, Jing Infinity said harshly,

"This is a drop of divine blood. Brother Amano will surely increase his strength after taking it. At that time, you and I will join forces to break free from Shen Lang's domain."

"His domain is incomplete, as long as his domain is broken, he can be killed,"

When Jing Wuxian was talking, a small bottle appeared in his hand, and he threw it directly to Du Amano.

"Don't worry, we are here this time, mainly to cooperate with you!"

Du Amano took the jade bottle, but he didn't take it immediately, instead a terrifying black devil breath erupted from his body,

Black Demon Blood Saber.

The true energy in his hand was condensed with the long knife, and he cut it out instantly.

But this time, the long sword was cut out, and in an instant, it slowly changed into hundreds of blood-colored long swords, overlapping each other, and slashed towards Shen Lang with overwhelming momentum.

Seeing that Du Amano didn't take the divine blood, Jing Wuxian didn't say what it was.

As soon as he stepped on his footsteps, a terrifying blood erupted from his body, condensing into a sea of ​​blood behind him,

"Boundless sea!"

The blood in the palm erupted to form a terrifying river of blood, which cooperated with Du Tianye's terrifying blood knife, and headed towards Shen Lang.


For a time, blood energy and blood knives ran across the sky and the earth.

Visible to the naked eye, power fluctuations are moving towards the surroundings,

Seeing this scene, Shen Lang's face showed joy. In his previous life, he roamed the rivers and lakes, but after all, he died of old age. He appeared here in this life, and possessed a power even more terrifying than the peak.

He also wants to find a strong man who can match himself to fight,

Although the strength of these two people was weaker than him, they still aroused their interest in making a move.

A long whistle.

The aura burst out from his body, but this aura did not break through Hai Zhongshen, it just stopped at the critical point,

But the momentum on his body kept rising.

The rise of the potential did not cause any Tianmen fluctuations,

palm raised
A fist swing is simply a fist swing.

It looked very slow, but people could clearly see that the fist collided with the falling knife light and blood light,

The space is chaotic, the energy is boiling,

The three forces collided and roared.

As soon as he took the shot, Du Amano's breath trembled suddenly, his whole body was attacked by a terrifying force, he flew upside down, and hit the stone wall again.

Pfft, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The body fell down together with the gravel on the stone wall.

This time, instead of standing, he was half kneeling on the ground.



Tried to speak, but the blood spurted again,

The meridians on the body were shaken and scattered at this moment.

He looked at Shen Lang in horror, he felt that Shen Lang had entered the Transformation Realm,

But he knew that Shen Lang's strength had definitely not stepped into the Transformation Realm.

Tianmen absolutely does not allow such existence.

Because once you reach the transformation domain and don't leave, you will be obliterated, not a simple thunder attack.

Nowadays, the thunder of Tianmen is more of a kind of urging, urging the strong to leave and enter the Tianmen.

"As long as you swallow that drop of divine blood, you will have power above the broken level!"

"Let me show you!"

Just then.

With a twitch between Jing Wuzhi's eyebrows, a terrifying force suddenly exploded in his body. In the blink of an eye, it increased to an unbelievable level, and swept Jing Wuzhi's body like a tide.

When this power increased, his state was still in the stage of concentrating in the sea,

With a blink of his eyes, a flash of red light flashed, and then the breath of the whole body condensed, his figure was like iron, and the air was torn apart when his palms moved.

And behind him appeared the shadow of a blood-colored giant ape.

"You are the divine blood we selected to best match you, I believe you will like it!"

When Jing Wuxian was speaking, he raised his palm, and then grabbed Shen Lang with his backhand in a gesture of supporting the sky.

The movement was clean and neat, but it carried a wave of terrifying power, erupting from it, the blood boiled, and it attacked Shen Lang like a torrent.

"Something interesting!"

The perceived strength of the opponent fluctuates.

"This power fluctuation is vaguely close to the half-step domain, it is very strong, but that's all!"

Shen Lang said softly.

While speaking, Shen Lang's breath began to change.

Originally, he was graceful and gentle, but at this moment, a terrifying aura erupted from Shen Lang.

This breath is not only terrifying, but also domineering.

No. 1 in Gulong Jianghu, although he is a prodigal son and a knight, he is also a strong man who ruled an era.

An aura of terror permeated his body!

The state of his body still has not surpassed the concentration in the sea.

But he has already comprehended 【Domain】.

[Field] Cooperate with one's own aura to infinitely increase the aura of one's body.

And this breath also carries the power of the domain.

"Quick! If you don't want to die, go to Tianye!"

Sensing the power that Shen Lang erupted, Na Jing infinitely growled immediately.

He had a feeling in his heart that the shadow of the giant ape behind him couldn't stop Shen Lang's aura,

Hearing Jing Wuxian's words, Du Amano's eyes froze, and he swallowed the blood in the bottle in one gulp.

Just then.

He let out a low growl, and the black demon energy on his body continued to rise, and the previous injuries on his body recovered instantly.


With a low growl, the shadow of a black python appeared behind him.

The shadow of the giant python is extremely gloomy, exuding billowing devilish energy, and the coldness in the devilish energy is permeating, and the gravels around him are instantly frozen under the coldness

(End of this chapter)

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