The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 969 Voting Certificate, Yuantian Huanji Chunchou's Appreciation

Chapter 969 Voting Certificate, Yuantian Huanji Chunchou's Appreciation
Inn, not far away.

Tianfei Yan Ruxue was standing on a mound.

"Ji Chunchou is on the move!"

Ying Wuxie appeared behind Tianfei, and said.

"Ji Chunchou made a move? So soon?"

Tianfei frowned slightly.

"Tianfei, Ji Chunchou is very cunning, he rarely shows up, and keeps hiding himself in the dark. I don't quite believe that he would strike so easily."

Ying Wuxie said.

A person who hides his identity so deeply will not do anything rashly.

"Maybe it was Xue Pingsheng who gave the order, or maybe it wasn't Ji Chunchou who made the move."

Tianfei said in a low voice.

"Then shall we help?"

Ying Wuxie said.

"No, we still need to gather strength to deal with Yuan Tianhuan at night."

Tianfei said.

"Concubine Tian, ​​Yuan Tianhuan was a commander-level figure next to Emperor Zhou back then, and he was able to fight against the Demon Capital without losing a dozen moves. He has been in the south of the Yangtze River for Emperor Zhou these years, and his strength is probably more terrifying than Murong Tiannan. If we attack and kill him head-on, we may suffer heavy losses!"

Ying Wuxie said.

To destroy Murong's family and kill Murong Tiannan, it took a lot of methods to win the opponent.

And Yuan Tianhuan and the others didn't have any plans, so if they wanted to take Yuan Tianhuan down, they would have to pay a high price if they took a direct action.

"When Su Chen left, that sentence told us to kill Yuan Tianhuan,"

"This is a nomination certificate. If we do it, I believe it will be recognized by Su Chen!"

"Now this world is no longer the world of the Demon Sect. We, the Demon Sect, want to obtain more resources, rise again, and resurrect the Demon Lord. We simply cannot do it by ourselves!"

Tianfei said.

"Concubine Di contacted Dugu in South China Sea for me before she died, can't we get in touch?"

Shadow has no evil ways.

"It's not that I can't, but Dugu has a lot of influence behind me. I'm afraid that if we go in, we will only become pawns!"

Tianfei said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Ying Wuxie fell silent.

"Go and pay attention to the situation over there, and write down any details. I'll go back first!"

After Tianfei finished speaking, she turned and left,

Ying Wuxie's figure also quickly disappeared,


Su Chen blasted one person with a punch, his face recovered, and his aura quickly recovered, without any signs of being poisoned or injured.

Seeing this, the hearts of the three swordsmen trembled.

"No, I've been fooled!"

The three of them retreated violently, but how could Yuan Suiyun do what they wanted, the soft sword on his waist instantly.

"Can you go?"

During the speech, murderous intent was like a tide, and the sword light shot out violently, forming a terrifying blade storm.

The three of them looked at each other, the aura on their bodies erupted, and all three gods rushed out, enveloping Yuan Suiyun.

If the other party didn't give them a chance to leave, they could only kill Yuan Suiyun first.

Slashing out the long sword in his hand, matching his divine power, the sword energy has the potential to overwhelm mountains and rivers, colliding with Yuan Suiyun's sword light.

The sword energy raged, sweeping towards the surroundings, forming a wave of air.Shatter all surrounding trees.

Yuan Suiyun's body was shaken back by this sword, and his footsteps made deep holes in the ground.

Although Yuan Suiyun absorbed the blood of ancient bats, his temporary strength is more reflected in speed and reaction,

The concentration of true qi and the strength of the physical body have not been greatly improved for the time being.

The figure retreated, making Yuan Suiyun's complexion ugly.

"The true energy in his body is not too strong, I will block him, you go and kill that Su Chen!"

One of them spoke up.

The two figures quickly separated and appeared in front of Su Chen.

"You're sure, he can handle it!"

When the two appeared in front of Su Chen, Su Chen spoke.


Hearing this, the expressions of the two people changed.

Looking towards Yuan Suiyun,

When they looked, Yuan Suiyun moved and disappeared before their eyes.

None of them saw how Yuan Suiyun disappeared.

When they see Yuan Suiyun's figure again.

Yuan Suiyun's figure had penetrated the opponent and stood behind him.

The person who spoke to them just now was still standing there.

Turn around and look behind Yuan Suiyun.

"How can you be so fast!"

There was disbelief in his words.

After saying these words, a sword energy appeared on the chest, and the sword energy burst, and blood spurted out from the whole person's chest, and then fell to the ground.

"Since he's dead, you should die too!"

When these two people were horrified, a low voice rang in their ears.

A terrifying violent breath erupted from Su Chen's body.

Accompanied by the violent breath, his body began to change, like a terrifying beast.


Hearing Su Chen's words, the two people who were close to Su Chen shouted at the same time, and attacked and killed Su Chen, and the power of terror erupted from the two of them.

"Although I didn't step into the sea to concentrate, but your aura? It's like garbage in my eyes."

Su Chen snorted coldly.


The energy and blood in his body boiled, and the terrifying blood energy was like a frenzy, shaking the world, and the divine power that enveloped him was reduced to ashes in a blink of an eye.

Punch out.

It's a simple punch, but it's full of horrific vigor and blood and a palpitating violent aura
The strength of the fist collided with the sword light of the two.

The sword light exploded instantly, and in the bursting sword light, Su Chen's fist directly hit one of them.

The energy in this person's body was shattered, his chest was sunken, and his eyeballs were bumpy.


punched through the chest,

Then Su Chen swung his arm and directly hit another person's body.

The other person let out a scream, his body was violently thrown out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

It hit the ground, and the long sword in his hand fell aside.

He looked at Su Chen in horror.

The opponent had just shattered his momentum with violent energy and blood.


What is he trying to say?
When he was about to speak, Su Chen moved his footsteps, and the ground under his feet made a booming sound, and Su Chen's figure disappeared in place amidst the sound.

The next moment, Su Chen appeared in front of the opponent with astonishing energy and blood. The blood energy in the fist condensed, forming a terrifying heat wave, and punched out.

Terrifying blood fell down like a fierce tiger bathed in blood.

The person let out a low growl in this situation, and punched out with all his strength.

The sound of a huge explosion swept out where their fists collided,

Amidst the explosion, there was a scream.

Then the vigor disappeared,

The opponent's arm and half of his body turned into a cloud of blood mist, and his whole body twitched on the ground, and he couldn't breathe after a few strokes.

the other party

The eyes of those who fought against Black and White Xuanjian were fixed.

He didn't expect that while he was entangled with Black and White Xuanjian, his subordinates didn't kill Su Chen.

The fist in his hand collided with the black and white Xuanjian long sword, making a rumbling sound, and then the two retreated.

He looked at Su Chen.

"It's really surprising that Su Shaolong's head has such a strong strength!"

"Hidden enough!"

Low voice, some appreciation!
(End of this chapter)

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