The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 970 Twin brothers, the gods can be merged, and the sword demon appears

Chapter 970 Twin brothers, the gods can be merged, and the sword demon appears

"Whose do you belong to?"

Su Chen looked at the other party and said.

Although I knew from Concubine Tian that the other party might be Ji Chunchou, one of the four chief envoys in the south of the Yangtze River, Su Chen still wanted to confirm who this person was.

"Su Shaolong, do you think I will tell you?"

The voice of the visitor seemed very calm.

"I just want to confirm who I killed."

"After all, when a person dies, he must leave a name."

Su Chen looked at the other party and said.

"Name, to me, is not important, but according to Su Shaolong's head, he is sure to keep me."

Regarding Su Chen's words, the tone of the person opposite was flat.

"It's not that you are sure, but that you must die here."

"The head of the Demon Sect who attacked me in the inn just now was killed by me with a single knife, and his body is still in the inn. You will lie here like him."

Su Chen looked at each other.

And when it comes to the head of the magic door, he really wants to see the reaction of the other party when he hears the head of the magic door.

Hear it!

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the masked man.

"Su Shaolong, you are really an expert in acting!"

"It's just that I'm a little curious as to why Su Shaolong didn't kill Concubine Tian."

The masked man looked at Su Chen and said.

He seemed to guess something in his tone.

"Extreme spring sorrow!"

When the other party was talking, Su Chen suddenly spoke the other party's name.

The person wearing the mask focused his eyes: "I didn't expect you to know who I am?"

"It seems that Su Shaolong and Concubine Tian worked together to lure me into this game."

The tone became gloomy and cold.

The exposed eyes also became deep.

The robe on his body fluttered, and the aura emanating from his body was several times stronger than before.

He had just played against Black and White Xuanjian, but the opponent did not show his full strength.

"Shenshi: The poor family of heaven and earth!"

Ji Chunchou let out a low cry, bursting out with his own momentum.

The cold air condensed, and a huge white phantom portal appeared behind him. The portal opened wide, and endless cold air gushed out from the white phantom.

For a moment, the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.


Seeing this phenomenon, Su Chen's eyes moved slightly.

The other party actually condensed his divine power to such an extent. Of course, this cold air had no effect on Su Chen at all.

Because Su Chen's left arm was absorbing the cold air pouring into his body.

"I didn't expect your divine power to reach this level!"

Su Chen said in surprise.


"Heaven and Earth Frost Fist!"

Just as Su Chen was speaking, Ji Chunchou punched out suddenly.

The terrifying chill condensed on his fist and attacked Su Chen.


At this moment, Black and White Xuanjian let out a low shout, his power exploded, and a terrifying shadow appeared to resist the huge cold door.

The two swords in his hand cut out with one sword.

Two sword qi erupted, turned into shadows and collided with the attacking fist.

Black and white Xuanjian's figure was shaken back by the opponent's fist.

But at this time.

Yuan Suiyun's figure appeared, and stabbed out with the long sword in his hand. The sword light was swift, and the sword pierced the opponent's fist.

First he was resisted by Black and White Xuanjian, and then he encountered Yuan Suiyun's sword.

His palm was shattered by sword energy.


Ji Chunchou's complexion changed, his figure moved, he pushed forward, and continued to punch out the fists in his hand.

Yuan Suiyun's sword energy was instantly shattered under the opponent's fist.

The body was also shaken by the opponent's remaining punch, and the frost was all over the blade.

This is Ji Chunchou's true strength.

Su Chen, who was at the side, did not change his expression.

He has seen the strength of Sima Changhen, Lei Buhui, etc., and this Ji Chunchou will definitely not be weaker than the other three, and it is normal to have such strength.

"It seems that you are not surprised by my strength?"

"Do you have a backup?"

Ji Chunchou looked at Su Chen and said.

"I've seen all the four chief envoys of the Tianjian Division except you. I know their strength. You and them are the four chief envoys. How can you be weak?"

Su Chen looked at the other party and said.

"Xuanming 24 punches!"

When Su Chen finished speaking, the cold air gathered on Ji Chunchou's body and poured into his fist.

Instant punching, punching speed is very fast.

Black and white Xuanjian and Yuan Suiyun's aura erupted, and the long sword in their hands slashed out, colliding with the rushing fist.

Sword light, sword energy, fist strength, and cold air all mixed together.

For a while, the air wave raged.

Cover up the surroundings.

Just when the surrounding Qi machines were covered.

Suddenly a figure similar to Ji Chunchou appeared behind Su Chen, raised his hand and punched out.

At this moment, Su Chen, a terrifying force of energy and blood appeared all over his body, and a figure of a demon ape appeared on Su Chen's body. With a low growl, he clenched his left hand into a fist, and punched out.


The two fists collided.

Su Chen's figure was shaken by the punch and he retreated dozens of steps before he stabilized his figure, but a layer of ice appeared on his fist, and the ice moved towards his entire arm.

"My Xuanming cold poison will invade your heart along your arm!"

A deep voice came from the mouth of the person who appeared.

"You are Ji Chunchou, isn't that person?"

Hearing this, Su Chen asked with a change in his eyes.

"Why can't Ji Chunchou be two people, he is also me!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the visitor spoke.

"Is that so?"

"That means, all of you have come together!"

A smile appeared on Su Chen's face, the ice on his arm melted quickly, and the cold air flowed into his arm.

Seeing this, the person who appeared showed shock in his eyes.

Su Chen's arm not only absorbed the cold air from his attack, but also faintly revealed a wave of dark air.

Su Chen's arm is not simple.

"It's been a long time since I used my arm strength!"

Su Chen said calmly.

His left arm was replaced with a unicorn arm a long time ago, and it was still ice-type.

These cold air and ice are nourishment for him.

"Join us!"

Seeing this, the person who appeared gave a low shout.

The people who fought against Black and White Xuanjian and Yuan Suiyun before moved and merged together!
"Su Shaolong's head really surprised us, but I forgot to tell you that the two of us are both extremely sad, and that's because we are twin brothers!"

"Not only are we twin brothers, but we also practice the same kind of exercise, called Xuanming Tianhan Jue, with the same power!"

"The two of us have a combo called Ice Age, I wonder if you can stop it,"

When the voice fell, the power of the two of them exploded.

Two portal phantoms that also emitted cold air emerged behind them.


The two gave a low shout, and the two phantoms of cold air merged together in an instant.

Suddenly the surrounding world began to change.

They seemed to have entered an extremely cold place in an instant.

Su Chen's eyes were fixed, and a sense of danger appeared in his heart, black and white Xuan Jian and Yuan Suiyun gathered in front of Su Chen.

Their expressions are also extremely dignified.

"Something interesting!"

Just as the two of them merged and were about to make a move, a voice came out.

Then a figure came out from the darkness, holding a very ordinary long sword in his hand, walking forward slowly, his figure was not affected by the surrounding cold air at all.

(End of this chapter)

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