Chapter 983 Kill the Venerable, Destroy the Station
One time
The scene was silent, and the people who followed were overwhelmed by the bloody scene, and no one dared to step forward for a while.

Shangguan Jinhong continued to march forward
"You all back down!"

At this moment, two figures appeared, it was the venerable Xu Qingshan and Mrs. Qingwen, they came hand in hand, seeing the blood on the scene and the corpse, their faces were extremely gloomy.

"I've seen His Majesty, I've seen Mrs. Qingwen!"

The rest of the people in the valley immediately saluted the two of them.

"[Blue Dragon Club]?"

Mrs. Qingwen looked at Shangguan Jinhong and asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, I'm from the [Azure Dragon Club], I'm here to kill you today!"

Shangguan Jinhong's tone was very flat, and when he spoke, there was boundless arrogance on his body.

In his last life, Shangguan Jin Hong established the Money Gang and dominated the rivers and lakes. He was a generation of heroes and died under Li Xunhuan's throwing knife in his last life.

He was very unwilling.

After arriving in this world.

His strength is not very strong, and his improvement speed is fast, but he is not a strong man in this world.

Now he has all of Wu Ming's skills, not only his skills, but also his aptitude, his understanding of martial arts.

Let Shangguan Jinhong's strength reach the broken level.

And with Wu Ming's talent for martial arts, he is sorting out his own martial arts and wants to improve it further.


Xu Qingshan's eyes were cold and his face was furious.

Mrs. Qingwen, who was beside him, saw this, her face changed, she stepped forward, and said angrily: "[Qinglonghui] You are so presumptuous, you dare to come here to be presumptuous if you kill me Dazhou Jiangnan Town Fusi Yuan Tianhuan .”

"Kill you today!"

A purple light flashed in Mrs. Qingwen's eyes.

The light moved towards Shangguan Jinhong.


"Tips for carving insects!"

Shangguan Jinhong snorted coldly, and the light was instantly scattered.


It's just that when the purple light was shattered, Mrs. Qingwen flew into the air and slapped her palm.

The terrifying energy in the palm exploded, and the breath was huge.

When clapping the palm of your hand.

Her aura erupted.

The posture is pink, and graceful figures emerge behind her, making people feel like they are sinking into it.

Shangguan Jinhong's eyes blurred.

Seeing this, Mrs. Qingwen had a hideous look on her face.

"No matter how strong you are, you will still die in front of my mother!"

The palm dropped and turned into a claw, and grabbed Shangguan Jinhong's head.

She wanted to take off Shangguan Jinhong's head.

"Careful, he doesn't!"

At this time, Xu Qingshan opened his mouth and said.

Just when he makes his voice.

Shangguan Jin Hong suddenly opened his eyes, and also stretched out his palm.

This palm is very fast.

Reaching the speed of post-attack, he slapped Mrs. Qingwen's body in an instant.

Mrs. Qingwen's figure was directly sent flying upside down by this palm, hitting the ground not far away.


A mouthful of blood spurted out,

The figure wants to stand up.

But the moment she stood up, her expression changed.

There was a surge of true energy in her body.

"Verun Xu, save me!"

Seeing this, Mrs. Qingwen immediately yelled at Xu Qingshan.

When her voice came out, her body exploded directly.

Seeing this situation, Xu Qingshan's expression froze, and he looked at Shangguan Jinhong.

"Your strength is beyond my expectation, but you can't get out of this valley today!"

When Xu Qingshan spoke, a bloody aura appeared on his body,

Under this bloody breath.

There was a crackling sound from all his muscles and bones, his whole body began to rise, his body also became burly, and his clothes were shattered.

A looming figure of a giant python emerged from his body, entwined around his body, with huge teeth and fierce eyes.

The blood boiled, and with the ferocious giant python, the flames were fierce for a while.

"This seat, Tianjiansi, Xu Qingshan, one of the eight great venerables!"

"Eight Venerables, it seems that there are eight people like you in the Tianjian Division. It's just a pity that you sent people to kill Shaolongshou. No matter how many Venerables there are, the result will be the same?"

"Let me help Shaolongshou today and charge a little interest!"

Shangguan Jinhong looked at the aura of the other party and said in a cold voice.

At this moment Shangguan Jin Hong's aura erupted, and terrifying aura surged out of him.


Xu Qingshan roared and punched out.

Fist, a blood-colored giant python appeared on top of his fist, the fist was as strong as a python, and it walked towards Shangguan Jinhong with a bloody mouth.

Shangguan Jin Hong also punched out.

It's just that the moment he punched, the figure of dragon and phoenix appeared in the fist.

He didn't use the dragon and phoenix golden ring, but he absorbed Wu Ming's cultivation and learned a lot, so he integrated the dragon and phoenix golden ring into his fist.

The same can play terror power,

The giant python collided with the dragon and phoenix, making an explosive sound, and then dissipated.


Xu Qingshan looked at this situation with fixed eyes.

If the opponent makes a random move, his blow will be shattered.

At this time, Shangguan Jin Hong gave a low shout.

The breath on his body changed, and a terrifying demonic energy condensed on him, and a terrifying ghostly shadow appeared on his body.

"Heavenly Demon True Body Art, no, not Heavenly Demon True Body Art!"

Seeing the change of energy in Shangguan Jinhong's body, Xu Qingshan's expression changed.

Because there is a golden aura in this demonic energy.

Su Chen put some of the exercises he got on the trading platform, and Shangguan Jinhong received the Heavenly Demon True Body Art.

With Wu Ming's aptitude, he has a quick comprehension ability.

Integrating this Heavenly Demon True Body Art into one's own Qi, that's why such a breath change occurred.

"True Demon Seven Kills!"

This time Shangguan Jinhong made a move,

Raising the palm, he slapped seven palms in a row in an instant, and the seven palm images united together, erupting with terrifying power and heading towards Xu Qingshan.


Xu Qingshan sensed the horror of this force, let out a low growl, and the blood in his body quickly gathered.

As soon as he stepped on his footsteps and slapped his palm, blood burst out immediately, heading towards the shadow of the palm.

The palms of the two sides collided, and Xu Qingshan was shocked to take a few steps back.

After a few steps, Xu Qingshan stomped on the ground, and his body shot out at an extremely fast speed.

Shangguan Jinhong's eyes were fixed, and he slapped out with a palm.

But when the opponent's body was approaching him, it suddenly turned around, like a ghost, appeared on Shangguan Jinhong's side, and slapped Shangguan Jinhong sideways with a palm at an extremely fast speed.

And a layer of blood-colored air flow appeared above the palm, and the air flow condensed to form blood-colored scales.

Shangguan Jin Hong hurriedly slapped it out.

But the palm strength collided with the opponent's palm and was directly penetrated.

Shangguan Jinhong's eyes froze, his palms turned, and his wrists collided with the opponent's palms.

There was a sound of metal colliding.

On Shangguan Jinhong's wrist, the dragon and phoenix golden ring was wearing.

The robe was broken to reveal the golden ring of dragon and phoenix.

When the dragon and phoenix golden ring were exposed, Shangguan Jin Hong stepped back, and the golden ring in his hand suddenly spun out, shooting violently towards the surroundings.


The people watching the battle, together with the buildings, suddenly burst into flames.

He didn't want people to know that he was Shangguan Jinhong.

For a moment, the surrounding area became flat.

"It seems that you are very afraid of revealing your golden ring!"

Xu Qingshan looked at Shangguan Jin Hong and said.

"Kill you, destroy this valley, who will know?"

Shangguan Jinhong rushed forward, bursting out with terrifying aura, on the other side Xu Qingshan's eyes were scarlet, his figure shot out violently, his fists blasted out like thunder, carrying a terrifying bloody aura, followed Shangguan Jin Hong shook hard.

The two intertwined, the momentum is frightening.

After several collisions, the two people were shaken, and they retreated to one place. Both of them looked ugly, and blood flowed out from where their palms met.

Both of them didn't use the power that surpassed the concentration of the sea, so there was no winner for a while.

"The power of concentration in the sea, it is difficult for you and me to kill each other, why not let go of the battle!"

At this time, Shangguan Jinhong let out a low shout, and the aura on his body rose, and in a blink of an eye, he surpassed Haizhong Concentration.

A phantom appeared above the Tianmen.

Seeing the phantom of Tianmen emerge, Xu Qingshan's eyes turned cold, and his palms were imprinted, and a bloody rune appeared in the valley, and the runes appeared to cover the sky and the earth.

For a moment, the phantom of Tianmen disappeared.

The aura on Xu Qingshan's body also skyrocketed, surpassing the concentration level in the sea in a blink of an eye.

"Avatar of the blood python!"

A domineering and extremely bloody aura erupted from Xu Qingshan's body, his five fingers clenched into a fist, and the blood was rolling on the fist, and his whole body seemed to be carrying a sea of ​​blood. Inside the sea of ​​blood, a huge blood python emerged.

Terrible power erupted from him, visible to the naked eye towards Shangguan Jinhong
Shangguan Jinhong's aura was also pervasive, black demonic energy gathered, the original golden aura also turned black, and the golden ring in his palm also turned black under the infusion of his true energy.

Black dragon, black phoenix intertwined.

For a moment, the magic dragon and the magic phoenix danced.

Two forces collide in the valley,

Then the two shot at the same time.

The double-ring magic dragon and phoenix soar into the sky, and the blood python soars fiercely into the sky!
The two forces collided.

Then a deep voice broke out amidst the attacks of the two.

For a while, the energy was raging, and it was impossible to see the situation of the fight.

After the explosion energy passed, two figures appeared, Xu Qingshan's face was extremely ugly, his body was a little unstable, and there was a blood hole in his chest.

His eyes were looking at the bloody hole in his chest, which was pierced by the dragon and phoenix golden ring.

Then he looked at Shangguan Jinhong, the robe on Shangguan Jinhong's body was shattered, and his expression was a little pale
The eyes are extremely bright.

Shangguan Jinhong's figure flashed out like lightning, and appeared in front of Xu Qingshan, clapping his palm on the opponent's chest.

The terrifying suction erupted, and the blood and true energy of the opponent quickly rushed towards Shangguan Jinhong's palm.

"The devil's head technique? Are you from the devil's sect?"

Xu Qingshan is now powerless to resist, and can only let Shangguan Jinhong absorb it.

"Momen, it has nothing to do with us, they are not worthy to be compared with me [Blue Dragon Society] at all!"

The suction power of Shangguan Jinhong's palm increased.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Qingshan's breath disappeared.

At this moment.

The sound of screams echoed in the valley, and some people who did not show up were beheaded by Jing Wuming.

If you make a move, you can't leave anyone alive.

in a while,

Jing Wuming appeared in front of Shangguan Jinhong.

"Guild Master, the most important thing here is Heisha. In the magic pool on the other side of the valley, there are 30 people who have mastered the method of control. Only Xu Qingshan knows it."

Jing Wuming came to report.

"Go and search for it, I'll look it up on him!"

Shangguan Jin Hong heard the words and said.

(End of this chapter)

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