Chapter 984 Xue Pingsheng, the Devil's Head

in the imperial city.

Murong Qingchen looked at the report in front of him, his expression froze,

[Qinglonghui] made a move. As soon as he made a move, he destroyed a secret stronghold outside the city of Tianjiansi.

This stronghold is also the stronghold where Xu Qingshan, one of the eight venerables of the Tianjian Division, sits in charge. .

According to the data, this person's strength is higher than that of Hai Zhongshen, and he is the third-ranked existence among the eight great venerables.

Not only is the qi and blood strong, but the cultivation method is not simple.

Moreover, there are more secret methods in the resident, which can cover the method of Tianmen.

Such a master is dead.

Moreover, there is no one alive in the entire station,

It can be seen that the strength of the person who made the shot is definitely above the concentration in the sea.

"The [Blue Dragon Club] is really revengeful, but I don't know how many people they have come."

Murong Qingchen's eyes froze.

"This [Azure Dragon Society] not only wiped out the garrison, but also took away [-] Heisha, which is a big deal, maybe this is the reason for me to see my father."

Murong Qingchen thought.

She has been looking for opportunities to meet Emperor Zhou,

However, he has been stopped all the time, and now Xu Qingshan, who ranks third among the eight venerables of Jiangnan Town Fusi Yuan Tianhuan and Tianjiansi, also died at the hands of the [Qinglonghui].

With such an opportunity, she should be able to meet Emperor Zhou.

Just then.

A figure came out from outside.

"Your Highness, the chief executive, Ling Cheng, has disappeared, and everyone who has been in contact with him recently has also disappeared without a trace."

Someone came to report.

Hearing this, Murong Qingchen's expression changed.

Ling Cheng is one of the three chief eunuchs, and like Xue Pingsheng, he can go to see Emperor Zhou,

Of course, it was Eunuch Cai who was always by Emperor Zhou's side, but Eunuch Cai was in the underground palace and could not be contacted.

The three chief eunuchs are in charge, and the other one is Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao is practicing in seclusion, and he has not seen anyone for the time being.

Murong Qingchen originally wanted to meet Emperor Zhou through Lingcheng, but now Lingcheng has disappeared.

"Could it be the handwriting of the [Blue Dragon Club]?"

"People from the [Blue Dragon Society] appeared in the palace? How is this possible?"

Murong Qingchen frowned slightly, completely disbelieving in her heart.

"Investigate the whereabouts of Chief Ling!"

Murong Qingchen ordered.

"Your Highness!"

At this moment, Xue Pingsheng walked in from the hall.

"Master Xue, come to my place, what's the matter?"

Now Murong Qingchen has no respect for Xue Pingsheng, and his voice is very flat.

"The stronghold outside the city of the Tianjian Division was destroyed, and Venerable Xu was killed. The other party's actions were a bit too rampant. I hope that this matter will be handed over to His Highness, and we must find out whoever did it."

Xue Pingsheng said.

"Master Xue, this incident was done by [Azure Dragon Society], why not explain it?"

"This should be one of the [Blue Dragon Club's] means of revenge,"

"I think this is an order issued by Director Xue from your side, so it is still up to Director Xue to complete it, not to mention that I have more than enough heart but not enough power."

"I only controlled a small number of people in the Tianjian Division. These people collided with the [Blue Dragon Society], and they were going to die. I don't want people to die in vain."

Murong Qingchen shook his head and said.

"The remaining seven of the eight great venerables form a union. Your Highness Murong, you can command them!"

"It is up to you, Your Highness, to deal with the [Blue Dragon Society]. Your Highness is fully responsible for this matter."

"That's not what I meant, it's what His Majesty meant!"

Xue Pingsheng looked at Murong Qingchen and said.

"Master Xue said it was my father's order, so can I meet my father? The death of Xu Zun, who ranks third among the Eight Great Masters of the Tianjian Division, is a big matter. I think my father should meet me!"

Murong said lightly.

"Your Highness, to tell you the truth, His Majesty is cultivating the body of an evil dragon to gather the hostility of the world. Now it has reached a critical juncture. It is not the old slave who does not want His Highness to go to see His Majesty, but His Majesty is afraid that His Highness will disturb and affect his cultivation!"

Xue Pingsheng said.

"What, the body of an evil dragon, the hostility of the world, what did you say?"

Murong Qingchen's expression froze when he heard Xue Pingsheng's words, and asked in a deep voice.

"The hostility in the world, the changes in the rivers and lakes, the killing, the hostility, the killing atmosphere permeates the whole week, which is the basis of the cultivation of the body of the evil dragon."

"Your Highness must understand what I said!"

Xue Pingsheng looked at Murong Qingchen and said.

a time.

Murong Qingchen's expression was dull, she already understood.

Today's changes in the world are all caused by her father.

"This, I don't believe it!"

"I'm going to see my father."

Murong said lightly.

"I have conveyed His Majesty's order. If His Majesty does not implement it, I am afraid that I will not be able to command the Eight Great Masters in the future."

"And Your Highness, after today, I will be in seclusion for a few days, and I will not deal with the matter of Tianjiansi for the time being."

Xue Pingsheng glanced at Murong Qingchen, turned and left,

Seeing Xue Pingsheng leave, Murong Qingchen's expression changed.

Xue Pingsheng's last words just now, she understood that this is an opportunity to lead the Eight Great Masters, if missed, there will be no more.

"How did things become like this? And what is the purpose of your retreat at this time?"

Murong Qingchen didn't understand Xue Pingsheng's purpose of doing this,

"If this is the case, I'm afraid there will be major changes in the world. If the prince leaves the capital to guard one side, there may be problems."

"I have to tell the fourth brother to avoid accidents."

Murong Qingchen didn't think about the matters of the Eight Great Venerables, but immediately thought about the safety of the Fourth Prince Liu Long.

Another place.

Xue Pingsheng returned to his palace,

Step into a secret room.

Cross-legged on a bed of icy jade, a gust of cold current poured into his body.

"Do you want to suppress me? But you can't suppress me. I am you and you are me."

A voice echoed in Xue Pingsheng's mind.

"Wrong, I am Xue Pingsheng and I am Xue Pingsheng, and you are the evil spirit of the devil, and I am not one with me!"

"My consciousness is only controlled by you!"

Xue Pingsheng's tone was low

"I didn't control your consciousness, I just acted according to your heart. If your consciousness is controlled by me, wouldn't Emperor Zhou find it?"

"Your Majesty Zhou Emperor's strength, you know best!"

A deep voice came out of Xue Pingsheng's mind.

"You have done so many things, I can't even notice, isn't this control?"

Xue Pingsheng continued.

The two communicate as if they were friends.

"Didn't you notice it? If you didn't notice it, how could you take this opportunity to submit the other seven venerables to Murong Qingchen?"

"Your loyalty to Emperor Zhou has not yet been wiped out."

There was a sigh in that voice.

"How could my loyalty to His Majesty, Xue Ping, change!"

"Demon Chief, aren't you also taking advantage of my loyalty to His Majesty to influence and control my consciousness and do your things?"

Xue Pingsheng continued.

"Unfortunately, you are too slow to understand, the world is out of control now, chaos is about to break out, and no one can stop it!"

The voice in Xue Pingsheng's head said.

"Yes, although the rivers and lakes of the world are already in an uncontrollable state, your majesty's body of the evil dragon is about to be completed. The real dragon and the evil dragon will be combined into one body. Your majesty will step into the gate of heaven. If you can realize your ambition, my goal will be achieved. gone."

Xue Pingsheng's tone was very calm.

"Hmm! I didn't expect it to be like this. I'm using you, and you're also using me. Xue Pingsheng is indeed Xue Pingsheng."

"It really surprised me!"

There was a hint of surprise in the voice in his head.

But then the voice changed: "No, it's not that I'm scheming against you, but you are scheming against me, and the scheming is not now, but back then, when I was severely injured by Emperor Zhou, you secretly attacked and killed me, and made me Magic thoughts, enter your body!"

"At that time, you were plotting against me!"

The voice in my head was full of surprise and anger.

(End of this chapter)

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