Chapter 112 The more difficult machine room!

"Hey, Brother Teng, are you there too?"

"Brother Teng, what level has the Thousand Machine Room rushed to?"


The crowd surrounded Wei Ran and walked towards the thousand-machine room, and then saw Wang Teng who was resting at the door of one of the thousand-machine rooms, and couldn't help saying hello.

And ask how his grades are?

How many points have you earned?
Everyone didn't mean to laugh at Wang Teng, but Wang Teng still felt very harsh and uncomfortable when he heard these words.

He snorted coldly and said, "What does this have to do with you? If you have nothing to do, you can just go in and rush in."

Seeing that Wang Teng's temper was a bit grumpy, the people who asked the question earlier smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

Others can also understand Wang Teng's thoughts.

Originally, Wang Teng was planning to come to the training room to break through and earn points, so that he could reach the first place in the standings.

The result was good, although he was getting closer to Chen Fan.

But it also ushered in a lifelong enemy, who rushed seven times in the gravity room!
But Wang Teng himself can only hold on for ten minutes under four times the gravity.

Under such contrast and pressure, it's no wonder he has a good temper.

Wei Ran glanced at Wang Teng, then bypassed him, and walked to another thousand machine room.

He didn't know Wang Teng, and the people around him didn't say that he was ranked second in the standings. Of course, he didn't know the background of the other party.

And even if he knew that Wang Teng was second in the standings, it had nothing to do with him.

"Damn it, you're so arrogant, you don't even say hello to me, just ignore me..."

Wang Teng was ignored by Wei Ran, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

It feels like Wei Ran doesn't know how to respect seniors at all.

But if he really wanted to scold Wei Ran, he was a little afraid, so he could only curse in his heart.

Wei Ran didn't know what Wang Teng was thinking. He came to the door of another machine room and found that there were test requirements written on it.

"You can't use black weapons to assist, you can only dodge with your body instinct. After being hit by objects, you will fail a certain number of times. You can only challenge twice in each level!"

Wei Ran then looked at the reward mechanism again.

Pass the first level of the Thousand Machines Room with the cultivation base of Tongmai Realm, and reward [-] points.

One thousand points will be rewarded for passing the first level of the Thousand Machines Room with the marrow washing level cultivation base.

In the case of Bing Yunjing, there are only [-] points.

Then every time you pass a level, the reward for the next level is doubled.

"Two thousand, four thousand, eight thousand, sixteen thousand..."

Wei Ran whispered silently: "Is the fourth level only rewarding so many points? It doesn't feel as good as the gravity room."

But think about it, the gravity room is definitely more dangerous than this thousand-machine room, and it is also more difficult to persist. It is normal to have more rewards.

After that, Wei Ran took off all kinds of mysterious weapons on his body and put them into the space ring.

Then he took out his identity card, swiped it on the device, and ten points were deducted.

Entering the training rooms such as the gravity room and the thousand machine room, each time you get ten points.

However, unlike the Gravity Room, where you can use it however you want after spending ten points, the Thousand Machines Room only has two chances to challenge after entering the first level, and if you fail, it's over.

If you want to continue, you have to spend another ten points to challenge.

Don't look at it like this, it seems that the gravity room is more advantageous.

But not necessarily.

Some people enter the gravity room for cultivation, but within ten seconds they can't hold it, and they have to get out immediately.

The points can be spent faster.


After the points are deducted, the door of the machine room opens automatically.

Wei Ran went straight into it.

The gate then closed.

Seeing this, the group of people who followed Wei Ran also moved over to find a good position to see how Wei Ran would break through.

When Wang Teng saw this, he pondered for a while, and followed him to have a look.

He thought to himself, this kid Wei Ran seems to have two brushes, he can take a look at his breakthrough skills, and maybe he can learn from his breakthrough skills later.

In this way, he might be able to charge further.

The people who were squeezed away by Wang Teng were a little dissatisfied when they saw this, but they didn't dare to say anything when they saw that it was Wang Teng.

And in the thousand machine room.

Wei Ran also pressed the mechanism button at this moment.

"call out!"

"Puff puff……"

In an instant, in every corner of the room, many small balls like marbles appeared everywhere, shooting towards Wei Ran.

The small ball was fast and dense, if an ordinary person came in, he would probably be smashed into a sieve on the spot.

It was also Wei Ran's first time accepting such a challenge, and he was a little startled when he saw it, but then he relaxed again.

Because under his mental induction, the speed of these small balls is very slow, and the speed is actually inconsistent, he can avoid it calmly.

Therefore, everyone outside Qianji Room saw that Wei Ran suddenly closed his eyes when he was accepting the challenge.


"What is Wei Ge doing? Just give up?"

"It shouldn't be... Maybe it's making it more difficult for yourself?"

"It's awesome. Although the first level of the Thousand Machines Room is easier than the later ones, it is actually very difficult. Especially for those who enter the level for the first time, they often fail more than a dozen times due to inexperience! Brother Wei actually How dare you increase the difficulty for yourself!"


Seeing that Wei Ran closed his eyes, everyone was amazed.

But Wang Teng curled his lips in disdain, feeling that this guy was just grandstanding.

Can't you take a good challenge?
What's the point of insisting on this set?
If you have the ability, you can continue to close your eyes to increase the difficulty when you get to the fourth and fifth levels?


"Bang bang..."

In the thousand machine room, Wei Ran closed his eyes to let the mental power spread around his body better.

Immediately afterwards, the first batch of dozens of small balls "slowly" hit him, and his body turned slightly to the side, directly avoiding the attack of these dozens of balls.

Then, he leaned forward again, avoiding the attack of the second batch of dozens of small balls.

Wei Ran's body turned lightly a few times, and in an instant, all of them avoided the attacks of these small balls, causing them to bombard the ground in the corner of the wall...

"Di Di!"

Wei Ran successfully passed the first level.

Received a reward of [-] points.

"Ah, it passed without injury!"

"Still pass with eyes closed!"

"It's the first time to challenge the Thousand Machine Room!"

"As expected of my Brother Wei, you are awesome!"

Everyone outside Qianji Room saw that Wei Ran passed the first challenge of Qianji Room so easily, they couldn't help being stunned, and then continued to marvel and praise.

They thought it was Wei Ran's first challenge to the Thousand Machines Room, not to mention how many times he would fail, right?At least it will be attacked by the small ball a few times.

However, as long as you haven't been attacked ten times in the first level of the Thousand Machines Room, you are still qualified, so Wei Ran has no problem passing it.

But they never expected that Wei Ran would be able to pass without injury when he challenged the Thousand Machine Room for the first time.

This is outrageous!
It made them a little suspicious, had Wei Ran challenged a similar training room before?
Otherwise, it shouldn't be so easy!

Inside the machine room.

Wei Ran saw that the first level was over.

He slowly opened his eyes, feeling quite simple.

If that's the case, he should be able to earn nearly [-] points in the machine room, right?

Wei Ran then pressed the mechanism again to enter the second level.

"Puff puff……"

All of a sudden, all kinds of small balls shot towards Wei Ran from various corners, completely blocked.

And the number has also skyrocketed compared to the first level.

Wei Ran just counted the small round balls in the first level, and there are eighty-eight of them.

And the number of small balls in the second level reached [-], directly doubling.

At the same time, there were some slight piercing sounds, and Wei Ran realized with his mental power that they were sharp needles!

This is too dangerous, right?
However, he is still under his mental control.

Wei Ran turned sideways, bent over, and jumped lightly, dodging the more than two hundred hidden weapons in the second level.

Still passed without injury!

"Di Di..."

Four thousand points have been credited to the account.

Without opening his eyes, Wei Ran pressed the trigger again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

This time, in the third level, all kinds of sharp needles were shot at him, which was dangerous and frightening.

At the same time, there are layers of snares enveloping him.

If this is covered, there is no way to dodge it.

"Sure enough, with mental strength alone, it is still impossible to pass through the machine room directly. This is mainly a test of speed, agility and responsiveness!"

Wei Ran no longer had the attitude of contempt just now, and he began to take the challenge in the thousand machine room seriously.


Wei Ran found an opportunity, and caught a few sharp needles, and then threw them out with a shake of his hand when dodging more sharp needles.

Hit those snares directly, brought them out, and nailed them to the wall.



Then, Wei Ran knew that it was impossible to completely avoid these dense hidden weapon attacks by simply dodging, so he directly grabbed the sharp needles, counterattacked them with his backhand, and blocked the attacking sharp needles with collisions!

"Fuck? Can it still be like this?"

"It's awesome, this counterattack is really awesome!"

"This speed and responsiveness are too strong. If it were me, I knew it would be feasible, but I couldn't do it either!"

"Yeah, my brain feels like I have learned it, but my hands don't listen..."

The group of people standing outside the Qianji Room couldn't help being dumbfounded when they saw that Wei Ran had snatched the sharp needle to touch each other to resist the attack.

Immediately afterwards, all of them exclaimed in amazement.

And Wang Teng, seeing Wei Ran's unique skill, was also ecstatic, which gave him a lot of inspiration.

It feels like there is still such an operation?

He suddenly wanted to attack the thousand machine room again.

However, he eventually resisted the urge.

He also wanted to see how Wei Ran continued to pass the level, and would there be other tricks that he could learn from?

If he ran to continue to pass the level now and missed the opportunity, it would be a loss.

"Ding dong!"

The last few sharp needles fell to the ground, Wei Ran panted slightly, and finally passed the third level without injury.

"Di Di!"

Mingka received [-] points again.

Wei Ran didn't rush to start the next level this time, but took a break first, and then started to replay the level just now, to see if there were any mistakes, and can it be improved better?
Rest for about ten minutes.

Wei Ran let out a long breath, then pressed the switch, and started the thousand machine room of the fourth level.


As soon as the mechanism was activated, a rain of sharp needles shot towards Wei Ran in an instant, and the number exceeded several thousand at least.

At the same time, there are still layers of snares coming towards Wei Ran, the number is several times more than that of the third pass.

More importantly, the material of these snares is not the ordinary cloth of the previous level, but woven with refined iron wire.

At the same time, the ground under Wei Ran's feet also subsided slightly.

But it didn't all collapse.

Instead, as if it were listed as a nine-square grid, three random lands collapsed for a while, and a whole row of three lands collapsed for a while.

The difficulty of dodging the sharp needle attack suddenly increased dozens of times!
(End of this chapter)

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