All People Casting Soldiers: Create a Resurrection Armor at the beginning

Chapter 113 Scar of the Wind, Subtle Body Technique!

Chapter 113 Scar of the Wind, Subtle Body Technique!

"Damn it, is the fourth level of the Thousand Mechanism Room so difficult?"

"Nimma, you are so perverted, how did you pass this?"


Seeing the ground collapse, thousands of flying needles flew towards Wei Ran from every corner, and there were one after another barbed wire covering them, everyone stared dumbfounded.

They have never seen anyone successfully break through the fourth level of the Thousand Machines Room. Today, seeing Wei Ran successfully break through, they understand how difficult it is.

When they thought that if they were in it, they would be directly covered by barbed wire, and then shot into hedgehogs by the dense flying needles, and then buried directly in the ground collapse, they all shivered and shuddered.

Wang Teng also did not expect that these four levels would be so terrifying.

While his scalp was numb, he also stared at Wei Ran without blinking, not daring to relax for a moment, to see how Wei Ran would respond.


Wei Ran was in a desperate situation, but he didn't panic at all. With a sudden shout, he began to dodge the flying needles in an orderly manner, and grabbed a handful of flying needles, reflecting back and hitting more flying needles.

Then, he found an opportunity in the chaos, avoided the first iron net, took it over, and threw it aside!

The iron net seemed light, but it was very heavy. When it was thrown into the sinking mechanism, it was immediately stuck and stuck, so that the ground mechanism that would have been randomly sinking was directly stuck.

So, Wei Ran didn't need to worry about the ground subsidence anymore, and started to quickly dodge the flying needles, and at the same time catch the iron net and throw the flying needles...

Time passed slowly.

It wasn't until a minute passed that the fourth level finally ended.

At this time, the floor and walls of the Thousand Machine Room were in a mess, all filled with flying needles and filled with holes.

The ground collapsed in three places, but was stuck by layers of iron nets.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

Wei Ran successfully passed the fourth pass, but also felt very tired.

This fatigue is not physical, but mental.

In order to be able to pass this level, he was so focused just now that he did not dare to relax at all, constantly analyzing and analyzing how to choose to dodge more effectively.


A light beep sounded, and the point reward arrived again.

This time, it was [-] points.

"I'm envious, I've earned [-] points in less than half an hour."

"Hey, for geniuses, earning points is always easy, but for us, it will take years to earn [-] points!"

"Now that the room has become such a mess, how do we open the next level?"

"There is no need to worry about this. The reason why the Thousand Machine Room is called the Thousand Machine Room is because there are many organs in it. Even if it is severely damaged during the clearance process, it will change the walls and floors to look brand new."

"Well, it is said that the walls and floors are also made of special materials, even if they are riddled with holes, they will slowly recover on their own..."


After everyone's discussion, they saw that there was a crackling sound in the room where Wei Ran was located, and then a wall was pushed forward, and then turned over again.

Immediately, the wall took on a new look, without dense holes or flying needles sticking to it.

At the same time, the other three walls began to be replaced.

In the end, even the ceiling and floor will be flipped and replaced automatically.

In just a moment, the whole machine room became empty, clean and tidy again.

There is no more flying needles, iron nets, and those small balls at the beginning...

"It's quite interesting..."

Seeing this, Wei Ran whispered to himself.

He thought that after the attack of flying needles and iron nets in the fourth level, and the collapsed floor was stuck, he would need someone to come in and clean it up before starting the fifth level.

I didn't expect that this machine room could change the walls and floors independently.

It saves time and trouble.

"Di Di..."

At this time, there was a soft beep, and then, a burst of electronic synthesis sounded in the thousand machine room.

"Starting from the fifth level, the challenge in the Room of Thousand Machines will become very dangerous. We have found a mentor for you to take charge of your safety. Please start the challenge later."

Hearing this, Wei Ran was quite surprised. He didn't expect that after the fifth pass, the Qianji Room would ask a teacher to be responsible for safety?
However, after thinking about the situation in the fourth level, Wei Ran felt that it was quite reasonable.

The fourth level is already very dangerous.

Once covered by the iron net, and then tripped by the collapse of the floor, what awaits the challenger is the ruthless Sister Rong's critical strike!

This is very dangerous. In fact, someone should be responsible for safety.

But maybe there's something wrong with those flying needles?Or for some reason, no one is responsible for safety.

Wei Ran couldn't figure it out, and didn't think too much about it. Anyway, he had successfully passed the fourth level.

Soon, a teacher came over and said, "I'll be in charge of the safety of the next challenge in the Thousand Machine Room."

Hearing this, Wei Ran looked out and couldn't help being startled.

This teacher is the one who was in charge of the gravity room just now.

The teacher saw Wei Ran's surprise, and explained with a smile: "There is no one in the gravity room to challenge, so I will come over to take care of the problems in the thousand machine room on your side."


Wei Ran nodded, "Teacher, please."

The teacher also nodded and reminded: "You can start when you are ready. When you encounter danger, I will help you close it in time!"


Wei Ran nodded, then pressed the button.

Opened the fifth level of the Thousand Machine Room.

However, after turning on the mechanism, Wei Ran and the onlookers did not see the scary scenes of shooting needles all over the sky or machine guns rattling as Wei Ran and the onlookers thought.

It was very quiet, nothing happened.

"Is the mechanism broken?"

"Still planning to kill?"

"Or the fifth level, it will actually be very simple?"

"It shouldn't be easy. They sent the teacher here. Maybe it was done on purpose, to torture people's nerves? Make you dare not relax your vigilance."

Everyone guessed, and they didn't know how to challenge the fifth level.


At this moment, a laser beam shot towards Wei Ran from the corner of the wall.

Incredibly fast.


Wei Ran was always vigilant, and did not relax his nerves. As soon as he felt something was wrong, he immediately dodged.

Avoided this laser sweep.

Then, before Wei Ran could react, seven or eight laser beams shot at him from every corner.

Almost all the space he could dodge was blocked.

This time, Wei Ran couldn't go a few more levels, he could catch the flying needle and solve the problem with a broken weapon.

Facing this kind of laser, how dare he grab it with his hands?

'Don't rush, there is still a way...'

Wei Ran felt the extreme danger and tension, and his heart beat faster, but he didn't want to give up just like that.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and he thought that the main challenges of this machine room were speed, agility, and responsiveness.

Speed, agility, this can be seen as agility.

However, it seems that he hasn't learned any agility from Xuanbing?
No, it seems that there are...

At that time, in the first level of the welcome party for freshmen, he once forged a black weapon.

Bamboo Dragonfly.

Then I realized a magical power from it.

Wind Scar: With the power of the wind, the attack speed can be increased by 10% and the movement speed can be increased by 20%.

The power of the wind?

Breath of the wind!

The track of the wind...

Wei Ran thought silently, closed his eyes again, and began to comprehend the flow of the wind silently...

When he realized this supernatural power, he also tried to use it.

The cast was a success.

But he feels that the speed of the increase is not as much as the 20% introduced, it is only about 5% and 7%...

At that time, he felt that maybe he was not proficient in this supernatural power, right?
So it didn't improve that much.

But now facing a difficult situation, Wei Ran suddenly realized that it should be because he has not found the real trick.

Integrate yourself into the wind and follow the flow of the wind, then you should be able to maximize it!
And it's hard for him to avoid this wave of laser fire, so let's try the effect of Wind Scar?
Wei Ran quietly closed his eyes, feeling the flow of wind in Qianji's room.

Immediately afterwards, when the seven or eight lasers were about to shoot at him, making the teacher couldn't help but want to close the machine room, Wei Ran finally moved.

His figure was like a cloud of green smoke, and also like a wisp of breeze, unexpectedly, at the critical moment, he got out directly through a little gap surrounded by lasers.

Safe and sound.

Light and light like a butterfly flying among the flowers.


"How did he do it?"

"The laser is about to hit him, but he can still escape?"

The people watching outside were stunned when they saw that Wei Ran successfully avoided the laser fire.

An unbelievable exclamation came.

Even Wang Teng's pupils shrank suddenly, full of shock and disbelief.

"Agility at the micro level!"

"This is a subtle agility!"

Wang Teng couldn't help murmuring in a low voice, looking at Wei Ran like a monster.

The micro-level agility means the control of the body and strength has reached an extremely subtle level.

You can use the smallest cost to make all kinds of the most exquisite postures to dodge attacks, all kinds of movements and dodges, it's like going through crazy calculations by top computers.

But it is very difficult to step into this kind of physical state.

It is often the instinctive reaction made by others in the process of surviving near death, which makes people break through!
And this kind of movement, Wang Teng himself could not master it.

Unexpectedly, Wei Ran not only did not exit in embarrassment when accepting the fifth level of the Thousand Machine Room, but also comprehended the micro-level movement skills...


The teacher also saw Wei Ran's evasion method, nodded slightly, and praised with a smile.

Stopped the action that was going to close the mechanism!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In the thousand-machine room, various laser beams shot out from various corners, rushing towards Wei Ran.

But Wei Ran felt unprecedentedly wonderful at this moment. He felt a great change. At this moment, his whole body seemed to melt into the wind, and his body became extremely light, as if there was no gravity.

Let him easily avoid the impact of these lasers.

But after a while, with a beep, there was no more laser shooting in the machine room.

The fifth level is over.

(End of this chapter)

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