Xuanhuan: Unparalleled Prince, Conquer the Heavens!

Chapter 195 Fighting the Four Sides

Chapter 195
"See Your Majesty!"

After entering the imperial study room, Dong Zhongshu bowed his hands and saluted. He was wearing a gray Confucian robe, and his jet-black hair was combed neatly in a bun and wrapped in an exquisite jade crown, exuding a scholarly temperament.

The most brilliant thing is his eyes, which are full of light of wisdom, as if nothing in the world can escape his eyes.

"Decree, enshrine Dong Zhongshu as Daqin's enshrinement, and enjoy second-rank treatment!"

Qin Wudao ordered that for the time being, Dong Zhongshu would be given a vacant post, and no real power in the court would be arranged.

"My lord, thank you Your Majesty!"

Dong Zhongshu, as the proposer of the "Three Cardinal Guidelines and Five Constant Principles", naturally obeyed the king's will and readily accepted the order.

At this point, the great power of Confucianism has officially entered the stage of the Great Qin God Court!
He will shine brightly and play an irreplaceable role in the future!

Three days later, the evil spirits outside the imperial capital rose to the skies, and five armies galloped in, shattering the white clouds in the sky and dissipating the chirping of insects in midsummer.

"It seems that everything has been rewarded!"

Qin Wudao, who was holding a court meeting in the emperor's palace, looked up to the outside of the city, and after careful sensing, he showed a slight smile.

As the Lord of the Divine Court, he can observe what is happening in every corner of Daqin through luck.

Under his induction, the strength of the 'Four Divine Beast Army' and the 'Beiwei Army' has generally increased by three levels, and ordinary soldiers at the lowest level have all reached the state of law.

Those with excellent talents have already broken through the nirvana state and reached the sixth turn of nirvana!

The strength of the Great Qin Army can be expected in the future!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Master Wang is back!"

Standing at the head of all officials, Zhuge Liang congratulated with a smile on his face.

The courtiers who were still guessing what Qin Wudao said, after hearing Zhuge Liang's words, no matter whether they understood or not, they all bowed their hands and saluted: "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The atmosphere in the Emperor's Palace also became relaxed and festive at this moment.

"Prime Minister, have you completed the task I entrusted to you?"

Qin Wudao raised his hand, his face regained his majesty, and asked Zhuge Liang.

"Return to Your Majesty, it has been completed!"

Zhuge Liang nodded.

"It seems that Zhao Yun and the others don't have to go back to the court for the time being!"

Qin Wudao's aura suddenly became sharper, like a sharp sword, trying to kill all directions, the mighty voice echoed for thousands of miles around: "Decree, the 'Beiwei Army' will go south and occupy the Ten Thousand Islands Domain , the 'Four Divine Beast Army' sent troops to the northwest to attack the Sand Scorpions!"

The 'Four Divine Beast Army' and the 'Beiwei Army' who were marching stopped at the same time after hearing the order, with a strong fighting spirit on their faces.

This time they attacked the Great Light Domain and swept all the way, and the enemies they encountered barely resisted, so they didn't have the best time.

There is a flame of war burning in everyone's heart!

"The end will follow the order!"

Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Bai Qi, Wang Jian, and Yue Fei got off their horses and knelt down on one knee.

The two armies marched in a hurry again, with evil spirits above their heads, and the sky was full of blood!
Soldiers are extremely fast, and the two armies arrived at the border in just one day, taking a break and formulating a battle plan.

The lion fights the rabbit, and use all your strength!
The generals of the two armies have experienced hundreds of battles, so they naturally understand this superficial truth. Even if the enemy's holy king falls and their morale is low, they will not underestimate the enemy in the slightest.

When the Qin army was discussing, the Sand Scorpion Clan, Hai Clan, and Qunxianzong all received information about the invasion of the Great Qin, and the high-level officials hurriedly gathered to discuss countermeasures.

Sand Scorpions!
After the fall of the Sand Scorpion King, they had lost the desire to expand, and only wanted to guard the seven realms and recuperate.

"Everyone, Great Qin invaded, what should we do?"

In the desert palace, all the saints and elders of the Sand Scorpion clan gathered together, and their faces were full of worry.

"Daqin is powerful, and there are holy kings and strongmen, I suggest going back underground!"

Scorpion Shadow said in a deep voice.

The atmosphere in the hall became dull, and it was not easy to retreat underground. It took the Sand Scorpions hundreds of thousands of years to get from the underground to the ground, so how long will it take to retreat this time?
million years?
or longer?

Compared with the dark, dead, and resource-poor underground world, who would want to leave after living on the ground?
"I don't agree, even if it is death, this elder will never go back to the ground!" An elder immediately retorted.

"Then are you sure you can resist the invasion of the Great Qin Court?"

"This... is not sure! But with the strength of Daqin Shenting, even if we escape underground, they will still have a way to chase us!"

"That's better than staying!"

Many elders commented that no one would obey anyone.

"Everyone, I have a suggestion, why don't we surrender!"

When everyone was arguing, a younger elder suggested in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell silent for an instant, but soon, they were constantly refuted by everyone.

"No, we are noble alien races, how can we join the human race?"

"It's absolutely impossible. To seek refuge in the human race is to betray our ancestors. You must know that there is a bloody enmity between us and the human race!"

"That's right, I'd rather choose to retreat underground than join the human race..."

From the standpoint of the ethnic group, the elders of the Sand Scorpion clan are surprisingly unified. Except for the young elder who just spoke, the attitude of the rest is extremely firm.

Life and death!
Humiliation and honor!
They would rather die standing with honor than live in humiliation!

Looking at the three thousand realms of the entire primitive continent, there are very few foreign races who have taken refuge in the human race, but there are countless human races colluding with foreign races, like crucian carp crossing the river.

"It's impossible to go back to the dark underground, and it's even more impossible to surrender, so we have to do it!"

shouted a grumpy elder.

After he finished speaking, surprisingly no one objected, and all the elders acquiesced!
Let's fight!

Follow the honor and fight to the death!

Sea clan!

Like the Sand Scorpions, all the elders gathered and had a heated discussion. Some decided to migrate to the deep sea, while others decided to fight desperately.

But no one chose to surrender!

"Enough is enough. This elder has decided to desperately resist the invasion of the Daqin God Court, but the ethnic group cannot be cut off, so I have to choose two elders to take the clan's arrogance away and preserve the blood!"

After deliberating for a long time, the elder sitting at the top made a final decision. This time, no one objected.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I agree……"

This is probably the best way, because migrating to the deep sea will pass through the Kraken territory, a group of ignorant and powerful races that occupy the depths of the sea and become a no-man's forbidden zone.

Migration is also a death, it is better to stay and fight to the death, and buy time for the arrogance of the ethnic group to escape.


Compared with the other races, there were completely different voices within the Immortal Sect. Most of the elders decided to surrender.

After all, the Immortal Sect is also a human force, and it does not involve racial issues, and there is no concern in surrendering.

"This group of old bastards have no position!"

Wan Hongfei, who was sitting on the throne, had a gloomy expression and cursed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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