Chapter 196 Annihilation
After Wanlihai fell, with the support of many elders, Wan Hongfei became the new suzerain of Qunxianzong. He looked glamorous, but in reality he was just a puppet.

The power of the sect is almost completely in the hands of the elders!
"Sovereign, it's war or peace, make up your mind!"

When there was a stalemate, the Great Elder asked Wan Hongfei, and when he turned around, he winked.

He is a typical bullying and fearing the hardliner, advocating surrender and surviving!

"This is a big matter, I hope the suzerain will put the dignity of warriors and the honor of the sect as the most important thing! Besides, the old suzerain also died in the hands of Daqin Shenting!"

The second elder of the Eagle Faction said in a deep voice, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"There is a deep hatred between Qunxianzong and Daqin Shenting. This sect has decided to fight to the death!"

Wan Hongfei didn't want to surrender either. The revenge of killing his father was irreconcilable. As Wan Lihai's heir, how could he surrender to the Great Qin Court.

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

The Eagle faction elders headed by the Second Elder roared loudly with an astonishing fighting spirit.

"Hmph, you will regret it!"

The Great Elder's face was gloomy, he flicked his sleeves, turned and left.

The elders belonging to his faction also left, leaving the hall empty.



Two loud killing sounds traveled through endless time and space, resonating silently.

The 'Four Divine Beast Army' and the 'Beiwei Army' launched their attacks almost at the same time, attacking the city and breaking through all the way, directly attacking the enemy's lair.

In the desert sand sea, the blood is raging, turning this yellow world into blood, the sound of killing is loud, there are fighting sounds, the sound of weapons colliding, and screams.
"Rainstorm Pear Blossom!"

Wearing silver armor, Zhao Yun rode a white horse and swung his spear quickly, forming dense shadows of spears all over his body.

In the next breath, all the soldiers of the Sand Scorpion tribe were killed in the Qianzhang area centered on him, their stumps were splashed, and blood gushed out, turning the yellow sand into bloody sand.

"The power of gods and demons!"

Lu Bu was wrapped in black light, and Fang Tian's painted halberd fell, and the halberd energy generated cut off the soldiers of the Sand Scorpion who rushed over.

"Blood Fiend Sword!"

Holding the battle sword, Bai Qi killed people step by step. Every time he took out the sword, he would take away a soldier of the Sand Scorpion tribe. Wherever he went, it was like entering and exiting a land without people.

"Sword of Meteor Slaughter!"

Wang Jian is more unrestrained, with sword flowers wrapping around his body, blooming in the killing, producing countless blood flowers, the beauty in an instant, the beauty is thrilling.

The four of them, who are like gods and demons, are like taboos on the battlefield.

Here hell exists in the world.


Xie Ying, who was supervising the battle in the rear, raised his head and roared, making a shrill sound, heartbroken, and left two lines of blood and tears.

After this battle, the elite of the ethnic group was lost!

In a trance, it has seen the time when the group is destroyed!

After being angry, sad, and resentful, the scorpion shadow waved its pincers, broke through the air, and rushed into the battlefield.


The desert sand sea became even darker because of the blood light!


"Array, charge!"

Outside Qunxian Island, Yue Fei raised his battle gun and ordered loudly.

The [-] 'Beiwei Army' quickly lined up, with blood glistening on their bodies, and a terrifying aura blooming, forming a terrifying gun aura above their heads. The endless gun aura flickered, astonishing time and space.

The gun air pierced the air like a comet hitting the moon, hitting the formation outside the Immortal Island, tearing apart the formation that existed for thousands of years with the momentum of destroying everything.

The terrifying aftermath set off thousands of feet of sea waves, covering the sky and covering the sun. Countless marine creatures died tragically, and their bodies floated on the sea surface.


The group of disciples of the Immortal Sect who formed the formation spurted a mouthful of blood at the same time, their breath was weak, and they collapsed to the ground.

Wan Hongfei stood on the steps in front of the main hall, clenched his fists and stared at Yue Fei.

"Sovereign, you retreat quickly!"

Behind him stood five gray-robed men with terrifying auras, all of whom had reached the peak of the Holy Realm.

They are all descendants cultivated by Wanlihai. They do not serve the Immortal Sect, but only loyal to the Wan Clan. They have never been revealed in front of outsiders, so that the elders of the sect do not know their existence.

"Are you asking Benzong to give up his father's inheritance?"

Wan Hongfei said unwillingly.

"Sovereign, keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood! The old suzerain also hopes that you will live well and not be dragged down by the group of immortal sects, and until now, the great elders have not appeared, I am afraid they have given up on the sect!"

A black and gray man spoke earnestly, with an anxious expression on his face. Now that the enemy has broken through the formation, he can drive straight in immediately. Once surrounded, it will be dangerous at that time.

"No, this sect wants to stay!"

Wan Hongfei is also stubborn, unwilling to leave.

In desperation, the five gray-robed men looked at each other and nodded imperceptibly.

One of the men in gray robes, with lightning speed, used his hand as a knife, and slashed at Wan Hongfei's neck.


Wan Hongfei was slightly startled, his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

"Come on!"

The five grabbed Wan Hongfei, cast secret techniques, concealed the aura on his body, and fled into the distance. After a while, he disappeared.

Their speed is so fast that even Yue Fei didn't notice it, so it can be said that they are seamless.

But it didn't escape a single person's attention!
"Jie Jie, another statue with a special physique, it's better to catch prey in the Eastern Ancient Region!"

In the dark void, a man in black robe was hidden, and after a strange laugh, he followed Wan Hongfei far behind.

"Hoo hoo, no one is chasing me, let's rest for a while!"

Ten minutes later, the five gray-robed men slowed down, put Wan Hongfei down, and gasped for breath. Although the secret technique they used could hide breath, it needed to consume a lot of spiritual energy.

"Don't worry, you will be able to rest forever soon!"

Just as the five of them breathed a sigh of relief, the man in black robe who followed appeared out of thin air, and with a wave of his right hand, he grabbed Wan Hongfei in his hand.

"Stop, let go of the suzerain!"

The five gray-robed men were shocked, their eyes flickered fiercely, and they immediately launched an attack.


The man in black sneered, spit out a word lightly, and did not launch an attack.

Boom boom boom...

The bodies of the five gray-robed men froze, the divine light in their eyes diverged, their bodies swelled rapidly, and exploded suddenly.

At the same time, the good corpses, evil corpses, and obsessive corpses of the five gray-robed men scattered all over the world, all exploded and died, and the dead could not die anymore.

One word!

Completely kill the five holy powerhouses!
If there were outsiders around, they would definitely be so scared that their hairs would stand on end.

"Boy, it's your blessing to join the Eternal Life Pavilion! Of course, it's also my blessing!"

The man in black carried Wan Hongfei, muttered to himself, and flew towards the middle of the primitive continent.

Who is he?
Its identity is ready to be revealed!
"Strange, why didn't you see Wan Hongfei?"

In the Immortal Sect, Yue Fei stood in the sea of ​​corpses, frowning slightly.

In this attack, Wan Hongfei was the biggest target and the one who must be killed!

(End of this chapter)

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