Xuanhuan: Unparalleled Prince, Conquer the Heavens!

Chapter 403 Elimination of the Clan Hierarchy

Chapter 403 Elimination of the Clan Hierarchy
Chidori Daoyu!

In the Xiong Clan, after receiving the news, Xiong Xuekun's face became stiff and his hands trembled uncontrollably. He never dreamed that the imperial court really wanted to eliminate the clan hierarchy.

"Patriarch, run away!"

"Then damn Qin Wudao, he wants to kill us!"

Several elders dissuaded them, changed the clothes with the Xiong clan emblem tattooed on them, and looked like they were running away.

They are well aware of Daqin's strength, so they have never thought of rebelling. Now they just want to escape from Daqin Sacred Court and save their lives.

"Yes, run for your life as soon as possible!"

Xiong Xuekun came to his senses, packed his things in a hurry, changed his clothes, and prepared to take his son-in-law to flee for his life.

"Your Majesty has ordered that the patriarch and elders of the Xiong Clan be sentenced to death. You should stay!"

Just when the few people were about to leave, the void suddenly split open, and two masked men in black armor and holding scimitars walked out, riding war horses on their hips.

With the appearance of the two, the sky of the Xiong clan dimmed and a crescent moon appeared.

The sun and the moon shine together!

Yanyun Eighteen Riders!
"Run away!"

Xiong Xuekun's pupils shrank sharply, his hairs stood on end, he yelled at his son-in-law, then pulled out his sword and flew towards the sky.

The red sword light shone across the sky, with a trace of determination and remorse!
The meaning of the sword is the heart!
At this moment, Xiong Xuekun began to regret, he shouldn't be endlessly greedy, and finally ruined his family and himself.

He knew that facing two members of Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry who possessed the imperial realm, he had no possibility of escape, and he only hoped that his son could survive.

"Young Master, hurry up!"

Several elders escorted the boy and fled in a hurry.

The poor patriarch of the Xiong clan was taken away by the elder before he could speak.

Young Patriarch of the Xiong Clan: "Woo~ let me go, I don't have to run away. The imperial decree only says to execute the patriarch and elders, not including me."

Seeing the prisoner fleeing, the two Yanyun eighteen cavalrymen split into two groups, one of them pulled the reins, turned into a black light, and went away through the air.


Xiong Xuekun soared into the air with surging sword intent, condensed two sword qi, cut through the void, and successfully stopped the two Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry.


Yanyun Shibaqi squinted his eyes, and his indifferent voice was blown towards the sky by the long wind, drowning in murderous intent.

Two crescent moon swords pierced the air, and the snow-white blades were covered with a layer of blood, as if blood was flowing, heralding the coming of killing.

Above the nine heavens, the bright moon shines with a thousand zhangs of light.

The pale moonlight shone brighter than the sun, but the temperature revealed was incomparably cold, and even the wind in the void turned into a biting cold wind.

Countless white saber auras spread from behind Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry to the sky, covering the universe and emitting ear-piercing sword cries.

It seems that the whole world is only left with sword energy!
"Savage bear and mad sword!"

Xiong Xuekun yelled loudly, and his spiritual energy circulated to the extreme, condensing a red sword energy, which was mixed with terrifying brute force.

The void around the sword energy collapsed in pieces!



The two Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry began to charge, the sound of horseshoes falling in the void, making a dull sound, and waving the scimitar in their hands high.

clang clang clang.
The sword energy behind the two also charged forward, like the Milky Way flying down from the nine heavens, about to submerge everything.

Xiong Xuekun gritted his teeth, swung out his sword energy, and faced the monstrous sea of ​​swords.

Unsurprisingly, Xiong Xuekun was no match for Yanyun Shibaqi at all, and the sword qi broke every inch as soon as it came into contact with the sea of ​​swords.

After dispelling the sword energy, the sea of ​​swords continued to flow, and finally drowned Xiong Xuekun!
Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry stopped charging, and the sword aura all over the sky dissipated. At the same time, Xiong Xuekun, the ambitious and domineering patriarch of the Xiong clan, finally ended up with no bones left.

"Quick! Follow up and surround the Xiong clan!"

At this time, a blood cloud floated in the distance, and there was a hurried voice.

The sound of horseshoes, from far to near.

The two Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry looked at each other, and rode their horses towards the direction where Elder Xiong was escaping. The speed was so fast that the naked eye could not see it.

A moment later, an army of 10 people appeared at the gate of the Xiong family, and the leader of the army was Song Jiang.

"Your Majesty has an order to kill the senior members of the Xiong Clan and confiscate all property in the clan!"

Song Jiang drew out his sword and ordered coldly.

Armed with weapons, the Hundred Thousand Clan rushed into the Xiong Clan arbitrarily, slaughtered the senior members of the Xiong Clan, and brought out a large number of treasures, which were piled up at the gate like a hill.

During this process, it was not that no one resisted, but without exception, they were all killed.

The sounds of begging for mercy, roaring, screaming, and cursing echoed in the Wanzai building, silently telling the desolation of a clan.

Thousands of miles away, on a flat official road.

Two Yanyun [-]th riders raised their swords and fell, several huge human heads fell to the ground, blood gushing out, staining the green willows on both sides red.

Among them, the young patriarch of the Xiong clan was also included!

A scene like this happened to more than 2 clans in the territory of the Daqin Holy Court. The Liangshan Legion was like a tiger descending the mountain, raising the butcher's knife, killing people's heads rolling, blood flowing into rivers, and killing people.

Thousands of miles of clear sky, covered with a curtain of blood!
In just one day, hundreds of millions of clan children became ordinary people and migrated to other places one after another under the supervision of the government.

A few days later, outside the Great Wall, in the quicksand of the desert, a bloody land attracted countless vultures to circle around.

Xiang Yu led the army and lined up neatly. Everyone's body was stained with blood, and in front of them were tens of thousands of corpses.

In the middle of the corpse, Xun Yu's body was covered with arrows, dripping with blood, holding the battle gun in his right hand, struggling to support himself on the ground.

His vision was slack, but he still retained the last bit of sobriety.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Any strategy is vulnerable to absolute strength!"

Looking at the corpses of his clansmen, Xun Yu spat out several mouthfuls of blood one after another, and then looked at the Great Wall thousands of miles away, full of endless resentment.

He had already escaped from the Great Qin territory, but he was still slaughtered by the army led by Xiang Yu.

It was all the Great Qin Sacred Court, which caused his family to be destroyed.

Unfortunately, he has no chance to take revenge!
Thousands of feet away, Xiang Yu was holding a flood dragon bow, with both arms exerting strength, the bow was like a full moon, and a blood-colored arrow condensed out with a blazing flame.

call out!
The arrow pierced through the sky like a rainbow piercing through the sky, completely annihilating Xun Yu's vitality.


Xiang Yu put the bow and arrow on the horse, shouted loudly, and galloped away.

The Million Overlord cavalry waved their weapons, forming a torrent of steel, and left the slaughtered place.

This operation against the clan lasted for two months and successfully damaged the clan.

In addition, the migration of countless clan members marks the decline of the clan hierarchy, and the Daqin Holy Court will enter a brand new era.

In this era, there is relative fairness and infinite hope!
Every young man can shine brightly in his youth and write his own legend!

(End of this chapter)

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