Xuanhuan: Unparalleled Prince, Conquer the Heavens!

Chapter 404 Xiao He's Eight Diagrams

Chapter 404 Xiao He's Gossip


Inside the imperial study!

Qin Wudao, Zhuge Liang, Xiao He, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Li Ru and others gathered together, their faces were full of joy, and they were secretly happy.

"Your Majesty, the current clan hierarchy has been destroyed, and the imperial court resolves a possible crisis in the future. It is really satisfying!"

Zhuge Liang said with a smile, being able to eliminate the clan hierarchy, Rao is extremely excited in his state of mind.

He has consulted the files of clan crimes, and found that many clans' deeds are even worse than animals, committing crimes, rampaging and murderous.

Under the glamorous appearance of the clan, it has already rotted to the bone.

Those magnificent buildings are built on top of the pain of outsiders.

"Although the disaster of the clan has been resolved, the power of the clan should not be underestimated. For example, the Supreme Court is a country built by a clan, and the power of the clan dominates!"

"Aside from the strength of the imperial court, clans and sects are also dominant in the Eastern Territory, which are an important source of power. We have eliminated the clan hierarchy, and in a way, we have also weakened the power of the country!"

The smile on Qin Wudao's face was restrained. His many years of career as a king gave him a keen insight into the disadvantages of eliminating the clan hierarchy.

It is undeniable that most of the powerful people in the country come from the clan.

Relying on the inherited martial arts and martial arts, as well as abundant resources, the clan can cultivate powerful warriors, which is far beyond the reach of children from poor families.

Taking emperor realm fighters as an example, in the Great Qin Sacred Court, apart from the strong men summoned by Qin Wudao, there are only nine emperor realm warriors, and all of them come from the clan, and none of them come from the poor family.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have already assigned the clan's martial arts and martial arts to the local schools, fully supporting the expansion of the schools, and continuously cultivating new power for Daqin!"

Xiao He said with a smile, took out the memorial from his bosom, and respectfully handed it over.

The counselors of all dynasties took one step and looked at three steps. When he formulated the plan to eliminate the clan class, he was already planning the expansion of the college to fill the lack of power due to the disappearance of the clan.

"Replacing the clan with the academy is exactly what I thought. It seems that my worries are in vain!"

Hearing the method proposed by Xiao He, Qin Wudao was taken aback, feeling a little decadent.

When he discovered this problem, it was after the clan was wiped out, and he pondered for several days before finding a solution, and he was just about to take a breather.
Unexpectedly, Xiao He had already worked out a solution.

With a depressed mood, Qin Wudao opened the memorial, read it carefully, and nodded frequently, obviously very satisfied with the content of the memorial.

Zhuge Liang and others were chatting on the sidelines, as if they were sure that Qin Wudao would agree to the memorial, and they were already discussing who would implement the plan.

"Xiao Xiang, you proposed the expansion plan of the school, so let you handle it?"

Zhuge Liang shook his fan, looked straight at him, and said with a smile.

Xiao He rolled his eyes, and wanted to steal and play tricks, so he wouldn't be fooled.

"Prime Minister Zhuge, you are the right prime minister. Both Xiang Guo and I are assisting you, so let you handle the expansion of the school!"

He is also smart, he found an ally for himself, and stood on the united front with Guo Jia.


Guo Jia understood in seconds, and said with a smirk: "The school is related to the great cause of the Qin Dynasty for thousands of generations. Prime Minister Zhuge has to worry about such an important matter!"

The expansion plan of the school sounds grand, but it is actually a bunch of trivial matters. First of all, it needs to build a school, invest a lot of resources, and recruit teachers and students
In short, after taking over the expansion of the school, after several years, don't even think about resting!
"You are too damaged!"

Zhuge Liang couldn't keep calm anymore, he blew his beard and stared and said, "Do you still have a conscience? Especially Guo Xiang, during the six months after your resurrection, I took over all your work, and you just repay me like this? You don't have a conscience Does it hurt?"

Wang fried!

Guo Jia opened his mouth wide, intending to refute, but couldn't find a reason, and shrank his neck like a defeated rooster.

After taking the first kill, Zhuge Liang looked at Xiao He, fully firing: "And you, last time you retreated and practiced, and it was also my top class, but after your cultivation level broke through, you ran to drink flower wine, how do you compensate me? "

Xiao He blushed, turned his head in shame, looked towards Guo Jia, and found a pair of bright, gossiping eyes.

"Drinking flower wine, with whom?"

Guo Jia asked curiously.

Among the three of them, Zhuge Liang was busy with work and had no time to talk about marriage matters. As for him, he often lingered in the sea of ​​flowers and was known as a pervert.

Only Xiao He, who looked like a gentleman, didn't have any gossip.

"That's right, Xiang Xiao, who is it? I will help you as a staff officer!"

Qin Wudao, who was sitting on the imperial chair, also asked curiously, his eyes shining brightly.

Jia Xu, Li Ru and others also watched eagerly.

"this and that"

Being stared at by many eyes, Xiao He blushed, hesitating and speechless: "Your Majesty, state affairs are the center, we still discuss the expansion of the school!"

"There's no need to discuss it, I think it's very good, and I'll leave this job to you!"

Qin Wudao waved his hands, the gossip in his eyes didn't decrease at all.

Hearing that the work was done by himself, Xiao He wanted to cry but had no tears. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't be so mean, and it would be great if he took it directly.

"Your Majesty, this matter has to start from a year ago"

Under the 'pressing' of everyone, Xiao He could only confess truthfully, this is a sad and warm topic.

that year
Half an hour later, Qin Wudao let Xiao He go with satisfaction, and ended the negotiation.

Xiao He left as if fleeing, afraid of being entangled by Zhuge Liang and others, asking questions.

But how can he be the opponent of Zhuge Liang and others by himself?
"Your Majesty, help me."

Soon, Xiao He was caught between four strong men, crying out in pain.
Qin Wudao watched them leave with a smile on his face, and after they had left completely, he took out a new memorial from the imperial case, which was Wang Jian from the Ministry of War.

The content of the memorial is mainly about the Jiangeguan battle.

"The Holy Land of Qionghua and the Holy Land of Zixiao are also cruel enough to actually use the people of the human race as bait to lure the beasts in the forest!"

After Qin Wudao finished reading the memorial, his brows were furrowed, revealing a trace of disgust.

In his opinion, using unarmed civilians as bait is not an act of benevolence. If it were him, he would never issue such an order.

Moreover, the situation at Jiange Pass is different, it is not an attack by the same race, and it also involves the Holy Court of Thousand Demons.

The most annoying thing is that the plan to use the people of the human race as bait was proposed by the water bear emperor.

"Send an order to accuse the Thousand Monsters Holy Court, Qionghua Holy Land, and Zixiao Holy Land for their brutal actions!"

Qin Wudao ordered in a deep voice.

A eunuch came in and recorded what Qin Wudao said.

"In addition, inform the Ministry of War to formulate an expansion plan"

Qin Wudao's eyes were deep. After the Qilin Holy Land was destroyed, the Thousand Monster Holy Land, Qionghua Holy Land, and Zixiao Holy Land were likely to attack the Daqin Holy Court.

Even if there is no attack, the living space of the Great Qin Sacred Court will be compressed.

In this chaotic world, he must strike first!

(End of this chapter)

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