Xuanhuan: Unparalleled Prince, Conquer the Heavens!

Chapter 405 Prepare to break through

Chapter 405 Prepare to break through
Sunrise and sunset, time of day passing.

Qin Wudao finished processing the memorial, used his luck to condense a clone, and went to the fragments of the fairyland, preparing to break through the quasi-emperor realm.

He is very relieved that Zhuge Liang, Xiao He, and Guo Jia are in charge of the state affairs of Daqin.

The only thing to worry about is the war between the three major forces and the Qilin Holy Land. Once the Qilin Holy Land is defeated, the Daqin Holy Court will change from active to passive.

"Hope to get out of customs as soon as possible!"

In the secret room, Qin Wudao muttered, and then let go of his thoughts, the emperor's way was condensed, revealing a powerful coercion.

"System, extract the original law of the emperor's way!"

Qin Wudao closed his eyes and said to himself.

To break through the quasi-emperor realm, the most important thing is to change the power of the holy law into the power of the emperor law. As long as you can do this step, you can break through smoothly.

He is on the verge of comprehending the laws of the emperor level. If he retreats normally, it will take several years to break through.

But now time is running out, he must speed up!

The void in front of him suddenly split open, revealing the ultimate imperial prestige, causing time and space to tremble, karma receding, reincarnation collapsing, and the five elements dissipating.


A five-clawed golden dragon flew out of the void, raised its head to the sky and roared, spread in all directions, and caused an uproar among the fragments of the fairyland.

All the animal spirits were all prostrate on the ground.

Spiritwood trees and spirit peach trees all over the mountains and plains, their branches swayed, and their hard trunks bent down.

The strong grass defied the gust of wind, turned towards the opposite direction of the wind, and fell towards the secret room where Qin Wudao was, as a worship.

"What a powerful Diwei!"

"The Emperor's might is like hell, could it be that His Majesty is cultivating?"

The martial artist who was retreating in the fragments of the fairyland came out of the secret room with a bent body. The emperor's prestige in the void was so powerful that even the quasi-emperor-level martial artist could not stand upright.

They looked at the secret room in the center and were amazed.

"The coercion came from His Majesty's secret room. It seems that His Majesty is about to break through, but this coercion is too terrifying!"

"Isn't Your Majesty only at the sixth turn of the Saint King Realm? Why is the imperial prestige revealed so strong?"

"Let's leave, don't disturb His Majesty's cultivation, and the environment here is not suitable for us!"

Many warriors commented, and after saluting to the secret room, they bent down and left the fairyland fragments.

When the martial artist left, the world was at peace!
The origin of an emperor's law has suppressed a world!
"Start practicing!"

Qin Wudao opened his mouth, and swallowed the source of the Emperor's Law into his belly, producing countless golden lights, which shot out from hundreds of millions of pores, as if countless dragon shadows were shuttled.

For a moment, Qin Wudao's emperor's coercion became stronger countless times, comparable to the power of heaven and earth.

During Qin Wudao's retreat, the Daqin Sacred Court quietly transformed.

First of all, Daqin exposed the crimes of Qianyao Holy Court, Qionghua Holy Land, and Zixiao Holy Land using the people of the human race as bait, and denounced Qionghua Holy Land and Zixiao Holy Land for their brutal practices.

Secondly, Zhuge Liang promulgated the imperial decree and held the imperial examination. Countless students who studied hard were gearing up, hoping for the time when they would be named on the gold list.

In the end, it was Xiao He who presided over the expansion of the school, approved 10 cities to build schools, and stipulated that each school could accommodate 30 students. It is expected to enroll [-] billion students next year, and ensured that in the next ten years, all the people of Daqin will go to school. Opportunity.

Of these three major events, the first one has nothing to do with the common people, the second one is only related to the students who take the imperial examination, but the third one affects countless people of Great Qin.

It is the wish of all parents to hope that their children will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes.

In the past, the clan monopolized the secret books of exercises, and ordinary people who wanted to practice could only join the clan or sect and pay a huge price.

Nowadays, the imperial court builds schools without recruiting students based on family status, which is undoubtedly a great gift to the people of the world.

For a time, the folks sang the Great Qin, and the people's sense of belonging was greatly enhanced.

Jiange Pass!
Among the majestic mountains, a blood-stained river flows fiercely, and the dark red water droplets slap on the bank, making a dull sound, like the weeping of innocent souls.

Dark clouds piled up, blood rained pouring down, staining the land for thousands of miles, and it seemed as if the heaven and the earth were weeping.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

On the small road leading to the Jiange, a group of ragged and unarmed civilians were driven away by soldiers in armor and armed with sharp soldiers. If they were slow, they would be severely beaten.

"You bastards, I curse you to die!"

An old man with gray hair and a little lame right leg roared hoarsely. In the old voice, every word was crying blood, telling endless despair.

However, his words made the people around him terrified, and also made the escorting clan angry.

"Immortal, damn it!"

A soldier with scarlet eyes and a slightly mad mood strode forward, took the old man's clothes, and threw them into the forest on both sides.

In the dense jungle, groups of tigers and wolves were grinding their teeth and sucking blood. When they saw the fallen old man, they rushed forward, blood splashing, and there was the sound of bones being crushed.


The creepy screams came from the forest and disappeared quickly.

"Throw them in for Lao Tzu!"

The soldier still couldn't help but stared at his eyes and roared sharply.

What kind of eyes are these?
The pupils are red, showing no emotion, insensitive, revealing murderous, violent, cruel and ruthless.
The rest of the soldiers walked up to the common people expressionlessly and threw them into the jungle. When they heard the chewing of wolves, tigers and leopards, they became even more bloodthirsty.

There are too many tigers and wolves in the jungle.

The people thrown in were not enough to fit between their teeth, and they were quickly devoured.

The unfed tigers and wolves looked at the soldiers on the stone path with wide green eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then all flew away with their mouths wide open, revealing their fangs with remaining flesh and blood.

Under the breeding of the Qilin Holy Land, the strength of these beasts is not weak, generally above the Faxiang Realm, the strongest reaches the Saint King Realm, and is a veritable Beast King.

"Brothers, kill!"

On both sides of the stone path, hungry beasts passed through the formation and threw a famous soldier down.

The leading general yelled, split the giant lion in half, and then organized the soldiers to form a formation to hunt and kill the beasts.

The fierce battle started and lasted for more than two hours.

At the end of the battle, there were only more than [-] soldiers left in the army of [-] people, each of them was wounded, and even some soldiers' arms and thighs were bitten off by wild beasts.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground, including beasts and human soldiers.

Without exception, their deaths were extremely miserable, most of them had their intestines ripped open, and their internal organs were dripping on the ground, which could be seen everywhere.



Deep in the jungle, there was the howling of wild beasts, and they were getting closer.

Beasts have a very keen sense of smell, and the beasts that smelled of blood are coming in droves, countless.


The general yelled, turned and left hastily.

A small number of lightly injured soldiers could barely keep up, while those seriously injured soldiers were all buried in the mouths of beasts.

However, before they died, they showed relieved smiles, and tears of regret flowed from their numb eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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