Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 1012 Lifting the Emperor's Coffin Board

Chapter 1012 Lifting the Emperor's Coffin Board

In the west of Zhongzhou, deep in the Qinling Mountains, a million miles away, at the end of the illusory fairy road, there is a magnificent and extraordinary fairyland, which is the legendary land of ascending to the fairyland!

At this moment, in the outermost area of ​​Dengxian Land, where it meets the hazy mist, there are three impressive figures standing tall.

Among them, a majestic and heroic horse fought with a red-faced fat Taoist priest. It was Long Ma and Duan De.

On the other side, Ye Fan stood on the edge of the fairy land, his eyes were shining brightly, and countless mysterious runes flickered, as if he wanted to see through all falsehoods.

He followed the evil spirit's guidance and saw the small dirt bag that looked ordinary but was steaming and chaotic.

I have to say, if it wasn't for the evil ghost's keen sense of spirit and penetrating mind, and aware of the extraordinaryness of this place, the gazes of Ye Fan, Duan De and others would have been caught by the more conspicuous Huaxian Pond not far away, or the Wan Gulong. Attracted by the hole without noticing it.

After being reminded by the evil ghost, coupled with Ye Fan's cultivation of the source book, his understanding of the avenue of heaven, earth, geomantic omen and terrain is definitely far beyond the existence of the same realm.

After watching for a long time, the expression on Ye Fan's face became more and more surprised, and he was sincerely shocked, and immediately said with emotion:
"This place is really amazing, not much weaker than the Emperor's Nirvana!"

Previously, Ye Fan had witnessed the miracle of the place where the Emperor Nirvana was in the Immortal Mansion World.

Now that he can say these words, it is enough to see the extraordinaryness of this place, he is really psychic and near immortal.

In fact, the small mound, which seems ordinary, is exactly located between Huaxian Pond and Eternal Dragon Cave, right in the middle.

In the dark, even if it is not said that all the creations in Dengxian Land are gathered, it is almost the same.

Sensing the change of Ye Fan and the evil ghost, Duan De and Longma on the side also stopped fighting and all came forward.

Among them, Duan De also practiced Youyuan Tianshu, and his attainments were even higher than Ye Fan's, approaching the realm of Yuan Tianshi, so he could tell at a glance that this place was unusual.

"I'll go, soaring dragons and flying immortals, reversing the yin and yang of good fortune, this is a rare fairy land in ancient times!"

As a master in this field, a connoisseur among connoisseurs, Duan De's face was so excited that his eyeballs were about to drop.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, if I can bury myself in Daoist Lord, maybe it is really possible to become a fairy!"

When he said this, Duan De's halazi couldn't stop streaming, and he looked like he was salivating.


At this moment, a disdainful cold snort came from Ye Fan's eyebrows:

"Do you really think that if there is such a good thing, it will be your turn?"

After the evil ghost's voice fell, Duan De was slightly taken aback. Immediately, the avenue runes flashed in his eyes, and his pupils were blazing, piercing through the void.

I saw that around the small soil bag, there were extremely mysterious and complicated divine patterns all over, and the supreme majesty circulated.

"Made! Sure enough, someone got there first!"

On Duan De's face, there was a look of resentment, and he couldn't help cursing like this.

Hearing this, Ye Fan was not disturbed at all.

After all, he had already learned about this matter from the mouth of the evil spirit before, and the place where the heavens and the earth were created and the balance of yin and yang had been occupied by people in advance.

At the same time, Ye Fan thought of the various ghouls he saw just now, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he immediately put forward his own guess, and said in a deep voice:
"You said, could the person buried here be a source celestial master from Beidou?"

At this moment, Duan De and Long Ma still stretched their necks, looked at the location of the earth bag, and observed carefully.

Hearing Ye Fan's words, the two looked away. Duan De thought for a while, frowned slightly, and said in a deep thought:
"Ye Fan, your speculation is indeed not unreasonable."

Speaking of this, Duan De paused, but then shook his head:

"However, this place of ascension to immortality is magical. If we don't get close and observe it carefully, it is really difficult to determine the true identity of the person in it."

After the three looked at each other, they all saw the firmness in each other's eyes, and then they naturally stopped hesitating and stepped forward.

During this process, although the evil spirit had guessed the identity of the person buried in the place where Yin and Yang were balanced, he didn't say much, and just let Duan De, Ye Fan and others act.

In fact, today's Dengxian Land has not really manifested in the world, so it is still full of murderous intentions.

Especially on the way to Huaxian Pond on the top of the sacred mountain, or the Eternal Dragon Cave at the root of another great mountain, even saints have to be careful.

Fortunately, Duan De is in charge of Emperor Zun's Immortal Cultivation Cauldron.

Although the latter's attacking power is greatly reduced due to the lack of gods, it is still easy to use the green glow and fairy light to protect them if they only have the charm of the immortal way.

In this way, Ye Fan and his party temporarily ignored the legendary Huaxian Pond and the Eternal Dragon's Cave, but pointed directly at the place where Yin and Yang are balanced in the center, and they were really unimpeded along the way.

Finally, everyone arrived in front of the plain dirt bag.

And standing here, even with the protection of the Immortal Cauldron, they still couldn't help shivering.

Here, there is the supreme majesty of the extreme way, as if it is above the world of mortals.

That kind of power is definitely not something that Yuan Tianshi, who is in the realm of saints, can possess.


Suddenly, a blazing purple lightning turned into celestial light and shot out from the depths of the earth, pointing directly at Duan De, Ye Fan and Longma.


It's a pity that even if the fairy light is indeed extraordinary, it is difficult to be effective in front of the real fairy weapon, and it has been annihilated into nothingness before it gets close to the real body of everyone.

Immediately, the incomplete green copper tripod hummed, and with the spread of the immortal wave, many attacks that had not yet struck were resolved.

"Be careful."

Ryoma's expression was extraordinarily dignified, staring straight at the ground under his feet, reminding him like this.

I saw that the surface of Dengxian Land is rocky, and there are fine scales growing on it, which are very lifelike like real dragon scales.

And between the dragon scales, the dragon energy of the earth veins is steaming out, which is not weaker than the world of Immortal Mansion.

As a natural dragon species, Longma is the most sensitive to that kind of breath, so it is natural to be aware of it immediately.

"Could it be that the ones dormant here are not the source celestial masters of Beidou, but the true holy dragon conceived in the Eternal Dragon's Lair!?"

Duan De couldn't help but let out an exclamation, which shocked Ye Fan and Longma next to him.

But when they calmed down, they felt that Duan De's guess was not unreasonable.

If there is really a Holy Spirit sleeping here, even if there are evil spirits sheltering them, they would never dare to disturb it.

Thinking of this, even Duan De, who has always been the most daring, was covered in cold sweat and retreated in his heart.

"Give me Emperor Zun's Immortal Cauldron."

Suddenly, in Ye Fan's mind, the still calm voice of the evil ghost came out.

Hearing this, the hearts of the three couldn't help but move.As for Duan De, without any hesitation, he handed the Chengxian Cauldron to Ye Fan.

After many years, Ye Fan once again truly felt the supreme will of the evil spirit descending. Compared with the first time in Daleiyin Temple, it was a bit more majestic and vigorous.

With the help of Ye Fan's body, the evil spirit grasped the incomplete green copper tripod.

Although the latter doesn't seem to have changed much on the surface, the Taoism pervading in the dark is far higher than before.


With the aid of the Immortal Cauldron, the evil ghost seemed to have once again turned into a supreme being who ruled the nine heavens and ten earths. Naturally, the layout of this place was hard to stop him.

Immediately, the evil spirit directly lifted the earth bag, and a simple and rough yellow clay coffin manifested.

And on the coffin, a slightly vague brand emerged.


 Woo, the author has a lot of things to do recently, and the update is often late, I am really sorry!
  The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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