Chapter 1013 Zhongzhou Dragon Emperor
In the mysterious Land of Climbing Immortals, it is located between Huaxian Pond and Eternal Dragon Cave, a place where yin and yang are balanced.


At this moment, "Ye Fan" is holding the emperor's Immortal Immortal Cauldron, standing proudly in the boundless void, with a majestic power that looks down on the world of mortals.

At the same time, with the green clouds all over the sky, all the murderous intentions in this place were suppressed.

Ye Fan, who was "uppered" by the evil spirit, with the help of the Immortal Cauldron, almost reproduced part of the majesty of the former Holy Emperor, making the heaven, earth, and the laws of the Dao all submit to him.

However, at this moment, the gazes of several people present all cast their gazes to the front, the uncovered dirt bag.

All I saw was that the air of ten thousand dragons was steaming, and amidst the vast chaos and turbulence, there was a simple and vicissitudes, but at the same time extremely rough yellow clay coffin ups and downs.

Of course, even though the yellow clay coffin looks ordinary, it may be because of the smell of evil spirits and the cauldron of becoming immortals. In the yellow clay coffin, there is faintly the power of the emperor, accompanied by the sharp and boundless aura. The machine is gushing, the imperial way is domineering and awe-inspiring.

Immediately afterwards, the imprint on the yellow clay coffin also burst into immeasurable celestial splendor.

A stalwart and heroic figure emerged from the reflection, as if crossing the three thousand worlds, looking down upon the six realms and the eight desolations.

Although that person's face is still blurred, his spine is clearly visible, it is a big purple and gold dragon, with its teeth and claws, majestic and majestic.

Daxia is one of the four great dynasties in Zhongzhou, founded by the Taihuang in the ancient times.It not only inherits the Taihuang scriptures, but also has the Taihuang's suppression background of the extreme emperor soldiers. It deserves to be one of the transcendent forces of Beidou.

Previously, although the Great Xia Dynasty hadn't been able to participate in the exploration of the Immortal Mansion world for the first time, it was one of the controllers of Zhongzhou after all, and naturally sent strong men and Tianjiao to follow up.

Therefore, Ye Fan was no stranger to the aura of the Emperor's Sutra, and recognized it at a glance.

Here, there is obviously a layout of the supreme series of extreme dao, and coupled with the imprint of the emperor on the yellow clay coffin, the truth of the matter is naturally ready to come out.

The person who buried himself in Dengxian Land, in the place where Yin and Yang are balanced before him, was not a certain Yuan Tianshi they guessed before, but the ancestor of the Great Xia Dynasty in Zhongzhou, a well-known human emperor.

"Unexpectedly, it will be the emperor."

Everyone was silent for a moment, and finally Ye Fan spoke, sincerely expressing what Duan De and Long Ma were thinking.

No one expected that such a supreme figure who had left a rich and colorful history in the ancient history of cultivation in the human world was finally buried in obscurity in the legendary Dengxian Land.

However, after thinking about it, Duan De and Ye Fan couldn't help but nodded.

If this place is psychic and near immortal, if it is used as the burial place of a supreme being, it is indeed more than enough.

I just don't know how the people of the Great Xia Dynasty would feel if they knew that their ancestors were buried here.

Just when everyone's thoughts were busy, Duan De's eyes were shining brightly, his brows were slightly frowned, and he was quite puzzled and said:

"According to the records of many ancient history books, the ancestor of the Great Xia Dynasty seems to have a close relationship with the Undead Mountain and the Taichu Ancient Mine, two restricted areas of life. How could he be buried here?"

Having said that, Duan De paused for a moment before continuing:

"Moreover, what's even more strange is that the time when the Taihuang became enlightened was only a little more than a hundred thousand years ago. If his old man really wanted to be immortal, he might not be able to live to this world."

Obviously, the two years Duan De came to Beidou were not wasted, and he actually found out so many secrets.

Even Ye Fan suspected that he might have secretly "visited" the Great Xia Dynasty, otherwise, how could he be so familiar with such secrets?

At the same time, upon hearing Duan De's words, Ye Fan and Ryoma also showed thoughtful expressions on their faces, and nodded immediately.

It has to be admitted that what Duan De said is quite reasonable.

You know, in this life, dozens of restricted zone supreme beings were born, and almost all of them are mythological, supreme beings and emperors who survived the ancient times.

Now, all the venerables have reappeared in the world of mortals and achieved the fruit of Dao, obviously preparing for the battle on the immortal road.

Even the Amitabha Buddha and the Holy Emperor, who are considered by the world to have passed away long ago, have resurrected successors left behind.

What's more, it is Taihuang who has a close relationship with Undead Mountain and Taichu Ancient Mine.

To put it bluntly, as long as the existence of the two forbidden areas, especially if the Undead Mountain is willing to help, it will definitely not be a big problem for the Taihuang to live in this world.

And just when Duan De, Ye Fan, and Long Ma were all puzzled by this, the evil ghost who had been silent for a long time took the initiative to speak, and said in a joking tone:
"Do you really think that the Taihuang has passed away?"

The words of the evil ghost really sounded like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, shaking the hearts of the three of them.

Obviously, they fell into an obvious misunderstanding.Although the emperor's mark was indeed left on the yellow clay coffin buried here, it did not necessarily mean that the emperor himself was dead.

With a look of sudden realization on Ye Fan's face, he said excitedly:

"You mean, the one buried in this coffin is not the emperor?"

In response to this, the wave of the evil spirit's denial of divine sense came instantly:
"No, the one in this coffin is indeed the real body of the Taihuang."

Duan De, Ye Fan and the others couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing the ghost's seemingly contradictory words.

However, the evil spirits were not going to answer their doubts immediately, but kept it a secret for the time being.


I saw that the supreme divine sense hung down, and the green copper tripod glowed, almost reappearing the divine power of immortality.

Ye Fan and the others knew in their hearts that the evil spirit was obviously planning to make a move and was about to open the emperor's coffin.

Realizing this, while everyone was excited, Duan De couldn't help reminding:

"When the Supreme Being of the Extreme Path passed away, the evil spirit generated by the flesh must be no small matter."

Of course, he was just talking, and he was not going to stop it.

After all, their side is in charge of the fairy artifact, and there is a real god who reads evil spirits, so naturally they don't have to worry about mere evil spirits.

Thinking of this, Duan De and Long Ma couldn't help poking their heads out, stretching their necks, wanting to see the real body of the Tai Huang as soon as possible.


Although the yellow clay coffin bears the imprint left by the Taihuang, it is undoubtedly useless in front of the evil spirit in charge of Chengxian Ding.

Accompanied by the thunderous roar of the Nine Heavens God, the lid of the simple and rough yellow clay coffin was slowly lifted.

I saw that the celestial light was bright and chaotic, and it turned into waves that shocked the world, crushing the eternal blue sky, and making the void and all Taos groan.

Without the evil spirit that Duan De expected, not even the slightest breath of death exists.

Only the celestial light and the divine glow are gorgeous, the myriad of auspicious colors are transpiring, and the powerful aura standing at the peak of the human world is powerful.

Fortunately, under the protection of the Immortal Cauldron and the evil ghost, Duan De and Long Ma did not kneel down unbearably, and looked straight into the chaos of fairy light with curious faces.

Hundreds of millions of brilliance lingered, and all the ways of the world surrendered at the feet of that person.

Finally, they got to see the real body of the eminent emperor.

Sure enough, it was exactly as they had imagined, it was really heroic and majestic, even if it was just lying in the yellow clay coffin, it seemed to have suppressed eternity.

Facing the Taihuang's real body was like facing a supreme god, Duan De and Longma couldn't help trembling.

However, at this moment, the two of them obviously couldn't care less about these trivial matters, and their eyes were full of genuine horror.

Because, in Taihuang's physical body, there is no dead energy.

Instead, it is the circulation of the mysterious and wonderful breath of life, which is extremely miraculous.

Although, compared with the Great Emperor Ye Fan had seen before and the Supreme Being in the forbidden area, the life fluctuation of the Great Emperor in front of him was slightly weaker, but he could still sense the supreme divine power contained in his body.

If the person wakes up, there will definitely be chaos.

In this regard, the three have no doubts at all.

And at this point, they finally understood the true meaning of what the evil ghost said before.

The one lying in the coffin is indeed the real body of the Taihuang.

However, not only has his person not passed away, but he is undergoing some kind of deep Nirvana transformation.

It is very likely that the follow-up will reappear in the world!

And just when the stormy waves were turbulent in the hearts of several people, there was a real dragon's roar that seemed to resound through nine heavens and ten earths.

Climbing to the Immortal Land, the Eternal Dragon's Lair!

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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