Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 1020 Transcending Tribulation Tianzun, countless vests

Chapter 1020 Transcending Tribulation Tianzun, countless vests

In the Immortal Land, there are thousands of dragons steaming, the celestial light is gorgeous, and the vast chaos is surging, drowning everything.

Standing in front of the Taihuang's yellow clay coffin, Chaos Heavenly Emperor Wang Bo had an exceptionally calm expression, but in his mouth, he directly spoke out a mythical secret that was enough to cause an uproar all over the world and all living beings.

Even Ye Fan, who had expected this for a long time, couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, let alone the other people.

I saw that the steed is extraordinary, the whole body is red as fire, and the dragon horse with dragon scales is already dumbfounded at this moment.

With a soft "click", the horse's hoof that Longma had placed on Duan De's head at random slipped off.

If Duan De is just the reappearance of Yuandi 30 years ago, they can still accept it.

After all, among the major restricted areas of life in the Eastern Wilderness, there are definitely not a few of them, even those who lived a million years ago.

Relatively speaking, if Yuandi's psychic body became Duan De's reappearance, it would not be such an unacceptable thing.

It's just that Duan De's words and deeds have always shown, making it difficult to connect him with the Supreme Beings who rule the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Wang Bo's eyes were indifferent, he looked around, took a panoramic view of the expressions on everyone's faces, sensed the ups and downs of spiritual thoughts, immediately lowered his eyes, looked at Duan De on the opposite side, and said in a deep voice:

"The brilliance of this physical body began in the age of mythology."

"And every time his person reappears in the world, he will start from the beginning, and finally climb to the peak of the ultimate path, and achieve the perfect fruition in the first life."

"After ten thousand years, one life will die, then bury yourself, and wait for the next life's reincarnation to open."

Hearing Wang Bo's words, Long Ma and the others were naturally covered in hairs and stood upside down, trembling in horror.

According to what Wang Bo said, Duan De's origin is ancient, and he has gone through countless physical reincarnations and changed many primordial spirits.

Now, it was just another ordinary life of his.

This kind of experience is truly unheard of, and even the revered ones in the restricted area must feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

On the other side, after being reminded by Wang Bo, the Holy Spirit Dragon King finally understood some of the secrets after some deduction. Immediately, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and blurted out:
"You are Hades!"

In fact, to be able to come up with such a weird "longevity" method, reincarnate in the flesh, and survive the catastrophe of the world of mortals, except for the founder of the lineage of the underworld, it is almost impossible for him to think about it.

After the Holy Spirit Dragon King's voice fell, Chaos Emperor Wang Bo also nodded, reminding:
"Although, his person is indeed the same physical body as the former Mingzun, but in truth, Mingzun is just his identity in a certain life."

"Through the ancient history of practice in the human world, his real body is the first Celestial Venerable in the age of mythology—the Celestial Venerable of Transcending Tribulations!"

Transcending Tribulation Tianzun, this is an extremely ancient and awesome name at the same time.

According to the legend, he was the one who opened up the glory of the Heavenly Venerable in the age of mythology, and even in the entire history of the human world, he also had a pivotal position.

Although the specific deeds of Tianzun Dujie have long been annihilated in the long river of time, there are still fragments of the Supreme Heavenly Art created by him, which has inspired countless monks in later generations.

It's a pity that since ancient times, almost no one has obtained the complete "Crossing Tribulation Heaven Art".Even at the end of the only ancient road, in the Tiangong on the other side, there is no record of this mysterious heavenly skill.

Everyone never imagined that the oldest Supreme Being in the human world not only never passed away, but also reappeared in reincarnation life after life.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan immediately remembered the previous discussion between the evil ghost and the two Yuantian Patriarchs, and couldn't help asking in a deep voice in his mind:

"Old man, you already knew?"

Facing Ye Fan's question, the evil ghost didn't shy away from it at all, and said bluntly:
"That's right, I've already guessed pretty well before."

Knowing what Ye Fan was thinking, before he could speak, the evil ghost continued:

"As for this matter for you, what's the difference between knowing and not knowing? Lefting is just adding trouble."

Although Ye Fan felt a little unwilling, he had to admit that the evil ghost's words were not false.

Mingzun, the founder of the underworld, was once ranked alongside the mythical emperor, and is likely to be a figure of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor series.

The person's plan is very big, the reincarnation of the physical body, and the immortality of the ninth life, I am afraid that it is not far away.

I just don't know if there will be any relationship between the person who will become an immortal at that time and Duan De today...

Thinking of this, Ye Fan felt a rare melancholy in his heart, but in front of Mingzun's great plan to become a fairy, he was so insignificant as him, but he was really helpless.

Fortunately, he was not a self-pitying person after all, he was only slightly absent-minded, and soon returned to normal, his eyes were shining brightly, and his fighting spirit soared into the sky.

After experiencing Duan De's incident, Ye Fan's Taoist heart became more and more determined.

At the same time, on the other side, Duan De's true identity was revealed. In fact, his own heart was also shocked.

After all, every physical reincarnation of Dujie Tianzun, logically speaking, is the rebirth of the primordial spirit, obliterating everything in the past, so it is naturally impossible to remember many past events.

Of course, Duan De himself must be able to detect many clues, but after all, he cannot understand all the causes and effects.

At this moment, Duan De's eyes flickered with an extraordinarily complex expression, and he sighed leisurely:

"The body protection technique I practice is exactly the Heavenly Kungfu of Transcending Tribulation."

So far, Duan De's identity is no longer in doubt.

And just when everyone's thoughts were fluctuating, unexpectedly, beside the Holy Spirit Dragon King, the fairy sword that flowed in blue and red also took the initiative to speak.

The fairy sword clanged, and the voice of a god came out of it:

"Actually, the burial ground in front of me was originally used by Mingzun. In the last years of mythology, his body was buried."

Immortal Sword had dealt with the real Mingzun before, and had seen the purple gold dragon of the Holy Spirit, who was the predecessor of the Taihuang, so he was naturally clear about this past in the Ascending Immortal Land.

As for the Holy Spirit Dragon Emperor at the side, since it was after the Emperor Taihuang left, the Wangu Dragon Cave was born again, so he didn't know about it.

"In addition to the fact that this place was once the burial place of Mingzun, this yellow clay coffin is also inextricably linked to it."

When Wang Bo's calm and indifferent words came, everyone's hearts couldn't help being shocked.

They haven't forgotten that he mentioned not long ago that this yellow clay coffin was obtained by the Immortal Emperor at the end of the mythology. Could it be...

Fortunately, Wang Bo didn't intend to show off, so he nodded:
"Yes, this coffin was used by Tianzun Dujie to bury himself in the past. In later generations, Venerable Ming will also wake up from this coffin."

Hearing the words of the Immortal Sword God and Chaos Emperor, Ye Fan, Long Ma and others suddenly raised their heads and looked straight ahead.

At this moment, when they looked at the yin and yang balanced fairy land in front of them, and the yellow clay coffin where the Taihuang buried himself, there was a rather strange look in their eyes, and they even couldn't stop glancing at Duan De aside.

Good guy!
After quarreling for a long time, it turned out that the Taihuang occupied Duan De's pit and also lay in his coffin, right?

Realizing this, no matter Ye Fan, Long Ma, or Duan De himself, there were expressions of dumbfounding.


After understanding the ins and outs of it, the Holy Spirit Dragon Emperor, who was still chasing Duan De, Ye Fan and others, also let out a helpless sigh.

According to what Wang Bo said, the place where the Taihuang Nirvana transformed was the tomb chosen by Mingzun, and the yellow clay coffin he used to bury himself was the coffin board of Mingzun.

All kinds of things really formed a great cause and effect.

Mingzun has been reincarnated several times, and now he returns to this place as Duan De, and opens the coffin of the emperor, which really reflects the phrase "cause and effect cycle".

In addition, several people only opened the coffin, but they did not really hurt the emperor.

After thinking about these things clearly, the Holy Spirit Dragon King finally returned to calm, and bowed respectfully to Wang Bo:
"Thank God for clearing up the confusion."

At the same time, Duan De, Long Ma, and Ye Fan who were facing each other also looked suddenly enlightened.

No wonder Wang Bo didn't seem to want to embarrass them. It turns out that besides being broad-minded, there is also this layer of cause and effect in it.

But when everyone's mind was full of thoughts, Wang Bo's thoughts moved slightly.


Accompanied by the tremor of the entire Dengxian Earthquake, the glow of the glow was transpiring, and the lid of the yellow clay coffin was slowly closed, sheltering the Taihuang's real body, and once again submerged into the good fortune fairy land where yin and yang were balanced.

 There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

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(End of this chapter)

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