Chapter 1021

Between the heaven and the earth here, there is the reverberation of the immortal sound of the Great Dao, and the dragon energy of the earth veins is surging.

After a short while, the Taihuang's old coffin has returned to its original appearance.

On the top of the sacred mountain, the bright and gorgeous Huaxian Pond that burns like a fairy fire is eye-catching;
In contrast, at the root of Dayue Mountain, the Wangu Dragon Cave is equally awe-inspiring and holy.

In Dengxian Land, there is still an extraordinary and magnificent scene, full of majestic atmosphere.

If the Holy Spirit Emperor had not been born in the Everlasting Dragon Cave, and the majestic and heroic figure of the Chaos Emperor of the Immortal Mountain stood here, everyone would almost suspect that the experience just now was a dream, and everything was as it was before.


After the Taihuang's coffin returned to its original position, the Primal Chaos Emperor's bright eyes looked straight at Duan De.

Although Wang Bo's real body has already left, and now he is enlightening on the World Tree, and what stands here is just his incarnation, but that kind of majesty is still majestic, overwhelming the world of mortals, making life unsatisfactory. Not the slightest thought of resistance.

At the same time, Duan De's heart is like a bright mirror.

Even if he is really the reincarnation of Mingzun's physical body, but now, he is just a monk in the realm of cutting Dao, how can he compete with the Chaos Emperor who has traveled extremely far on the road of the world of mortals?

After thinking about this point clearly, Duan De will naturally have no more resistance.

Even, not only did he not resist, but he also took the initiative to let go of the restraint on the physical body, allowing the secrets in it to manifest.


I saw that in Duan De's body, there were seven crystal clear and pure white, majestic and sacred halos floating up and down.

And with the emergence of that strange circle of light, a more mysterious aura pervades, circulating the supreme meaning of life and death.

Even Ye Fan and Ryoma, who have the lowest cultivation base here, benefit a lot as if they have seen the infinite mysteries with just a glimpse.

Not to mention the Chaos Emperor, and the Holy Spirit Dragon Emperor who is close to the Great Perfection.

"Reincarnation seal."

At the same time, the peaceful and indifferent voice of the evil ghost came from Ye Fan's eyebrows.

Ye Fan looked at the reincarnation seals in Duan De's body, and many memories flooded his mind.

Previously, he had seen the strange reincarnation seal in the body of Patriarch Yuantian in the fairy burial ground under the Yaoguang Holy Land.

According to rumors, it was an attempt by Hades to speed up the process of reincarnation, and it was completely different from the sacred and extraordinary imprint in front of him.

When everyone was full of thoughts, Wang Bo didn't pay much attention to it, and his eyes were still burning.


In the dark, the majestic divine sense belonging to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor descended, surrounded by chaos, and submerged into Duan De's body, carefully observing the reincarnation seal in his body.

Of course, Wang Bo knew in his heart that the reincarnation of Hades is a big deal, and the relationship between Master, himself, and the underworld is even more intimate.

Therefore, his divine sense was quite cautious and did not hurt Duan De at all.

As a powerhouse of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor series, Wang Bo's divine sense surpasses the world of mortals, and he can be called a psychic and near immortal.

In addition, Wang Bo's comprehension of the Immortal Dao of Longevity has already been at the forefront of many powerful people in the human world.

Now, it is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for him to deeply explore the reincarnation seal of Hades.

"I see--"

I saw that Wang Bo's eyes were deep, and there were many mysterious and complicated runes flickering in them. The long river of time was rushing, and the scene of reincarnation of life and death flashed by.

"Is this the true meaning of physical reincarnation and immortality for nine lifetimes?"

Wang Bo talked to himself like this, with an expression of sincere emotion.

In fact, Wang Bo gained a deeper understanding of immortality and immortality through observing Mingzun's unique method of becoming an immortal at such a close distance, which had a great influence on his subsequent transformation into Nirvana.

And the Holy Spirit Dragon Emperor on the side was even more keenly aware that the Dao rhyme permeating Wang Bo's body seemed to have also changed, becoming more mysterious and mysterious, like an abyss like a sea, unfathomable.

There is no doubt that this person will gain a lot this time.

Just such a simple observation has such a miraculous effect, and the extraordinary detachment of Mingzun can be seen from this.

Thinking of this in his heart, the Holy Spirit Dragon King no longer hesitated, and immediately stepped forward, smiling and cupping his hands:

"Friend Daoist Duan."

The Holy Spirit Dragon Emperor's tone was kind, and there was no trace of any rift between the two.

In this regard, Duan De naturally resisted rolling his eyes, acquiescing to his observation.

Ma De, anyway, his identity has been exposed, so there is no need to hide it!
Furthermore, Duan De had a wishful thinking in mind.

In the Land of Immortals, there is such a holy spirit, backed by the Heavenly Emperor of the Immortal Mountain, and the group of them want to find a chance, which is tantamount to a dream.

That being the case, it's better to be more open-minded, take the initiative to show the seal of reincarnation, let them appreciate it, and then think about it and get some benefits later.

After the Holy Spirit Dragon King finished observing, Longma and Ye Fan beside him also took the initiative to come forward and looked into his body curiously.

Seeing this, Duan De was naturally full of black lines, and immediately re-imposed the restriction to hide the reincarnation seal.

"I'm going, you're so stingy with my brother!?"

Seeing Duan De being so stingy, Long Ma couldn't help cursing.

However, perhaps because Duan De's true identity was revealed, Long Ma was still a little apprehensive for the time being, so he didn't fight like before.

At this point, the matter of Duan Demingzun has come to an end for the time being.


Just when Duan De was smiling all over his face, the corners of his mouth were grinning to the base of his ears, and he was about to speak——

"Having said that, compared to Mingzun, your performance also impresses this Emperor."

As Wang Bo said this, his eyes showed a slightly curious and solemn expression. He immediately raised his eyes and looked at Ye Fan who was on the side.

Of course, to be more precise, he looked at the evil spirits who inhabited the Xiantai between his eyebrows.

"The existence of divine thoughts is indeed extraordinary. It is often the evil thoughts that can only be born after the emperor who has made great achievements in his life has passed away. It can be said to be the same as the supreme figures of the past."

"However, once the god Nian chooses to awaken the Dao fruit of the previous life, there will only be one ending in the follow-up."

"Except for you, this exception."

Hearing Wang Bo's words, Ye Fan and the others were naturally shocked, while the evil spirit in their minds remained silent.

At this moment, the evil ghost has already restrained its own extreme aura, and the Dao Fruit belonging to the Holy Emperor no longer emerges.

However, he did not dissipate into nothingness like other gods.

Although Duan De, Long Ma, and Ye Fan were equally puzzled by this, they also guessed that this might have something to do with the evil ghost being the resurrection of the Holy Emperor.

As for Wang Bo, who was on the opposite side, he didn't think that the evil spirit would take the initiative to tell him.

However, since he had seen such miraculous things this time, he naturally wanted to go back to the end and figure out the ins and outs.

Thinking of this, Wang Bo didn't hesitate any more.


 Sorry, the third update will have to wait for a while, and it will be updated around 20:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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