Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 1022 The Truth of the Holy Emperor Dao Fruit

Chapter 1022 The Truth of the Holy Emperor Dao Fruit

I saw that with Wang Bo's location as the center, there were thousands of chaotic and surging waves, and billions of celestial lights bloomed, making the world in this world cry out.


Sensing the aura that seems to be above the world of mortals, in Ye Fan's palm, Emperor Zun's incomplete Chengxian Cauldron resisted independently, and a faint green glow came out, covering several people.

However, even with the protection of the Immortal Cauldron, Duan De and the others still trembled under the majesty of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor.

Judging from the evil ghost's previous performance, compared to Duan De, he can naturally show a certain combat power.

It's just that Wang Bo's realm cultivation has long exceeded the imagination of the world. Even the incarnation in front of him is far above the holy emperor in the heyday of the past.

Not to mention the degenerate god Nian Evil Ghost, who was easily suppressed by Wang Bo after just one meeting, it is not an existence of the same level at all.

In addition, evil spirits can also sense it, and Wang Bo in front of him has no killing intent, but just wants to get a glimpse of his secrets.

Therefore, the evil ghost, like Duan De before, directly chose to "play badly".

As expected, Ye Fan once again felt the feeling of being restrained physically, unable to move at all.


Immediately, Wang Bo's majestic and majestic divine sense descended again, directly submerging into Ye Fan's brow-centered fairy platform, carefully observing the evil spirit.

Maybe it's because the secret of the Holy Emperor is not complicated, or because Wang Bo has already "familiarized with the road", after only a moment, he seems to have understood everything.

"It is so."

Even Wang Bo, who is a powerhouse of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor series, showed surprise in his tone.

After a while, he still looked at the evil spirit with burning eyes, and a strange expression flickered in his eyes:
"It turns out that there is already part of the Dao Fruit of the Holy Emperor sleeping in your body."

Having said that, Wang Bo paused, glanced at Ye Fan in front of him, and then continued:
"As the realm of your possession of this kid improves, you also hide from the sky and use the power of the catastrophe to perform baptism, trying to dissipate your dead breath."

"However, if you forcibly awaken that part of Dao fruit today, you will still injure the enemy a thousand, and you will only injure yourself by [-]."

Worthy of being the supreme emperor of heaven, he has seen all these secrets with just one glance.

As soon as Wang Bo's words fell, Duan De, Ye Fan and the others couldn't help being shocked, and immediately looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They didn't know about the fact that part of the Holy Emperor's Dao fruit was contained in the evil ghost's body.

No wonder the evil spirits have the confidence to accompany them to the fairy land, it turns out that there are such means to suppress the bottom of the box.

Although awakening the Holy Emperor Dao Fruit has obvious side effects, but if the Chaos Heavenly Emperor hadn't come in person, the Holy Spirit Dragon Emperor must have been suppressed by the evil spirits.

At the same time, Ye Fan also realized that the evil spirit should have gained this after he had survived the Great Tribulation of Sendai with him.

As for Wang Bo, he didn't care much about what Ye Fan Duande and the others were thinking. At the moment, what he was most curious about was naturally the matter related to the Holy Emperor and the gods.

"Since the Holy Emperor has part of the Dao fruit with you, the rest of the Dao fruit is not dead after all..."

Wang Bo expressed his guess while deducing it silently.


The person's eyebrows glowed, and the mysterious dao rhyme that belonged to the former word secret flowed, which was far more miraculous than the aura that Ye Fan had sensed from Du Shendao people and Wang Teng before.

The Void Avenue shook violently, and the world seemed to be subverted. The holy and white mist filled the air, and there seemed to be countless ghosts and gods manifesting in it, helping others to deduce together.


Finally, accompanied by a huge bang that opened up the world, Wang Bo suddenly opened his eyes, and a slightly puzzled and surprised expression flashed across them.

His cultivation base is close to that of a fairy, his spiritual thoughts are deep, coupled with the mystery of the first character, it seems that he has glimpsed the fuzzy scene of the future.

Fortunately, after all, Wang Bo was not an extraordinary person, and soon returned to normal. He said with sincere emotion:

"It seems that the Holy Emperor is destined to reappear."

Wang Bo's tone was rather complicated, and one couldn't help guessing whether he had any deep meaning.

On the other hand, according to Duan De and Ye Fan, the reappearance of the Holy Emperor is almost predictable.

I just don't know whether it will be dominated by the evil ghost or the deity.

And after hearing Wang Bo's words, the evil ghost's dark and deep eyes were also shining brightly, and it was rare for him to take the initiative to speak:
"It's not impossible for this seat to be the seat of the Holy Emperor."

Regarding this, Wang Bo was naturally noncommittal.

The man only smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, but didn't say much.

Relatively speaking, no matter what aspects, the Holy Emperor is naturally far from being comparable to Mingzun, so he did not bring much inspiration to Wang Bo.

"Since the matter is over here, it's time for the Emperor to leave."

Immediately, Wang Bo said so.

The reason why he came to Dengxian Land this time is mainly because someone tampered with his disciple's coffin and awe-inspiring the Holy Spirit here.In addition, he has a very close relationship with the Qinghong Immortal Sword.

Now, with his deterrence, even the reverends in the restricted area should not dare to offend easily.

In addition, Wang Bo has observed the reincarnation seal in Duan De's body this time, and has a deeper understanding of Mingzun's method of becoming an immortal. The most important thing now is naturally to return to the Undead Mountain and comprehend the Dao.

Before leaving, Wang Bo looked at Duan De and said with a smile:
"This emperor, sitting cross-legged in the Immortal Mountain all year round, you can come and find it."

Hearing this, Duan De, Long Ma, and Ye Fan naturally had an unconcealable look of joy on their faces.

Apparently, this is Wang Bo's reciprocation after observing the great secret of Mingzun.

Realizing that he would have the backing of Undead Mountain in the future, Duan De's mouth almost grinned to the base of his ears.

On the other side, after Wang Bo had arranged everything here, he naturally no longer planned to stay.


I saw that under the person's feet was a bright and splendid divine bridge manifested, exuding the aura of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, pointing directly at the middle of the Eastern Desolation, the ancient forbidden zone of life.

Immediately, Wang Bo took a step forward and went away in an instant.

"Congratulations to the Heavenly Emperor."

Including the Holy Spirit Dragon Emperor, everyone saluted respectfully.


Thousands of Taos in the void shook violently, like a vast ocean undulating, filled with the breath of the Supreme Dao.

When everyone raised their heads, Wang Bo's figure had already gone away and disappeared in the direction of Donghuang.

However, there is still that kind of Dao rhyme left here, which is sincerely awe-inspiring.


While everyone's thoughts were still fluctuating, Duan De had already recovered.

On the surface, he still had his usual dignified appearance, as if he hadn't been affected by what happened in Dengxian Land today.

To some extent, he can also be regarded as "not forgetting the original intention".

"Brother Dragon Emperor, we are all here. As the owner of this place, do you want to show us around?"

Duan De rolled his eyeballs, and said so familiarly.

And as a holy spirit who is close to the Great Perfection, the Dragon Emperor can naturally see what he is up to at a glance.

However, the person didn't say much, just nodded lightly.

 Three changes completed.

  There will still be three changes tomorrow, and it is estimated that there will be one change around 14:30 and two changes after 19:30.

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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