Chapter 215 Questioning the Immortal Emperor?

As early as when the three ancient royal families decided to send troops to Kunlun, some powerful forces with a long history got wind.

I learned the terrifying news that the three ancient imperial soldiers were about to go out together.

In this regard, the ten thousand races are excited, but the human race can't help feeling sad.

They knew in their hearts that the Emperor of the Extreme Dao was high above them, and naturally no one could offend their weapons. This is definitely not a gap that can be filled by numbers.

Because of this, none of the ancient sects who received Kunlun's request for help came to support them.

Because it really doesn't make sense, if you use the word "Huang", that's the difference between cloud and mud, let alone a real ancient emperor's soldier?

They had expected for a long time what kind of disturbance would be caused by the destruction of Kunlun in Beidou.

Many people are even preparing, after this battle, which regions will be abandoned and ceded to the Ten Thousand Races.

Until the end of the Kunlun War, the news came out that the war ended in a way that was beyond everyone's expectations.

The three great imperial soldiers revived, and the legendary invincible general under the command of the immortal emperor appeared...

These few nouns alone are enough to make the living beings of all races who heard about this matter noisy.

However, they have all become the foil of the same person, as if they have become a buffoon under the dazzling light of each other.

The most powerful man of the human race was born!
At the moment of crisis, it withstood the attack of the three royal families and saved the human god city Kunlun.

Not only that, pick up the imperial soldiers with bare hands!Press the god general with one palm!Backhand Zhen Huangbing!

It sounds like a fantasy, but it has been confirmed to be true by various forces.

All of them cheered up the human monks who had been almost out of breath by the tens of thousands of races in recent days, and their blood spurted.

These piles, each piece, if taken out alone, are enough to shake the world and cause an uproar in the Five Regions.

However, they were all created by one person and happened within a day!
All of a sudden, that mysterious strong man became the focus of all souls' attention.

Because, it has been ten thousand years since the emperor of the previous generation transformed into Taoism.

His dao marks have disappeared, which means that the avenue of heaven and earth can allow the birth of a new emperor.

At this time, a human race superpower who can receive the emperor's soldiers with his bare hands appeared, and what this meant was self-evident.

Human race, is another emperor about to be born?
Thinking of this possibility, the hearts of the sages of all races trembled with horror.

Since this era, no race has ever given birth to two emperors.

If it is true that there is another emperor in the race, doesn't it mean that the potential of the human race far exceeds that of the ten thousand races?

Regardless of whether the future will be like this, the whole world is boiling, and all human races are discussing this possibility enthusiastically.

In contrast, the Wanzu was exceptionally silent.

Previously, they could still disdain the human race with the number of ancient emperor soldiers, but now, the opponent has already been thinking about the possibility of another emperor.

As for the Ten Thousand Races, not to mention the most powerful people who can receive the emperor's soldiers with bare hands, there are not even a few great saints, and the quasi-emperor has never heard of it.

Among the ten thousand races, many souls cursed in their hearts, hoping that the strong man of the human race would try to prove the truth without knowing the heights of the heavens and the earth, and then be struck to death by lightning.

Of course, they can only think about it in their hearts, and they dare not say anything.

Haven't you seen how many royal families have returned home in defeat, have all the royal soldiers been suppressed?
But at this moment, the protagonist in the vortex of public opinion, after successfully suppressing the refining pot, did not really embarrass the three royal families.

Zhou Luo simply cut off the thousands of years of cultivation of the leaders and part of the bones of the elites, and then let them go.

And the three major royal families, like Meng Dahe, shouted the "supreme human race" great kindness, and immediately fled away in a hurry like a bereaved dog.

Among them, everyone in the Guangming Clan was bleeding, but they didn't dare to say a word about when the Human Race Supreme would return the Jidao Emperor Soldier.

And they, perhaps, are the creatures of all races who most hope that Zhou Luo will try to prove the Tao.

Regardless of success or failure, they should be able to regain the ancient imperial soldiers.

Watching the coalition forces of the three royal families disappear into the sky, everyone in Kunlun City still seemed to be in a dream.

Not long ago, the human race was still on the verge of a precarious situation, but in a blink of an eye, it was even possible to discuss whether another human emperor would be born.

Good fortune makes people, nothing more than that.

But no matter what, when he saw Zhou Luo's seemingly unimportant figure fall towards the top of Kunlun City again.

Huge cheers like landslides and tsunami erupted in the entire city of God.

Its sound shook the sky and resounded throughout the universe.

Among them, there are many masters of the same religion who stand in the holy land, and they all shouted from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, apart from the Kunlun followers, many people don't know his name.

For a while, shouts of "Supreme", "Holy Emperor", and "Tianzun" came and went one after another, which made Zhou Luo feel a little helpless.


A group of people gathered around, of course, except for the Kunlun disciples, they were all strong men who had at least reached the holy land, and came to pay their respects to the true face of the supreme being of the human race.

"Senior, the Wan Clan is so awesome to our Human Clan this time, why don't we kill a few ancient royal families too!"

A young and vigorous disciple said aggressively.

"Presumptuous! Is it your turn to talk too much! Seniors have their own reasons for how they behave."

Although Zhou Luo has always been very easy-going, the head teacher of Kunlun still showed great dissatisfaction with his disciple's transgression.

Seeing this, Zhou Luo raised his hand to stop it, then looked around and said peacefully:
"Perhaps some ancient royal families have long forgotten the teachings of their ancestors, but many ancient emperors advocated the symbiosis of all races when they were alive. They protected all spirits and made great achievements."

"This is the case with the Eastern Emperor, and it was also the same with the original Wanlong Emperor, Golden Ancient Emperor, and Guangming Emperor."

Hearing this, several respected old saints present all nodded, and immediately looked at Zhou Luo with admiration, feeling excited.

With such a broad mind and such courage, it is really possible that our human race will give birth to another extreme emperor!


Zhou Luo changed the topic, and his tone instantly became indifferent:

"Some people should really visit them."

Feeling the chill from the heart, everyone present trembled.

Headmaster Kunlun lowered his head and asked for advice:

"Dare to ask senior, where are you going?"

Zhou Luo looked around the crowd and said lightly:
"Ancient Emperor Mountain."


The supreme being of the human race is about to question the undead emperor!

I don't know who and where the news came out, once it was born, it caused an uproar in the Beidou Five Regions.

Among the ten thousand races, some are disdainful, while others are worried.

Because the Immortal Emperor has disappeared for many years, without his old man, it is still unknown whether the Ancient Emperor Mountain can stop the Human Race Supreme.

But more people don't want to believe it. Even if the Supreme Being of the Human Race is really invincible in this world, he won't fail to figure out how to provoke the legendary Immortal Emperor.

However, after a divine light avenue manifested, crossing the sky and pointing directly at the direction of the ancient emperor mountain, the Big Dipper boiled, as if it was about to be overturned.

The supreme being of the human race really wants to break into the ancient emperor mountain!

This is destined to be the biggest event that has happened in the past ten thousand years, and it will definitely be recorded in the ancient history of practice!

On the Shenguang Avenue, Zhou Luo's divine sense had already covered the entire land. Hearing the discussion of all beings, he couldn't help crying and laughing.

It is not clear who is spreading rumors.

Sure enough, the so-called whirlpool of public opinion is really the same as before.

Regardless of what Wanzu thinks, Zhou Luo has no intention of changing the way forward.

In a moment, on the red earth, nine dragon veins spread across, and a "bead" was in the middle of the guard.

Like an angry sword soaring into the sky, a purple mountain stands at the end of the world.

At the same time, Zhou Luo also sensed some inexplicable aura.

In front of Zishan Mountain, the sun and moon gods with loose silver hair will stand like gods.

And beside him was a young man in a silver robe, supernatural and refined, and the Tian Ge in his hand seemed to cut across time and space.

 Thank you very much for your rewards, subscriptions, and votes. The author will work hard to write the follow-up plot!
  Go to Purple Mountain first, then Undead Mountain
  There will be two more around 19:[-]
(End of this chapter)

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