Chapter 216 The Emperor Takes Action!

The Northern Territory of later generations is a desolate land.

Although vast, it lacks vitality and is occasionally dotted with oases.

However, in the ancient times, the Northern Territory was a piece of fertile soil.

The supreme dragon vein hides under the earth, and the supreme divine spring gushes out.

The source energy between heaven and earth is rich, and it is the most suitable environment for cultivating Taoism.

However, even so, the vicinity of the ancient emperor mountain is a thousand miles away.

Nine huge dragon veins guard Zishan, making a soaring shape, as if the world will fly away in the next moment.

At this moment, Zhou Luo stood on the Shenguang Avenue, overlooking the ground beneath his feet.

Outside the Purple Mountain, the Sun Moon God will stand aside, with a strange look in his eyes, looking at the silver-robed youth in front of him.

It was a complex gaze mixed with fear and respect.

The peerless young man raised his head and looked at the figure in the cloud. The Tian Ge in his hand flashed across, stirring the void.

He slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Supreme of the human race, please stop."

Although the volume was not loud, the boy's voice penetrated all barriers, spread to the distance, and echoed in the hearts of all the creatures in the Northern Territory.

Among the countless ancient sects, the sages trembled: Is that the existence in the ancient emperor mountain?
"Oh? Really?" Zhou Luo's response seemed extraordinarily casual, as if he didn't pay attention to the person in front of him.

Immediately, he looked cold again, and said indifferently:
"So, Ning Fei, you must cover him?"

The piercing gaze, like a heavenly knife, scraped across the body of the Sun Moon God General, making the latter tremble.

Ning Fei, a silver-robed boy, couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard his real name spoken by the Supreme Human Race opposite him.

There are not many people who know his real name, and the title he often hears recently is - "the number one general".

Sighing, Ning Fei cupped his hands and said politely:
"The Supreme One misunderstood."

He glanced at the Sun and Moon God General beside him, making him shudder.

"The sun and the moon ignore the teachings of the emperor and rashly intervene in the internal affairs of the ten thousand races. They should be punished."

"Not only that, but he also dared to offend a human supreme. It's just a mistake. I will punish him on behalf of the emperor today, and punish him for 10 years, as an example to others!"

After the words fell, before Sun Moon God General could utter any rebuttal words, Ning Fei backhanded him into a piece of God's source.

Riyue's face was full of anger, she refused to accept it, so she struggled hard, trying to rush out.

But immediately, the Tian Ge fell, and there was a loud bang.

When the smoke and dust cleared, there was no sun and moon general, only a stubborn stone shining brightly in Ning Fei's hands.

He threw it casually, and sank into the purple mountain behind him.

Only then did Ning Fei turn around, cupped his hands at Zhou Luo and said:
"In this way, it can be regarded as an explanation to you, Supreme."

Everything happened between lightning and flint, not to mention Zhou Luo, even the strong men of all races who dared to peek at this place were horrified.

Not only was he amazed by the "iron face and selflessness" of the first god general, but he was also in awe of how he could suppress the sun moon god general who was also standing in the realm of the quasi-emperor nine heavens just by raising his hand.

Many people have a question mark in their minds, has the first god general really not proved the Tao yet?

Standing opposite him, Zhou Luo felt the deepest.

He had no doubts that Ning Fei in front of him had already attained enlightenment in a different way, but he didn't know whether he achieved it with the help of Little Phoenix or by himself.

After thinking about it for a while, I immediately forgot it.

What about alternative enlightenment?
Even if he is suppressed in the same realm as you, Zhou Luo never thinks that he will overturn, it's just a little more effort.

Thinking of this, Zhou Luo smiled slightly and nodded:

"It's not bad. That being the case, let's expose the matter of the ancient Huangshan's meddling with the royal family and Kunlun."

However, after the words fell, Zhou Luo did not move at all, obviously not intending to leave.

Ning Fei on the opposite side could not help but frown slightly:
"Exalted you?"

"Let Little Phoenix come out to see me." Zhou Luo said calmly.

That tone was like greeting a junior casually.

And that person is not someone else!It is Taikoo No.1, the Immortal Emperor who is regarded as the supreme god by all races!

Zhou Luo's undisguised words spread throughout the Big Dipper through the Eyes of Heaven and others, causing all the ancient kings to be furious, and landslides and tsunami-like momentum erupted in the ancestral lands of countless powerful races.


"A mere supreme being, who has not yet attained enlightenment, dares to despise the emperor like this!"

On the other hand, Ning Fei couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said in a cold tone:
"The emperor is supremely majestic and cannot be offended. Your Majesty, please go back!"

"Really? He doesn't want to come out to see me, so I'll go and find him out!"

Zhou Luo's divine sense is so keen, and now that he has recovered to the level of another kind of enlightenment, he still can't sense it. There is clearly a supreme aura that presses across the heavens in the purple mountain.

Without further words, Zhou Luo immediately punched out.Although it looks ordinary, it contains his perception of reshaping the wheel sea and Taoist palace in this life, and it is a blow with all his strength.

The unpretentious fist struck, in Ning Fei's eyes, it was like a star falling from the fairyland in the legend, and he needed to do his best to resist it.

He danced the Tian Ge, bursting out with brilliant divine light, tearing up time and space, spreading the unreserved power of extreme power.

Feeling that kind of power, the great saints who dared to peep not far away knelt down on the ground, but their faces showed ecstatic expressions.

The first god will become enlightened!The invincible supreme who will strangle the race turned out to be born!
However, the ending was destined to disappoint them.


When the fist met the silver Tian Ge, there was a crisp sound like gold and iron clashing.

In the next instant, a brilliant rainbow erupted, illuminating the ancient, modern and future celestial light across the sky.


The first god general let out a muffled groan, staggered and flew away, bumped into the purple mountain like a divine sword, Tian Ge wailed.

And Zhou Luo stood on the cloud, without moving a bit.

The first god will lose.

There was no earth-shattering battle as expected, just a simple punch, and the number one god general who was suspected of being enlightened was knocked into the air.

What kind of cultivation is this... Even if the emperor reappears, can he do this?

For the first time, the supreme status of the Immortal Emperor in the hearts of all races was shaken.

Ignoring what the creatures of all races would think when they saw this scene, Zhou Luo withdrew his fist, nodded slightly, and said lightly:
"That's right, it's much tougher than Sun and Moon."

The number one god will be cultivated to be unrivaled in the world. According to the legend, if the emperor did not testify before him, he would definitely be able to transform into a supreme ancient emperor.

Now, in the mouth of the Human Race Supreme, the only evaluation he gets is that his body is tough?
Everything that has happened recently has been too magical.


There was a roar from Zishan, as if a ball of silver light was burning, enveloping the first general and coming towards Zhou Luo, the imperial aura was overwhelming.

However, he didn't come here for a fight to the death.

Ning Fei had a complicated look on his face, and said with difficulty:

"I am indeed no match for you."

"But—" Immediately, Ning Fei's eyes burst out with a bright fairy light:

"If you want to enter Ancient Emperor Mountain, just step over my corpse!"

Thoughts soar to the sky, Qi and blood run through the sky like a dragon.

Seeing this, Zhou Luo shook his head.

He has no personal grievances with Ning Fei, and even admires his devotion to duty very much.

Having made up his mind, Zhou Luo stretched out his palm, concentrating all his strength, as if there was a real and vast world between his fingers, like a towering and majestic ancient mountain pressing down, ready to catch it and suppress it for a short time.

However, at the moment when he made a move, there was a sudden induction in the dark.

Following that inexplicable aura, Zhou Luo raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Zishan.

There, a phoenix tower emerged, ancient and sacred, the laws of the emperor's way were shocking to the world, and wisps of the aura of the avenue hung down.

However, what really attracts people's attention is that there is a majestic figure sitting cross-legged on the Huangtai.

It was a young man who looked to be in his 20s, with an extremely handsome appearance and an unrivaled demeanor.

As soon as Shi Shi appeared, he became the center of the avenue of heaven and earth, and the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and earth all became his foil.

Immortal Emperor!

In the early days of the ancient times, the ancestors of countless powerful races went to meet the emperor, and now there are still portraits in the clan.

Coupled with the kind of aura that surpasses the heavens, there is no way to go wrong!
I saw that the figure sitting cross-legged on the ancient phoenix platform slowly opened his eyes.

For a moment, it seemed that the past, the present, and the future were cut off, making Beidou Tiandi seem to be unable to bear the coercion, and it was about to burst apart.

The man held a heavenly sword in his hand, and slashed at Zhou Luo with five-colored fairy lights.

 Fourth, wait a moment
(End of this chapter)

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