
Thousands of Taos roared, and in the life restricted areas of Beidou and Feixian, there were immortal lights soaring into the sky, and the aura of the Supreme Dao almost tore the sky.

One after another, the Dharma statues stand upright, bloody and bloody, which makes the stars and rivers in the sky tremble, and makes countless dead stars fall in the depths of the universe.

The supreme being who once reigned in the nine heavens and ten earths, and made all spirits pay homage to him is about to return, and more than one supreme avenue is spreading, overwhelming the world.

In the dark void, countless eyes as bright as the sun opened, piercing through the myriad universes, making the quasi-emperors in the world tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

Compared with the real supreme being, even the most powerful quasi-emperor who ascended to the ninth heaven is just a slightly bigger ants.

I am afraid that only those who will become enlightened before the ultimate leap, before the ultimate sublimation, can have a little insight into this kind of existence.

As time went by, the world-shattering changes continued, and the roar of Wan Dao not only did not weaken, but even became louder.


In the end, in a crisp voice that resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten earths, it seemed that a fairy had broken free from its shackles and was about to reappear in the world.


And as they exhaled and breathed naturally, one piece after another of the sea of ​​stars dimmed, and countless heaven and earth energy surged in, and finally submerged into the bodies of the Supremes.

The words of Gu Zun spread to every corner of the nine heavens and ten places, making the living beings in this world shudder.


The purple light tore through the void, and the ten thousand dragon bells hovered over the middle-aged man's head, and the god's heartfelt and excited spiritual thoughts also came out of it, the sound waves were mighty, and the imperial power permeated.

"The future is broken, and the road to immortality is hopeless. Today, I will use your source of life."

Meeting the fierce gazes of all the venerables, the Qilin Emperor raised his head and glared angrily without any fear:
"How innocent are all living beings? For your dream of becoming a fairy, do you have to sacrifice all living beings!?"

Even the low-level monks finally came to their senses, the supreme being was born to wield a butcher's knife at all spirits!


And for those strong clans and great religions with a long history, they don't know what kind of existence is in the forbidden areas of life, not to mention they know it well, but they are almost the same.

There are regrets, reminiscences, and emotions, but more of them are indifferent.

After a moment of stalemate, all the lords are about to pass the Qilin Emperor and go away——

"Fellow daoists, do you really want to be ruthless?"

Wanlonghuang's tone was full of sarcasm and disdain.

At the same time, somewhere under the Beidou land, there is a place where thousands of dragons are steaming, and the purple and gold rays of light are flourishing.

Taoist Baihu's question resonated with the rest of the venerables, and they stared at the Qilin Emperor opposite with their bright eyes.

Accompanied by the vast chaos of the myriad ways, the starlight is gorgeous, and the blue-purple fairy light soars into the sky, lingering around a majestic and hazy figure, and descends in front of the respected ones:

Fragments of time are flying, and the scene reflected makes the world terrified.

In this world, only the former Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor Hongchen should be immortals.But they don't know how the Wanlong Emperor survived the long years and survived forever.

Therefore, many restricted areas of life are peaceful, and no one is doing this early bird.

And the price is that, from now on, he can no longer be self-proclaimed, and is almost doomed to miss the fairy road.

However, in the face of more than ten existences of the same level, the visitor also seemed weak, and his tone was rather helpless.

The Wanlong Emperor, who also came from the ancient mine in the early days, stepped forward, with an indifferent expression on his face, and said disdainfully:


As soon as the subject changed, the Wanlong Emperor lowered his eyes again:

With the birth of this unique imperial soldier, the identity of the middle-aged man is ready to be revealed, it is the Wanlong Emperor.

But no matter what, all the Supremes suddenly opened their eyes, the light from the immortal platform between their eyebrows soared into the sky, resonated with Wan Dao Tianxin, awakened their own silent Dao Fruit, and ruled the world again.

The comer is undoubtedly a supreme being, even though he was not born in real life, his strength should not be underestimated either.

Hearing this, the Wanlong Emperor spoke again, and said indifferently and solemnly:
"Hmph! Winner and loser, if I wait until I become an immortal and become the ancestor, who will remember today's sea of ​​blood!"

And the words of the supreme being spread throughout the stars in an instant, causing a glimmer of hope to emerge in the hearts of all beings who had fallen into despair just now.

That piercing gaze made the hearts of all living beings throb, and even gave birth to a sense of imminent disaster.

"Could it be that I should pass away sadly, or should I just watch you enjoy the fairy road all to yourself!?"

Seeing that, as Wanlonghuang's voice fell, the major restricted areas of life were silent, without the slightest wave, and the hearts of all spirits and sentient beings fell to the bottom of the valley again.

In the shocked eyes of the world, a big purple dragon soared into the sky, and finally turned into an unusually majestic middle-aged man, with a pair of bright purple pupils, as deep as the sea.

In the Northern Territory of the Eastern Desolation, in the ancient mine of Taichu, a real dragon's long chant came out, which immediately caused the void to mourn, and accompanied by the blazing glow of the gods, the purple light of the ten thousand paths boiled, and the majesty of the emperor overwhelming the sky and the earth.

As he said, most of the people who were born this time were the ancient venerables who failed to try the method of Nirvana transformation, but were unwilling to pass away, and still wanted to fight when the road to immortality in the future was opened.

As for the Qilin Emperor, he did not choose to penetrate the Dao Fruit of the previous life, but he was not willing to leave just like that.

At the same time, beside Wanlonghuang, a white tiger Taoist also took the initiative to speak out, his eyes were cold:
"You wait for the rebirth of Nirvana, make up for the shortcomings of Xiantai, and live out the third life. Naturally, you are high above, and the road to immortality is hopeful."

"It's useless to talk too much. If you, the Qilin Emperor, or fellow daoists in the restricted area want to stop us, you can get through the previous life and be born to fight with us. Perhaps, it may not be possible to turn the world around?"

Right now, what really terrifies them is that so many supreme beings are changing at the same time, and no one has yet proved it in this life, and the anxiety is spreading.

But if you don't understand the Dao fruit of the previous life, you will only end up with hatred if you face more than ten supreme beings.

The reappearance of the Wanlong Emperor really overturned many people's cognition.

In fact, not only the Wanlong Emperor and the Qilin Emperor understand, but even many beings in the forbidden zone of life are aware of it. If there are a few such beings who are born and penetrate the Dao Fruit of the previous life, they can indeed put an end to this dark turmoil.

"Kirin Emperor, please don't pretend to be here!"

Thousands of roars roared in the void, the sky cracked, and a simple and unpretentious fist struck, and slammed directly towards the location of the venerables.

In the end, there were more than a dozen majestic and supreme figures standing side by side in the boundless void.


"How is it possible!? Even the Supreme Being of the Extreme Dao shouldn't be able to live until now!"

Reappearing after an eternity, all the gods have complex expressions, looking around, taking a panoramic view of this familiar and strange world.

There are supreme beings who are haggard, exhausted, and even far before the myth; there are also strange and powerful figures with half of their bodies turned into stone bodies; Like Wanlonghuang, a perfect existence that does not see the slightest difference was born.

Not only the Big Dipper Five Realms, but even the quasi-emperors and great saints in the depths of the starry sky were sincerely shocked.

However, the reappearance of the Wanlong Emperor is just the beginning. In the restricted area of ​​Beidou and Feixian, there are sounds of the origin of the immortal being broken.

The Wanlong Emperor directly revealed the identity of the person who came, and he turned out to be an ancient emperor, the ancestor of the Huolin Cave—the Qilin Emperor.

Immediately, a majestic, but slightly old and hoarse voice sounded:

An emperor who proved his way in the early days of ancient times reappeared. After more than a million years, he is still alive in the world!

However, before the supreme beings took any action, the supreme majesty appeared again in Beidou's Taichu ancient mine.

The aura of the six realms of reincarnation is raging, and many rare visions are intertwined and suppressed together.

"The emperor is not dead yet!"

Sorry for the late update.

This dark turmoil is unusual, and everyone can look forward to it.

There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

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