Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 700 An Alternative Enlightened Person From Ancient Times


The Supreme Divine Fist is unrivaled in the world, it is really powerful and boundless, accompanied by the aura of the Supreme Being, it swallows the universe with anger, and pushes the universe horizontally.

And at the infinite heights, there are majestic manifestations of myriad ways, resonating with the supreme existence in the dark.That kind of majesty spread, oppressing the stars in the sky, and they were about to sink into the sea of ​​stars.

At the same time, six ancient and vast phantoms of the universe manifested, and the six paths rotated, as if to obliterate the eternal void, and then open the chaos!


Standing at the front of all the venerables, the Wanlong Emperor let out a roar, facing this blow that seemed to destroy the world, he had no intention of retreating at all.

Accompanied by the ten thousand dragon bells, the emperor's dragon energy burst out, and countless purple and gold dragons rose up, finally colliding with the six reincarnation fists.

Compared with many supreme beings who were born in this world, the Wanlong Emperor is in a pretty good state, quite the power of an extreme emperor, and it is easy to see that he has cut himself, and the emperor's dao fruit is no longer complete.


When the two bodies joined each other, there was the sound of gold and iron colliding. It was really like the opening of the world, and the chaos of the myriad ways drowned everything.

"It is indeed difficult to prove the immortal golden body to become an emperor, and there are indeed some ways."

The cold voice of Gu Zun in the restricted area spread throughout the nine heavens and ten places, making many quasi-emperors feel cold from head to toe.

It is true that the Dacheng golden body can fight against those who have achieved Taoism, but in the face of an overwhelming numerical advantage, it is impossible to truly defy the sky.

Seeing this, the identities of the four supreme beings are ready to be revealed. They are the ancestors of several big golden body families of the Big Dipper, and the Dacheng golden bodies who once shocked an era.

However, what worries the world is that, logically speaking, it is less than [-] years since the Holy Emperor proclaimed the Dao, and the latter should still be in the most glorious and prosperous period of his life, but now he is so old.



Based on this, the combat power of the Supremes born this time should not be underestimated...

He and the Qilin Emperor looked at each other, nodded, and immediately stood side by side, looking at the supreme beings in the restricted area on the opposite side.

Seeing this, a serious expression appeared in the eyes of the Qilin Emperor beside him.

It's a pity that no matter how good the state is, if you want to compete with the current emperor, you are still a bit powerless.

For a time, the time and space here were disordered, and the universe was reversed, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

Just when the thoughts of all the heavens and all races were busy, the holy emperor had already crossed the vast galaxy and descended in front of the gods.

It is really rare in ancient times for so many supreme beings to gather in one place.

All the venerables stared at the Qilin Emperor and the Holy Emperor in front of them, as if looking at the dead.

"And I!"

"Hmph! So what if I wait!"

The four mysterious supreme beings are juxtaposed with the holy emperor, the blood energy of the five supreme beings is overwhelming, and many rare visions have manifested in ancient times, really like a fairy king coming to the dust, overwhelming the human world.

Seeing this situation, the venerables on the opposite side were not surprised but delighted:
"Since the lineage of the Immortal Golden Body is willing to be loyal to the whole family, then I will send you on the road together today!"

With just one step, everyone has descended from all parts of the Eastern Wasteland into the boundless void.

As a previous generation of supreme, everyone present is well aware of this.

Although the man's white hair is scattered, it feels like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time, but his steps are firm, as if he has stepped through the ages and came to this world.

A golden avenue of light crossed the sky, the laws of the heavens were changed, thousands of wailing wailed in the void, and countless fairy shadows lingered, and a figure that was even above the four golden bodies descended in an instant.

"Even if you are supreme, do you really think that the human world is invincible!?"

At this moment, there was a majestic and majestic voice from the depths of the universe, resounding through every corner of the nine heavens and ten earths:
"The great world is brilliant. Throughout the ages, outstanding people have emerged in large numbers, and there are even Immortal Emperors and Yuan Emperors who have been honored by future generations!"

"Holy Emperor, the Holy Emperor!"

It has been less than [-] years since this legendary emperor preached the Tao. Among the old quasi-emperors who were born from the powerful clans and ancient religions, there are many who went to the southern region to meet the holy emperor in the past. .

The Holy Emperor is the one who became enlightened in this world, since all the venerables dared to come out of the world and start a dark turmoil, it is absolutely impossible to let him go.

The celestial brilliance is bright, and in the interweaving of the avenues, a towering figure rises up, like a rising sun, shining on the world.

"Good, good, good!"

Just as Qilin Emperor's thoughts were fluctuating, the Wanlong Emperor on the opposite side suddenly raised his eyes, looked at a certain direction in the void, and said indifferently:

Today, all the venerables were born, setting off a dark turmoil, and all the venerables of the immortal golden body reappeared to quell the chaos for the world.

Before Supreme's words fell, and before the Qilin Emperor and the Holy Emperor could speak, a response came from the Beidou Ancient Starfield.

"When you are born this time, is it possible that this emperor can really take care of himself?"

It's a pity that although Wanlonghuang's body was shaking violently, he finally stabilized his figure, and he did not vomit blood or get injured, so he carried it down abruptly.

At the same time, from the depths of the universe, in a barren star field, a shout came out, which lasted for 33 days.

Although the figure of the person in front of him is stooped and old, but everyone still recognizes him, he must be the Holy Emperor without a doubt!
Although no one has proved the Dao in this life, there is still a great emperor in this world, who may really be able to protect all living beings and quell the darkness and turmoil.

Sure enough, like the Wanlong Emperor, observing the great ways of the gods and comprehending the law of Nirvana transformation, although he failed to live out the third life, his realm cultivation has also improved to a certain extent.

A phantom of ten thousand dragons lingered together, and the majestic and supreme figure flew out backwards, retreating more than ten steps one after another.

The legendary husband of the Western Emperor did not die either. He returned from the underworld and came to join the war.

At the same time, as he took a step forward, the nine heavens and ten earths wailed, and ten thousand dao resonated, intertwining many laws and god marks, all of which surrendered under his feet.

As the voice fell, the cold and dark universe was pierced in an instant, and fairy lights shot up into the sky one after another, breaking the eternal silence and illuminating the ancient prehistoric desolation, as if to dispel all the haze in the world.


Speaking of this, Wanlong Emperor's eyes were blazing, as if he wanted to pierce all falsehoods:
"It really gave you the chance to jump out and disrupt the situation with your indestructible golden body who can't prove the Dao and become an emperor."

What's more, all the venerables want to do the thing of extinction, and they will fight together to destroy and kill.

The person who came suddenly raised his eyes. On his extremely old but still heroic face, a pair of eyes were as bright as big stars, and there seemed to be a fairy fire burning in them, full of fighting spirit.

"You're self-aware."

Hearing this, the Holy Emperor showed no fear on his face, and responded with sharp eyes:

It was already expected by the Supreme Being that the Holy Emperor would come forward. Whether he can stop the dark turmoil is a big question mark.

As his words fell, the sky and the earth were silent, and all spirits and sentient beings were also induced at the same time, and they all looked at the same direction in the same direction.

"Hmph!" A certain ancient venerable from Feixian's restricted area was particularly disdainful of this, and mocked:
"In the past, you forcibly crossed into Taoism, and you were injured by the Xiantian Dao map, and you were doomed to a short life. Now you don't go to find your own burial, but you dare to appear in front of us. Do you really want to die!?"

Beyond the vast galaxy, exclamations of excitement kept coming and going.

All I saw was a haggard, blood-depleted figure approaching.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"


The Holy Emperor is an immortal golden body who bears the curse of proving the Dao, and his combat power is definitely more than that of the ordinary Supreme Dao Supreme. The world has no doubts about this.

The five domains of the Big Dipper are vast, and at this moment, there are blood and qi running through the sky in all parts of the Eastern Wasteland.

Every step it made crushed the void and turned it into black holes one after another, making the quasi-emperors who were watching outside the vast galaxy tremble with horror.

"However, do you think you two can turn the tide of the battle? Not enough!"

"The Immortal Emperor and the Yuan Emperor are long gone. We will deduce together with all the respected ones. The Chaos Body and the Ruthless Man are in a critical period, and we have no time to care about them. It is the best time for us to be born. Only you are the variable!"

As soon as the words fell, there were countless laws and immortal lights, and the supreme avenue was surging.

Not caring what the world thinks at all, the Wanlong Emperor once again looked at the opposite Holy Emperor, and said in a deep voice:

The emperor of the extreme way is turbulent in the world, but it does not come from the forbidden zone of life, but from the ancient star fields, the core seals of the inheritance of the extreme ways.

One after another huge Dharma statues towered into the sky, not much weaker than the real Supreme Being, and they all came from tearing apart the void.

Looking around, there are no less than ten such existences, making many ancient supreme beings feel like they are facing a big enemy, and they are no longer as calm as before.

And the one who ranked first among the many other strong men who became enlightened was an old man with white hair and beard who was dressed in the ancient Taoist robe of Heavenly Venerable.

The third update will take a while, and it will be updated before 20:[-].

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