Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 717 Headed by the Emperor, Conquering the Immortal Road

Chapter 717 Headed by the Emperor, Conquering the Immortal Road

The light of becoming an immortal is bright, running through the past, present and future, making the stars in the sky dim.

At the same time, countless brilliant light rains fell in the void, golden lotuses bloomed, and divine springs gushed from the ground.

In all the heavens and ten thousand domains, in the ancient stars and the origins of life, all races of life are bathed in the celestial light, a sacred and peaceful scene.

Between heaven and earth, one after another divine bridges manifested, sinking into infinite heights, as if connecting the legendary fairyland.

Looking at the scene in front of them, no matter whether it is in the world of mortals or in the world of practice, the world is sincerely shocked.

And in the ancestral lands of the ancient religions of the major powerful clans, as well as in the restricted area of ​​life, there are also the emotions of the strongest:

"Changing Immortal Tribulation."

In fact, compared to before, the tone of the Supremes was much calmer.

After all, this is the third time that the human world has been illuminated with the light of becoming a fairy. It can be said that it is "knowledge of the road", and the deities can see it normally.

The world-shocking divine thunder fell one after another, magnificent and majestic, piercing through the world, accompanied by the aura of destroying all ways.

I never thought that with just one blow, the Immortal Emperor would open up such a fairy road, which is really shocking.

And at the end of this passage, a vast and boundless world manifests, accompanied by a faint vitality of longevity.

As soon as the voice fell, the Immortal Emperor did not hesitate at all, and immediately sank into the passage made of blazing light.

Hearing this, Kong Kong nodded solemnly:

Amidst the roaring sound of opening up the world, a passage made of blazing light appeared.

"Do you remember the teacher's entrustment?"

On this day, in the Ancient Emperor Mountain, there was an aura of Immortal Immortal Dao, which caused chaos in the universe.


And its real combat power is far beyond the ordinary Immortal Dao, enough to confront the so-called quasi-immortal king.

The news of the Immortal Emperor's becoming an immortal spread to every corner of the world, making the whole world uproar and all living beings in an uproar.

Feixian Guzun's tone was particularly excited, and he asked the common doubts in the hearts of all the respected people present.

One after another, celestial lights criss-crossed the icy and desolate universe, and a total of six powerful and eternal figures descended here.

"This time, I don't know when we will see you again, so you can send me as a teacher for a while."

And these three times, without exception, whether it is the Immortal Emperor, the Yuan Emperor, or the Immortal Emperor, they all came from the lineage of Dao Fa Tianzun.



Although Xu Kong had doubts in his heart, he had an intuition that it was a blessing rather than a disaster. In addition, out of his trust in the moral god, Kong Kong did not ask, but respectfully said:

There is a vast chaos surging out of it, and there are even more fairy lights dancing around, as if to drown the world.

At the same time, the majestic and majestic voice of the Immortal Emperor came out, resounding through nine heavens and ten earths:

Even if the Immortal Artifact Phantom came to suppress it, and the Immortal Medicine Immortal Light poured out, it did not pose any threat.

He spent a very long time with Daode Tianzun, and the latter's sentimentality at the moment is not in line with his heart, which is quite abnormal.

In the end, only when the guillotine reappeared did the Immortal Emperor's gaze become a little dignified, but in the end the guillotine was still shattered.

Even today, there are still many powerful races in the depths of the universe who worship it devoutly.

If anyone still has doubts about the end of the dark turmoil in one fell swoop by the Immortal Emperor, then seeing today's scene, they will suddenly be surprised.

In the Heavenly Court on the other side, Daode Tianzun is not enlightening and practicing as usual, as if he has already expected today's changes.

A figure of peerless grace manifested, standing in the vast starry sky, standing upright, as if it wanted to break the universe of this human world.

Out of trust in the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, the venerables also followed closely.

"Master, please rest assured that the disciples will arrange them properly!"

The Immortal Emperor looked around, his eyes flicked across Kong Kong's body, he paused, but he didn't say much.


After a little thought, Daode Tianzun spoke again:

No matter what, the Immortal Emperor succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, and he truly became a fairy in the world of mortals.

And in the induction of all the venerables, even the insignificant ray of light in the great calamity is far infinitely stronger than the most terrifying attack in the dark turmoil before.

"Everyone is here, let's go."

As for the torture of the Immortal King that the Yuan Emperor suffered before when he crossed the catastrophe, it was actually the nine heavens and ten earths' feedback to the Immortal Emperor to feed back to the human world, which is not common to see.

"The time has come, are you still not moving?"

In addition, all the respected ones regretted that they did not see those terrifying figures suspected of being immortal kings that appeared when the Yuan Emperor crossed the catastrophe.

Accompanied by the turbulent chaos of the myriad ways, the five-colored fairy light is blazing, and the exuberant and boundless blood energy soars to the sky and the ten earths, making all spirits and sentient beings tremble and tremble.

The three masters and apprentices broke the shackles of the Dao of the universe in the human world, and the world of mortals became immortals. They really created a miracle, erected an immortal monument, and illuminated the way forward for the monks of later generations.

Therefore, even after thousands of years have passed, all living beings in the major ancient stars and origins of life still enjoy talking about it.

The gap between the two is immeasurable, far greater than the chasm.

And with the departure of the supreme beings, the gap in the fairy road gradually closed, and it was finally hard to find.

Even though they were separated by an endless distance, that kind of breath still made the quasi-emperors of the world terrified, from head to toe cold.

Because, after the end of the myth, the Immortal Emperor opened the ancient prosperous age, which has extraordinary significance to all races, and is therefore regarded as the supreme god of a generation.

Void was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Contrary to the horror of becoming an immortal, the Immortal Emperor feels quite relaxed.

Fortunately, the Immortal Emperor was well prepared and had already left the Beidou ancient star field and entered the depths of the universe, a certain barren land.

The Void has always been calm, and the Daode Tianzun is naturally very relieved of it, so he is not too worried.

At the same time, in the outside world, as the voice of the Immortal Emperor fell, the Huolin Cave of the Big Dipper, the Supreme Battlefield in the starry sky, and other places, all had immortal rays of light soaring into the sky, and the breath of the Supreme Supreme was overwhelming.

"However, if we want to enter the fairyland, we have to enter this realm first, and find a few fellow Taoists to help."

Although, during the catastrophe, the immortal emperor shouted from time to time, and all the venerables could also see the scene of him fighting hard in the thunder, but no fatal crisis broke out after all.

"Dare to ask the emperor, the end of this road is the fairyland?"

Although he is not the first mortal fairy born in the history of the human world, it still shocks the world.

In fact, the accumulation of the Immortal Emperor is profound, and the road to immortality in the ninth world is extremely solid, and it is just a matter of course.

After a while, he withdrew his eyes from looking at the direction of the Big Dipper, looked at the void in front of him, and showed a rare kindness:


Um! ?

In this regard, the Immortal Emperor only smiled slightly:
"The front is not a fairyland."


Although the void has not been implemented, he is a master of the way of space, and naturally he has already remembered the coordinates of the mysterious world.

At this moment, even the most calm Taoist Tianzun has an excited look on his face.

As for Void, he stood obediently in the same place and watched all the deities stepping on the immortal road one by one.


It was as if a hole had been broken in the sky, and the chaos and thunder poured down, trying to drown the world.

As soon as the words fell, I saw the Immortal Emperor casually slapped out his palm, and the aura of the supreme immortality came forth, surpassing the world of mortals.

Previously, the Immortal Emperor pacified the dark turmoil, which was already respected by the world, but now he is a celestial being in the world of mortals, which naturally made his prestige reach another peak.

It was the Qilin Emperor, Daodetianzun, Dapenghuang, Shihuang, Feixian Guzun, plus the void pulled by Daodetianzun.

 Three changes completed.

  Sorry for the late update of this chapter.The author's recent coding status is indeed not very good, and I will try to adjust it in the future.

  Tomorrow Monday, two shifts will resume, one at 19:30 and one at 23:50.

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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