Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 718 The Divine Chapter Emperor Zun is not dead! ?

Chapter 718 Mythical emperor is not dead! ?
In the depths of the universe, there is a great avenue of heavenly sound, which spreads along with the majestic and majestic fluctuations.

As for the major restricted areas of life, all the venerables have long since woken up, and they are watching with intense attention, not wanting to miss any details.

The Immortal Emperor is a celestial being in the world of mortals, and now the world has finally seen his unrivaled cultivation.

With just a seemingly random blow, a brand new "immortal road" is opened up, leading to a mysterious world that is suspected to be an immortal realm.

This kind of method is far above all the previous emperors, second only to the Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor, and it is sincerely awe-inspiring.


There are bright feathers of light flying here, myriads of gods are gorgeous, and the vast chaos is turbulent.

As for the figures of the emperor and several supreme beings, they have already disappeared into the passage made of blazing light.

Looking at the "immortal road" that is gradually closing and disappearing, there is an unconcealable envy in the eyes of the gods.

Fortunately, the Immortal Emperor opened up the Supreme Battlefield, which finally gave the Supremes in the restricted area a visible and tangible "ascent channel".

Let them have other "hopes" besides Beidou Xianlu.

Compared with the uncertain and fiercely competitive road to immortality in later generations, the promises made by the supreme Immortal Emperor himself are obviously countless times more reliable.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zun's heart is full of ups and downs, and it is difficult to calm down.

The Supremes wish that the golden world of the human world will continue, so that they can be born, get enough "achievements" as soon as possible, and become immortals in the world of mortals.

It's a pity that the ultimate Dao fruit of this world has long been occupied, and there are at least [-] years before the next golden age comes.


At the same time, above the fairy road, a holy white mist filled the air, accompanied by endless rain of light.

Even as the supreme being, bathed in that celestial light, he still feels refreshed.

"Finally, I have set foot on this fairy road."

Among all the venerables, Feixian Guzun had a sad look on his face, and said with emotion in a rather complicated tone.

In fact, it is the supreme being of the age of mythology, who has been dormant for millions of years and has survived until now.The purpose is to ascend to the Immortal Realm and see longevity.

At first, Gu Zun pinned his hopes on the immortal road of Feixian ancient star; later, he focused on Beidou's immortal road.

However, he never expected that in the end, he would be introduced into the Immortal Realm because of his meritorious deeds in tempering the monks of later generations.

The mentality of the rest of the venerables is also similar to that of the Feixian ancient venerable. Even though they have already set foot on the immortal road, they still have the feeling of being in a dream.

Fortunately, all the honorable ones were very human, and they quickly calmed down.Immediately, they raised their eyes at the same time, their eyes were blazing, and they looked straight ahead at the faintly visible strange world.

Of course, the fairy road is not all peaceful, there are many fairy spirits transformed by laws and made of fairy light appearing, and the fluctuations of the supreme series are permeating.

It's a pity that the weakest standing here is also the supreme being who has lived out the third life.

Without the need for the Undead Emperor to take action, the venerables have already removed the obstacles.

There is no obstacle ahead, all the venerables followed the fairy road and soon came to the mysterious world.

Standing here and feeling that breath clearly, all the venerables are finally relieved.They can be sure that there is no doubt that there is a real universe in front of them, and it definitely does not evolve by law.


Without any hesitation, the Immortal Emperor slapped his palm again, causing the mysterious world in front of him to vibrate violently and opening an entrance.

Seeing this, the brows of all the respected people behind were slightly frowned, and they stopped talking.They were worried that this move would attract the attention of local powerhouses in this world and cause unnecessary trouble.

It has to be said that the Supremes are indeed thoughtful and considerate.

In their perception, this world is vast, and it is by no means below the current human world.

In addition, there is a faint breath of longevity circulating in this world, and the number of local masters should be quite considerable.

As expected, when Feixian Guzun passed through the barrier of the Great Realm and breathed in the longevity substance that was far richer than that in the Human Realm, he became alert and looked forward with a look of wariness.

What I saw was a handsome young man approaching him, with soft blond hair hanging loose, his eyes were also soft, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was extraordinarily bright, revealing his crystal white teeth.

Although this person appeared to be harmless to humans and animals on the surface, Gu Zun Feixian felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and the alarm bells were already ringing in his heart.

The man in front of him who looked only in his twenties was definitely a powerhouse of the Supreme rank.And its cultivation base is very likely to be higher than itself!
Fortunately, there was the Immortal Emperor who was a celestial being on this trip, which made Gu Zun Feixian a little relieved.

But as if aware of Guzun Feixian's vigilance, the blond man on the opposite side cupped his hands:
"Fellow Daoists don't need to do that."

Seeing that the man didn't seem surprised by his appearance, Gu Zun Feixian couldn't help being puzzled, and just as he was about to ask, Dapeng Huang and others exclaimed from behind:

"Dao Yan!"

Hearing this, Gu Zun Feixian's heart trembled.

Dao Yan...

This is the honorable name of a certain great emperor who proved the Tao after the ancient times. At that time, the ancient venerable Feixian had already transformed into the Holy Spirit and Nirvana, so he did not have the chance to see it.

At this moment, Emperor Dapeng, Emperor Qilin and others looked at Dao Yan with surprise in their eyes.

In the past, they had exchanged the strongest evolution liquid with them, and they were not strangers to each other, so they could be sure that the person in front of them must be Dao Yan himself.

To everyone's surprise, they actually met an old acquaintance who had "gone" for many years here.

All the respecters deduced silently, and the Dapeng Emperor had a flash of light in his mind, and he blurted out:
"It has been said in the past that Dao Yan, you went to fight the fairy road, and your whereabouts are unknown. It turns out that you entered this strange world!"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Dao Yan's mouth, and he nodded:
"Of course."

But before the Supreme Being present could digest this impactful information, Dao Yanxuan even looked at the imposing Immortal Emperor, and bowed respectfully.

"Fellow daoists have been waiting for a long time, please come with me."

Hearing Dao Yan's words, all the lords keenly noticed the key point, and the Qilin Emperor frowned slightly:
"Could it be that besides Daoyan you, there are other people?"

In this regard, Dao Yan nodded, and then he did not forget to smile mysteriously:
"I'm afraid, there are still many people that fellow Taoists can't imagine..."

It's a pity that Dao Yan satiated everyone's appetite, stopped talking, and immediately set up the magic rainbow to lead everyone into the depths of this world.

Along the way, although they were just looking at the flowers on horseback, the honorable ones also saw the vastness and magnificence of this world.

Coupled with the existence of long-lived matter, compared to the human world, this place is really a fairy land outside the world.

In the end, the venerables arrived at the destination of this trip.

I saw that in the vast and boundless void, the sky was filled with brilliant stars.There is a vast chaos and turbulence, which complement each other with the bright and blazing fairy light, illuminating the heaven and earth.

The majestic and majestic fairy palaces, ups and downs in the chaotic fairy light, gather countless beliefs in the world of mortals, flowing with the auspicious splendor.

There are also densely intertwined Dao patterns, and the phantoms of real dragons, white tigers and other immortals manifest to guard this place together.

Between Tianque Immortal Palace, there are countless monks coming and going in an orderly manner.

Among them, there is far more than one Supreme breath.And Dapeng Huang and others even sensed some familiar auras that had crossed paths with the human world.

And, more importantly, the name of the behemoth in front of him——Heavenly Court!
The hearts of Feixian Guzun and others are naturally full of thoughts.

"Fellow daoists, please."

Under the guidance of Dao Yan, all the venerables went straight to the central fairy palace to meet the Lord of Heaven.

Looking at the majestic and majestic figure sitting above, or seeing it with their own eyes, or looking at it from a distance in later generations, even if they are the Supreme Supreme, everyone can't help but lose their minds for a moment.

Only the Immortal Emperor looked as usual, and even looked at each other with burning eyes, and his tone was calm and calm:

 Sorry for the late update of this chapter.

  The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thanks again for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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