Chapter 778

Swallowing the Devil!

Immortal God!

These two famous Supreme Immortal Sutras are rumored to have been written by the Ruthless Emperor.

Now, Luan Guyu saw it with his own eyes in Ruanren's dojo, and was able to comprehend these two fairy scriptures, which can be regarded as confirming that the rumors are true.

The former was created by the Ruthless Emperor in his early years, and it is the foundation of his strength.

The Ruthless Emperor relied on this ability to devour the origin of all spirits and pick up the great medicine of the world, and finally he was able to compete with the Chaos Body.

It is said that the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art is also recorded in the Paradise Heavenly Court, and many powerful people in later generations have referred to this art and benefited a lot.

If it is said that thanks to the establishment of Dao by the Immortal Emperor and the Yuan Emperor, the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art can still find clues in the world, but the mysterious Immortal Heaven Art has never been spread.

Because the Immortal Heaven Kungfu was created after the Ruthless Emperor proved the Tao, so it is not recorded at the end of the only ancient road.

It is rumored that it is precisely because the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art harms the peace of heaven and is not tolerated by the heavens and the earth, so the Emperor Ruthless created the Immortal Heaven Art to cut off all cause and effect, transform into a divine fetus, and seize the good fortune of the world. .

The two immortal scriptures are juxtaposed, and it is really hard to tell which one is better. If you have to say it, it is naturally the immortal skill that is more desirable.According to rumors, this skill even records the mystery of the immortality of the Ruthless Emperor.

Now, it is conceivable that it is a great opportunity for Luan Gu to sit in the depths of the ruthless man's dojo, swallowing the heavenly magic pot on his head, while listening to the fairy voice of the Dao from somewhere, comprehending the two supreme fairy scriptures.

If it is spread, not to mention the Big Dipper Five Realms, even the arrogance and powerhouses of the heavens and all races will be envied from the bottom of their hearts.

It's a pity that Luan Gu's current state is not as carefree and comfortable as imagined.

As early as on the only ancient road, most of the life source of Chaos Gu was sacrificed by Luan Tian Qixiong and others, and he was considered disabled.

Just now, his blood energy and vitality were deprived by the supreme power derived from the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art, and he was really in danger.

If it weren't for the support of the colorful stones, and the comprehension of the two supreme fairy scriptures, it might have exploded already.

But even so, the chaotic state is like a candle in the wind, which may go out at any time.

Right now, if he wants to break the situation, the only way out is to die and live a second life.

Therefore, Luang Gu immersed himself in the scriptures of the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art and the Immortal Heaven Art, and wanted to transform into an immortal fetus like a ruthless emperor.


After a long time, Luan Gu, who had fallen into the realm of deep enlightenment, suddenly opened his eyes, Dao fire struck his heart, and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence.

Seeing that the few sources of life that were originally there were drastically lost and were about to die, Chaogu crazily absorbed the divine essence from the colorful stones, and then he stabilized his state.

"No! I don't have a deep understanding of the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art and the Immortal Heaven Art, and I don't have enough accumulation. This way is dead!"

In fact, as Luan Gu said, he neither devoured enough origin, nor did he have a deep enough perception of longevity. How easy is it to imitate a ruthless person?

However, Luang Gu was not an extraordinary person after all, and his Dao heart was firm and resolute, and he quickly stabilized his mind.

After a while, he closed his eyes again and fell into the realm of enlightenment.

This time, he did not insist on taking the path of ruthless people again, but pulled himself away, as if standing on an infinite height, and re-examined the two supreme fairy scriptures.

The final foothold, as expected, still had to be on his own way.

The chaotic inner peace is like a mirror that stops water, and it seems to be far away from the hustle and bustle of the world in just a moment.

And everything in front of him, whether it was his own physical body or everything in the world, became blurred and lost its boundaries.

In the end, it seems that everything is integrated into one body, and the original form of the Dao is reflected in it.

This enlightenment is particularly crucial for Luan Gu himself, and it is naturally extremely long.

The long river of time is rushing, the days pass day by day, months, years, decades...

However, the state of chaos has not only not improved at all, but has worsened.

His stature is stooped, he is old, and his spirit is dim, like a candle in the wind, which may go out at any time.


A crisp sound came suddenly, echoing in the stone room in Ruthless Dojo.

The astonishing sound came from the chaotic wheel sea, whose wheel of life was full of cracks and was about to burst open.

At this critical juncture, Luan Gu opened his eyes with a "shua", and at the same time, his celestial platform glowed, and the auspicious colors burst forth, as if he was about to fly into the world of mortals.


A shocking celestial light soared into the sky, it was the most original power of the primordial spirit in the ancient times, and at this moment it bloomed the most brilliant light, disturbing the void and the universe.

In the next moment, the primordial god's celestial light was blazing, and it turned into a majestic and surging battle axe, which struck down immediately.


Under the invincible battle ax of the primordial spirit, the chaotic eyebrows and the sea of ​​flesh and body, these two places that are crucial to monks, are all broken.

It never occurred to him that he would choose to slash himself against him, causing his body and soul to shatter in an instant, and all worlds would become empty!

At the same time, from the shattered body, a gust of fresh air rushed out, matching the battle ax transformed from the immortal light of the primordial spirit——

In the vast expanse of blood, exuberant vitality like a vast ocean, the real body of Chaos Ancient reappeared.

It was a young chaotic man who looked only in his 20s. His body was crystal clear, like glass, and his soul was clear and clean, burning like an immortal oven, eternal and immortal.

Luan Gu stands in the void, with a solemn treasure appearance. Although his cultivation base and realm have not improved much, his aura is quite different.

It is really rare since ancient times to live another life by relying on oneself without taking the medicine of immortality!
Chaotic Gu's eyes were blazing, and he looked at the shattered body he had cut off just now, and his thoughts moved.


On the top of Luan Gu's head, a deep and dark black hole emerged, swallowing the remnant body in an instant, and the Dao Rhyme permeating Luan Gu's body became more and more perfect.

Sensing the changes in himself, there was a thoughtful expression in the eyes of the chaos.

He had a deeper thought about his own path.

Thinking in this way, Luang Gu immediately restrained his own divine energy fluctuations, and stood in the stone room again.

The light of the colorful stones in its palm was quite dim, but it was not destroyed after all.

At this moment, Luan Gu's mind was full of thoughts, but he did not hesitate in his movements, and saluted in the direction of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar.

Immediately afterwards, he held the miraculous colorful stones and slowly approached the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar.

That's right, even though the biggest goal of Luan Gu this time is the two Supreme Immortal Scriptures, how could he not be tempted when he sees such a legendary emperor soldier of the extreme way right in front of him?
Even if he couldn't take it away in the end, Luang Gu had to try a little before he could be reconciled.

It has to be said that the relationship between the seven-colored stones and the Ruthless Emperor is probably even closer than Luangu imagined, and he actually managed to get close to the body of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar without feeling any threat or rejection at all.

However, just when Luan Gu was trying to take it away, the magic pot shook violently and let out a sky-shattering roar.

Luang Gu was naturally taken aback, and quickly retreated to the entrance of the stone chamber.

After a while, the ups and downs in the void finally subsided, and Luang Gu's eyes widened.

I saw that the lid and body of the Swallowing Demon Jar were separated, and the lid was still ups and downs here, while the body of the jar was floating in the direction where Luan Gu was.

This works too! ?
No matter what, Luang Gu naturally carefully put away the magic pot, and then bowed respectfully again towards the place where the magic cap was up and down:
"Thank you, my lord—"

According to Luan Gu's comprehension of Immortality Heavenly Art, it is possible that this mighty emperor is still alive in the world!
The reborn Luangu was full of fighting spirit and high spirits, and finally left the place that changed his destiny.

 Three changes completed.

  Tomorrow there will still be one change around 14:19, and two changes after 30:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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