Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 779 Defeat of the Devil's Embryo, Alternative Brilliance

The world of mortals changes, and the sea changes.

Hundreds of years have passed, and for the stars of the heavens, the generation of heroes in the cultivation world, they have just risen, they are still full of vigor, and they are far from reaching the pinnacle of this life.

However, falling into the world of mortals, the dynasties have changed, the kingdom has been disillusioned, and I don't know how many generations of ancestors have passed away and changed the world.

In a certain place in the Eastern Wasteland, the chaotic ancient times of reviving a lifetime followed the memories in his mind, and the induction in the dark, and came to the huge city of the past again, and he was really moved.

The majestic and majestic city that caught the eyes of the chaos is still majestic, but in comparison, it has more years of precipitation, and the sense of history is heavy.

On the dark and dark city wall, there are deep chisel marks from swords, guns, swords and axes, which obviously have been baptized by the flames of war.It is lucky to be able to stand here today.

The city is as prosperous as before, and the sound of hawking along the street is endless.

Of course, Luan Gu's revisit to his hometown this time is definitely not a whim, but to prove the doubts in his heart.

With just one thought, Chaos Gu came to the house entrusted to the poor little girl at that time.

This is a secular city, and Luan Gu is now a strong man in the realm of saints, so naturally he will not attract the attention of any existence along the way.

Looking around, the little girl and the old couple from the past are naturally no longer here.

I saw that the celestial platform between his eyebrows was shining with brilliance, one of the nine secrets, the first word secret, was running, and the mysterious and profound dao rhyme immediately enveloped this place.

In the hazy mist, the scene of the past reappeared.

"This is!?"

Even today's Chaotic Ancients couldn't help being shocked when they saw the reflected picture.

In the past, after he and his junior sister left, the old couple took good care of the little girl and treated her as their own granddaughter.

However, after several years passed, the little girl did not grow up at all, which naturally aroused gossip and gossip from the people around her, who regarded her as an unknown person.

Fortunately, the old couple didn't care about this at all, and their descendants were also quite filial, and they didn't feel sorry for the little girl.

In this way, decades passed in a flash, and the two old people died of old age and drove west.

In front of the mourning hall, the little girl cried so hard that she finally turned into light rain and flew away in full view, which became a good story for a while.

Since then, this family seems to have been blessed by the gods. Although they have never been rich, they have always managed to turn bad luck into good fortune.

The light and shadow are mottled, the hazy mist dissipates, and everything returns to normal again.

As for the chaos standing here, there was unconcealable astonishment in his eyes, and there were many ups and downs in his mind, making it difficult to calm down.

Just now, when Luang Gu deduced with the previous word secrets, when he glimpsed the scene of the little girl flying into the sky, the kind of fluctuations made him who is now in the holy land sincerely terrified.

At this point, there is no doubt in Luan Gu's heart, that little girl is absolutely extraordinary, and now I think she should still be in the world.

However, according to his investigations in the past and the deduction just now, the little girl is indeed ignorant, and seems to be ignorant of everything.

Thinking of the colorful stones he gave him, and his various strange experiences in the Ruthless Dojo, as well as the magic of immortality, it is really frightening to think carefully.

There was speculation in Luan Gu's mind, he felt that he might have touched the great secret of a supreme emperor of heaven, and couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Fortunately, after all, Luang Gu was not a very human being, so he quickly calmed down his emotions, and immediately raised his eyes, looking into the depths of the boundless starry sky.

Regardless of the ending of the Ruthless Emperor, it is still too far away for the current chaos.

The road is long and the road to immortality is long.


Ever since the Immortal Emperor created the only ancient path, for millions of years, countless heroes have stepped forward, and all of them have embarked on the cruelest path of trials since ancient times.

Among them, countless losers have also been born, and the number naturally far exceeds the "supreme" geniuses who once had a short brilliant life and illuminated an era.

Most of these losers had their hearts broken. Even if they managed to save their lives and returned to their hometowns sadly, they would hardly make any progress in this life.

Among them, those who can rise from the dilapidated and retrace the ancient road are really rare.

However, in this life, such a peerless arrogance really appeared.

Luan Gu!

After hundreds of years, he revisited the only ancient road, starting from the first god city, and advancing all the way, truly invincible.

Of course, in the depths of the ancient road, many young lords dismissed it, thinking that it was just "bullying" the younger generations by relying on their cultivation.

It wasn't until a young supreme who had emerged on the road ahead and had a similar level of cultivation turned around, but was killed by the chaos, that he finally gained their attention.

And after beheading the prestigious young supreme on the ancient road, the invincible momentum of the chaos was fully displayed, and he broke through several great god cities and secret realms, defeating all the heroes of the race.

The defeated generals of the past, the "ants" who were not in their eyes at all and could be easily wiped out, have now returned in an invincible posture, making the famous young lords such as Chaotic Seven Heroes feel the tremendous pressure.


The void collapsed, and the universe was destroyed. Among them was a figure who looked like an immortal king. He collided with several avenues on the opposite side, and a huge bang broke out.

Accompanied by the blazing celestial light dancing wildly, the majestic power spreads, if it falls to the outside world, how many star fields will be turned into dust.

Although his combat power is extraordinary and amazing, he is absolutely unable to fight against many supreme arrogances with imperial resources by himself.


Tens of thousands of waves surged, the immortal light surged, and a figure was knocked into the air, submerged into the vast chaos.

"Chaos ancient!"

"You will die here today!"

More than one indifferent and majestic voice came, and every single one of them would shake the only ancient road.

Now, many young supreme beings work together to lay a net here to surround and kill Luan Gu.

It is enough to see that the chaotic ancient times did bring them great pressure to strike fiercely and obliterate the great enemy of enlightenment.

This time, with so many juvenile supremes attacking, even the young emperors would find it hard to resist.


In the end, without the slightest suspense, all of Luan Gu's physical body and primordial spirit exploded, completely severing his vitality.

However, before the smiles appeared on the faces of many young lords, a sudden change occurred.


Accompanied by the spread of some strange fluctuations, a sacred and majestic aura full of vitality permeated the air.

Not far away, Luan Gu's exploded body and primordial spirit sensed that kind of fluctuation, and countless fragments reunited, as if some kind of terrifying aura was brewing in it.

"not good!"

The young lords present were all extraordinary, so they naturally sensed that Luang Gu was undergoing some kind of transformation, and without any hesitation, they unanimously chose to attack, and unleashed the sharpest killing taboo magic power.


However, in the void, a dark and deep black hole emerged, and immediately engulfed Chaos Gu's body and primordial spirit.

No matter how the Young Supremes attack, the black hole remains unchanged.

Even, a ray of energy that occasionally leaked out from the black hole caused the physical bodies and primordial spirits of everyone present to burst apart.


With an imperceptible sound, the black hole disappeared immediately, easily breaking through the nets laid by the crowd.

At the same time, beyond the endless distance, a simple and rough magic pot was ups and downs.

A walnut-sized talisman flickered in the middle, breathing out the original spirit of the world, and the vast ocean of life energy was surging.

Accompanied by one of the clean qi rushing out, combining with the immortal light of Yuanshen, Chaogu's real body reappeared.

Although it is not comparable to the real resurrection of the first life, Chaogu has obviously completed a transformation.

And after Chaos Gu devoured the faded old body, the meaning of perfection around him became more and more intense, and then he raised his eyes, looking scorchingly at the infinite height.


The news of Chaos Ancient's great defeat came out. Although the world was surprised by this, they were not so surprised.

After all, he was besieged and killed by many young supreme beings who possessed imperial assets, even if the young emperor reappeared, there would be no suspense in thinking about it.

However, what followed was the anecdote that the ancients had killed against the sky and kept a glimmer of life.

However, everyone has not realized at this moment that this is just the beginning.

Luan Gu will continue to write his own "Hundred Defeats" myth.

There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

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