Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 781 Breaking into the Underworld and Seeing Immortals


The sea of ​​thunder is boundless, and the divine calamity shocks the world.That kind of fluctuation really seemed to destroy the world.

And every ray of robbery light in it can turn a quasi-emperor into flying ashes, without any suspense.

Even though they were separated by an infinite distance, it still made the quasi-emperor great sage in the star field of the heavens tremble.

However, in the most radiant chaotic thunder and nine-color fairy light, the majestic and majestic figure of Chaotic Ancient Manifested, accompanied by a certain supreme aura spreading.

His body is crystal clear, and his soul is radiant. Those thunder and fairy lights that the world fears to avoid fall on him, but they can only stir up strands of electric arcs, and his real body is not damaged at all.

Seeing this, all the powerhouses beyond the vast galaxy all stared solemnly.

Although none of them survived the enlightenment, nor did they see the scene of others crossing the catastrophe, but there are records in the ancient scriptures of the major powerful clans, and they are no strangers to the catastrophe of enlightenment.

Such a relaxed and comfortable person who survived the catastrophe like the current chaos is really rare, and it is enough to show that he is extraordinary.

Reminiscent of the fact that Luang Gu had killed almost all the supreme arrogance of his contemporaries with his own power before, everyone was not too surprised that he could have such power.

In fact, if the world were to learn about Luang Gu's performance in the Supreme Battlefield, it might really frighten them out of their wits.

But no matter what, no one in the world would have any doubts about whether Luang Gu could survive the catastrophe of enlightenment.


Chaos Gu even had spare energy to sacrifice and refine immortal materials in the Great Tribulation of Enlightenment, in order to forge his own supreme Tao soldiers.

It was a battle axe, invincible, as if it was about to open up the world.

And with the flow of fairy light, it turned into a Dao talisman, as if it could melt the world.

Such a strange Taoist soldier is really mysterious and miraculous to the extreme, as legendary as Luan Gu himself.

Chaotic ancient kung fu is involved in good fortune, and the god materials and fairy materials used to refine Taoist soldiers are naturally rare in the world.

Amidst the countless blazing thunders and radiant celestial light, the supreme battle ax and Taoist talisman finally took shape, blending with Luan Gu himself, with its own perfect flow of Taoism.


In the end, without any surprise, the infinite divine calamity came to an end, and the last ray of calamity was about to dissipate.

At an infinite height, the sky cracked, and one after another real avenues fell down, like a river of heaven hanging upside down, and finally converged into the supreme sea of ​​gods.

And on top of the majestic Myriad Ways, there is a Tianxin imprint that seems to contain all the principles of the Dao in the world, ups and downs, illusory and hazy.

The imprint of Tianxin in the human world manifested, sensing that breath, all the quasi-emperors and great sages in the world raised their eyes with burning eyes.


Everyone's expectations were naturally not in vain, only to see that the imprint of the heart was shaken that day, accompanied by the endless avenue of immortal light gushing out, and in the interweaving of the vast chaos and immortal light, a figure of immortal demeanor manifested.

Immortal Emperor!

In this regard, the chaos on the side was naturally expected.

If he wants to achieve Taoism with the heart of heaven and climb to the top, he must first pass the test of the Immortal Emperor.

Although what was in front of him was just an empty body, but Luang Gu didn't take it lightly, and bowed his hands solemnly.

The Immortal Emperor has great merits in the human world, and countless living beings in later generations deserve everyone's respect.

Seeing this, the Immortal Emperor smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and nodded in satisfaction.

If he hadn't known about it long ago, he might have thought that the one in front of him was the Immortal Emperor himself.

However, no matter how kind the Immortal Emperor looked, he would never show any mercy in his actions.


Even though Luan Gu's body and mind were already prepared, when he really faced the attack of the Immortal Emperor, he couldn't help but tremble.

For a moment, the thoughts of chaotic ancient times are connected with many emperors and great emperors from ancient times to the present, and they empathize with each other.

Although the divine energy of the same extremely supreme series is surging, but when it is cast by the hands of the Immortal Emperor, it seems to be above the world of mortals, and it is instantly suppressed without any suspense.

In fact, not only was Chaos Gu shocked, but the Immortal Emperor on the opposite side was equally astonished.

Compared with the previous Hengyu, Xihuang, Void and others, the "resistance to beating" of Chaogu has obviously stepped up to a higher level.

Confronting the former, often breaking them hundreds of times is enough to sharpen them.

But in the face of Chaos Ancient, even the Immortal Emperor finally felt a little tired, and it was finally considered a complete success.


In the end, with the loudest bang, everyone saw only a slightly broken figure falling from an infinite height, and the Immortal Emperor's empty body had long since dissipated.

Just when the great sage quasi-emperor in the world held his breath, with all kinds of thoughts in his heart——

In the chaotic and broken body, there is immeasurable celestial light, exuberant like a vast ocean of vitality, rising with a brand mark, and immediately coincides with the imprint of Tianxin on the majestic myriad ways.


The aura of the Dao that belongs to the chaos of ancient times pervades every corner of the universe.

And in all the ancient stars and sources of life, the sound of mountains and tsunami came, and the whole world was noisy.

Chaotic ancient times become emperors!

He is also the only one throughout the ages who has been "defeated" all the way, but finally proved the ultimate supreme Taoist fruit.


For a long period of time after that, all living beings of all races still talked about the legend of becoming enlightened in chaos, and never got tired of it.

At the same time, Luan Gu, who is the focus of discussion in the world, does not know where he is.

Beidou, above the boundless wasteland.

In this life, Emperor Chaos Gu became enlightened, breaking the curse that Beiyuan has never had a Supreme Dao Supreme, shining in the universe.

At this moment, in a corner of Beiyuan, among the broken walls and ruins that had been abandoned for an unknown number of years, a lonely figure sat cross-legged.

The whole body of that person was enveloped by an atmosphere of sincere sadness, which made the whole world resonate with him, low and depressing.

The person, who was the enlightened man in this world, was Luan Gu, who returned to his hometown and was telling his heartfelt heart to his master.

The world only saw that he was defeated all the way, and finally went up against the current, proving himself as the emperor, but ignored the bitterness and ups and downs along the way.

Now, even though he has reached the pinnacle of the world, the joys and sorrows that belonged to the chaotic ancient times have already been buried thousands of years ago, and there is only loneliness left in this life.

There was a long silence, and finally, a voice like the whisper of a god and demon came out:

"Life and death? Reincarnation?...I want to reverse everything!"

Luang Gu suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of blazing light that could penetrate the void, with a fighting spirit.

That kind of unrivaled supernatural power caused Beidou's heaven and earth to shake violently, and the laws of the heavens wailed.

And as his voice fell, the original Luan Gu turned into a dream bubble and disappeared invisible.


The universe is vast and the starry sky is boundless, really like the sands of the Ganges River.

Among them, there are very few that can be called the source of life.

In a corner of the starry sky, at the edge of the universe, in a barren star field, no outsider has set foot in an unknown number of years.

I saw that billions of rays of celestial light were brilliant, and amidst the transpiration of myriad Taoism, a heroic and majestic figure manifested.

Standing in the barren star field, Chaos Gu didn't hesitate at all, just turning his eyes, it seemed to penetrate all emptiness, causing the avenue of time and space to resonate.

And as the light in his eyes fell, it seemed that a supreme being was awakened in the dark, making this world gradually blurred.

In the haze, a vast and boundless continent emerged, surrounded by an extremely thick and dark breath of death, as if it was another universe of its own.


When the enlightened person came in person and came to the underworld, it naturally attracted the attention of the people among them.

Even if one is a well-known restricted life zone in the human world, one must be cautious when facing a current emperor.

After a while, a black light rushed out, manifested in front of Luan Gu, and saluted respectfully:
"Meet the Emperor!"

Seeing this, Luang Gu didn't hesitate at all, and said straight to the point:

"This Emperor wants to see the Supreme Being of the Underworld."

The tone of Emperor Chaos Gu was flat, it didn't look like he was looking for bad luck in the underworld, but he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

After a little thought, the man led Luan Gu into the underworld.

On the vast and boundless Netherland, a ray of immortal light criss-crossed, accompanied by the mighty power of the supreme emperor, making all the yin gods and ghouls living in the Netherland tremble.

With the cultivation base of the past and the present, as well as the majestic divine sense, he was naturally keenly aware that the man did not bring himself to the sleeping place of the several supreme beings.

However, there are indeed fluctuations of Xeon's existence ahead.Therefore, the chaotic ancient times did not stop.

As an enlightened person in this world, he has the confidence to face everything.

Not long after, the two came to a place where the fire was burning.

"The emperor can just enter, the immortal has been waiting for a long time."

The person's name made Luan Gu raise his eyebrows, and he already had a guess in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, without any hesitation, Luan Gu took a single step and crossed the blazing divine flames and the hazy mist in front of him.

What caught his eyes turned out to be two weapons that flowed with the aura of immortality.

One of them is a jet-black and crystal-clear treasure wheel, while the other is a big clock that respects the vicissitudes of life.

Seeing the arrival of chaos, the god's slightly wretched voice came from the treasure wheel:

"Hey! I haven't seen a stranger for a long time."

Three changes completed.

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