Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 782 3 Discourses on Dao, Zhang and Lun Zhang

Chapter 782

The underworld is mysterious, and the underworld is vast, and it really seems to be another universe by itself.

Nine moons hung high and poured down to the power of Yin gods; the water of the Yellow Spring was surging and magnificent, nourishing countless Yin gods and ghouls.

On weekdays, the vast and boundless Netherland is shrouded in the breath of ghostly death, only the pitch-black sacred mountain stands tall, and many ancient coffins are buried deep in the ground, silent.

However, today, traversing the land of the underworld, from the humblest walking dead to the most powerful quasi-emperors who took over a large ancient palace, all of them woke up and looked at the depths of the underworld in unison.

There, a terrifying aura emanated from somewhere, disturbing the world.

Obviously, the presence of the enlightened person in this world has already attracted the attention of all the awakened powerhouses in the underworld, and they are even ready to wake up the Supreme at any time.

Fortunately, Emperor Luangu's visit this time did not seem to be malicious, but it made many strong people breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the fire of the underworld is blazing, the flames of the gods are transpiring, and in the depths of the hazy mist, there are three majestic and supreme figures surrounded by immortal lights.

The voice that came out of the jet-black and crystal-clear treasure wheel was majestic and grand, but at the same time, it also carried a hint of teasing that was not difficult to detect.

Hearing this, the Chaotic Emperor on the opposite side shook his head helplessly, and immediately restrained his invincible power that belonged to the enlightened people in this world, smiled and looked at Baolun on the opposite side and said:

"Ming Bao was joking, it's the emperor who bothered me this time."

As the Taoist soldier of the legendary founder of the underworld, the Taoist soldier who has suppressed the vast underworld for millions of years, and is also one of the few immortal weapons in the human world, the Tongtian Mingbao is naturally enough to discuss Taoism on an equal footing with the current emperor.

"Hey, it's easy to talk about." The deity of Tongtian Mingbao was also easy-going, and even showed a bit of a sense of ecstasy.

Apparently, Emperor Luangu's respect to Tongtian Mingbao benefited the latter very much.Accompanied by the spreading of the water-like sunlight, hundreds of millions of rays of divine brilliance hang down, fully displaying the mysticism and mystery of the supreme fairy weapon.

Seeing this, Luang Gu also smiled slightly, and then looked at Tongtian Mingbao, the ancient and vicissitudes of the big clock that was also hard to ignore, with a strange expression in its eyes, and said in a deep voice:
"Could it be that this is the legendary Kunlun Immortal Bell?"

The "people" present are all existences of the Supreme Series, so Chaos Gu also cut to the chase without any scruples.

"That's right, Fellow Daoist Xianzhong came to the underworld this time, and he really has something important to do, so he also talked to me about the past, and it happened that you came to visit, Fellow Daoist Luangu."

The pitch-black and translucent Ming Treasure buzzed, while introducing it to Luan Gu, it was also thoughtful and did not express the purpose of Xian Zhong's coming here.

Hearing this, Luang Gu also nodded. The rumored fairy bell is indeed not in the underworld, but should be dormant in the Immortal Mountain.

However, it and Tongtian Mingbao are both celestial artifacts, so they may indeed have a personal relationship.

Just when thoughts were fluctuating in Luan Gu's mind, the immortal bell who had been silent for a long time took the initiative to say:

"You young man has an aura similar to the ruthless man of the past."

Even as an enlightened person in this world, when he heard this, he couldn't help showing a little surprise on his face, but he immediately returned to calm, and said in a calm tone:
"Xianzhong really has good eyesight. This emperor was indeed honored by the kindness of the ruthless emperor in the past, and he was fortunate to have comprehended his heavenly skills and Taoism."

For the Ruthless Emperor, Luang Gu naturally respected him from the bottom of his heart. Without the two heavenly arts created by him and the protection of the half-piece Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar, how could he be where he is today?
And facing the two psychic and near-immortal supreme Taoist soldiers in front of him, Luan Gu didn't hide anything, and frankly admitted his connection with the ruthless people.

In this regard, the god of Xianzhong didn't say much, but said with emotion:

"Ruthless people's Taoism is amazing, and you can find your own way out of it, which is considered extraordinary."

Obviously, even though he only met once at the Yaochi event in the past, the ruthless man left a deep impression on Xianzhong.

However, it is naturally impossible for the three of them to keep entangled in ruthless matters today.Immediately, phantoms of gods in Tongtian Mingbao and Xianzhong both manifested and reflected.

Seeing this, Luan Gu also took advantage of the situation, and the three sat cross-legged in the void, talking about Tao relative to each other.

After a while, it was Luan Gu who took the initiative to speak, his eyes were burning, and he looked at Tongtian Mingbao:

"Since ancient times, there have been rumors that the underworld is the destination of all spirits, but I don't know if reincarnation really exists in this world?"

As expected of an enlightened person in this world, when Luang Gu spoke, the topic involved was the great secret of reincarnation.

Ming Bao and Xianzhong psychic, at the moment when Luan Gu spoke, they had already understood part of the cause and effect, and understood that Luan Gu might want to reverse life and death and make his old friends reappear.

At the same time, both of them thought of the ruthless person in their hearts, and the two indeed had quite similarities.


After a little thought, the gods of the two supreme celestial artifacts gave affirmative answers.

Hearing this, even Luan Gu, who had already become an emperor, couldn't help being shocked.

The two celestial artifacts are supreme, and they have existed for countless tens of thousands of years, so they naturally know many secrets.

Since the two can be unanimously identified, then the existence of reincarnation must not be false.

However, before Luan Gu's face showed joy, Tongtian Mingbao poured cold water on him:

"The existence of reincarnation is indeed true, but for ordinary people, it is really difficult to reappear with the help of reincarnation."

"Furthermore, fellow Daoist Daoist Chaos, your relatives and old relatives have long since fallen, and everything is a foregone conclusion."

When saying this, the god of Tongtian Mingbao couldn't help shaking his head.

In fact, for those ordinary people who have no roots and opportunities, it is indeed almost impossible to reappear through reincarnation.

However, Luang Gu would not give up easily, so he asked:

"Then besides this, is there another method?"

Hearing this, Tongtian Mingbao was silent for a moment, and then his divine sense moved, accompanied by the diffusion of the water-like light, a rather strange and miraculous picture was reflected in it.

It was a place of good fortune somewhere in the underworld, and there were many coffins lying horizontally, and the people buried in them were all famous figures in the ancient history of cultivation in the human world.

Naturally, these primordial spirits have been extinct for a long time, but now under the deliberate "cultivation" of the underworld, there is a different kind of vitality permeating their corpses, which makes people horrified and surprised.

At the same time, the calm voice of Mingbao God came:
"The primordial spirit dies, the body reincarnates, and it will reappear in the world after a million years."

"This is the method created by Mingzun, and it is also the foundation for the prosperity of the underworld."

In this regard, Tongtian Mingbao did not hide the slightest bit, but in fact, many powerful people in the world have long been aware of the way of the underworld, and even have no lack of fear.

You must know that since the history of the human world, there are really very few people who can truly transcend life and death and survive forever.

On the other hand, there are not many heroes who have come to an end sadly, and these existences can be counted as the backup force of the underworld.

Although under Duan De's restraint, the underworld has been quite low-key now, but if given the opportunity, the strong men of the underworld would naturally not mind introducing some "lonely ghosts" into the underworld.

If things go on like this, the underworld will only become more and more prosperous, so how can it not be awe-inspiring to the world?
However, Luan Gu on the opposite side shook his head firmly.

The reincarnation of the physical body reappears vitality, but the new soul is not the person of the past after all.

What's the point of living so long?

Just as Luan Gu felt regretful and was about to say goodbye, the God of Immortal Bell who had been silent for a long time suddenly spoke in a cold and majestic voice:
"The way is supreme, not to mention the cycle of life and death, even the passage of time can be reversed!"

The words of the fairy bell are really like the evening drum and the morning bell, which suddenly enlightens the chaos on the opposite side, and immediately the eyes are blazing again, and the fighting spirit is high.

He bowed his hands respectfully in the direction of the fairy bell:

"I also ask Xianzhong to enlighten me."

"Hmph!" Hearing this, the deity of Xianzhong snorted coldly, and the vague expression on his face seemed to be rather indifferent:
"For a true supreme being, reversing life and death and changing history is nothing more than a piece of cake."

"In fact, as long as you step into the realm of the Immortal King, you can ignore the power of time, step on the long river of time, and even make small-scale revisions without changing the general trend of history."

"As for reaching a higher level, even if it's the result instead of the cause, it's not a problem to think about reflecting the glorious world and all living beings."

In fact, even Xianzhong lacks understanding of the realm above the Immortal King, but at this moment, it is easy to fool young people with a little extra fuel.

As the voice of the fairy bell fell, the place was completely silent, there was no sound, only the void was undulating, which showed that the chaos in the heart of the ancients was not peaceful.


After a while, Luan Gu finally regained his composure, his eyes were full of radiance, without any trace of confusion.

"Thank you two immortals! Today's kindness will never be forgotten in the past!"

Luan Gu saluted solemnly, without saying much, immediately turned into a brilliant celestial light, and left the Netherworld.

 Sorry for the late update of this chapter.

  The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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