In the Beidou Five Regions, in the major holy places, ancient religions, and aristocratic families, there are gray-haired, old-fashioned half-sages and saints who raised their heads, their eyes were shining, and they whispered:

"Finally, this day has been waited for too long, too long."

There was a sincere sigh in his tone, and there were many complicated and inexplicable emotions.

To be able to step into the realm of saints in such a relatively bleak world, these people's talents are undoubtedly extraordinary, and most of them are geniuses thousands of years ago.

However, it is precisely because the world is gloomy, the avenue is not obvious, the only ancient road has not been opened, lack of tempering and improvement, this generation has not been able to climb to a higher level after all.

Therefore, seeing that the only ancient road is about to be opened again, these senior monks feel relieved for the disciples, but at the same time they can't help but hide their loneliness.

Because, I have already missed the golden age, even if the world changes drastically, it is destined to be difficult to make a big breakthrough in this life.

Time and life.

All living beings in the world of mortals are just struggling to cross the sea of ​​suffering after all, and they are all involuntary.

Thinking of this, many senior monks shook their heads and became calm again.


In the past, five great emperors including Taihuang and Taichu coexisted side by side for a lifetime, and they were truly resplendent to the extreme, shining the entire ancient history of cultivation.

However, perhaps it was also because that life was too dazzling, taking away all the good fortune in the world, and finally turned from prosperity to decline, following the eternal law of the human world, and the previous extreme prosperity will never be seen in the future.

In the era of the Great Emperor Chaos Ancient, he was defeated and went upstream.

Even though he broke another law of ultimate enlightenment, he couldn't cover up the gloom of the world.

And in the short period of time that followed, compared to before, the number of quasi-emperors born in the human world was pitifully small, and none of them could reach the peak.

Fortunately, with the passage of time, the All-heaven Starfield finally became prosperous again.

In the past hundreds of years, countless heroes have been born, and they are really shining stars.

And these energetic and high-spirited young people naturally set foot on the five-color altar, wanting to participate in the most cruel and difficult road of trials in the past and present.

In the end, many Tianjiao successfully arrived at the last stop before entering the only ancient road, and came to the legendary Zandixing.

However, before the only ancient road was opened, everyone was already beaten by the successive blows and lost their way.

First, he rose up without beginning, and defeated many young geniuses including the sky demon body, which almost made everyone despair.

Just when many celestial beings are comforting themselves that there is more than one ultimate Dao fruit, and that they still have hope——

Unexpectedly, there appeared another young supreme being of the same level as Wushi, who easily defeated the twin kings of Zhongzhou.

But before everyone could recover, the mysterious youth Huang Tiandao appeared out of nowhere, and he actually overwhelmed these two people, showing his invincibility.

So far, all the brilliance and splendor in the world seem to have been taken up by these three people, and the rest seem to have become a foil.

Finally, when the only ancient road was actually opened, due to the "efforts" of the three, some of the arrogance and heroes had already been "persuaded to quit", and they felt that there was no hope of proving the Tao, so they left sadly, and they didn't even visit the First God City glance.

Of course, more Tianjiao geniuses have perseverance and high fighting spirit.

snort!After all, it was nothing more than a small fight of the saints, and everything that will follow is still unknown!
In the past, the Great Emperor of Chaos was defeated by the ancient road, and he was able to rise again. In the end, he became the emperor after "a hundred defeats". How can we give up lightly!

It has to be said that the chaos of ancient times has erected a monument for future generations invisibly, so that later generations of monks can look up to them, and their determination has become more tenacious, which is indeed boundless merit.


The starry sky is boundless, and in the vast chaos, is a majestic and majestic city of God.

And in front of the glorious city of God, an unknown number of young monks gathered.

Over the long period of time, an unknown number of heroes have been accumulated. Among them, there are many self-proclaimed existences in the past, and there are also wizards born in the past few hundred years. It can be called a huge number.

Fortunately, the divine city built by the Immortal Emperor is magnificent enough to definitely accommodate the entry of all races of geniuses.

Even though the heroes here are all the ones who stir up the situation in this region, there are still two people who are particularly dazzling.

Those were two young men with outstanding demeanor, standing at the front near the gate of the city of God.However, there was a large area around them, and no one dared to step forward.

Not only that, the eyes of the people behind them looking at the two were also full of sincere awe.

These two people are naturally Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi.

Although the two had lost to Huang Tiandao before, they were still invincible, far above the monks of their generation.

The prestige of the two is illustrious, and their cultivation and combat power are obvious to all, so naturally no one dares to offend them.

"Haha, enlightenment practice, I almost missed it!"

Accompanied by hearty laughter, a figure crossed the boundless void and landed in front of the gate of the city of God.

Seeing this, everyone wanted to reprimand this short-sighted guy, but after seeing his real person, they fell silent instantly.

There is no need to doubt that in today's world, there is no one other than the mysterious and strong Huang Tiandao who dares to show off in front of Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi.


I saw that there was an unconcealable smile on Huang Tiandao's face, and he even patted Wu Shi and Xue Qingyuan's shoulders heavily:

"Why, two little friends, have you thought of me recently?"

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of both of them twitched uncomfortably, and Xue Qingyuan said unceremoniously:

"Hmph! I thought you, an 'old man', would disdain to come and 'make trouble' with us young people."

Regarding this, Huang Tiandao glared at him, and incidentally patted Tan Xue Qingyuan on the forehead:

"Oh, how do you talk? My emperor may be younger than both of you in this life."

After a pause, Huang Tiandao immediately raised his head, looked at the First Divine City in front of him, and said with a rather strange expression:

"Besides, it's rare to have this opportunity. This is the first time for the emperor to enter this only ancient road through the gate. How can I miss it?"

Because the other party's words had too much to complain about, Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi couldn't help but keep silent.

snort!Bear with you for a while, let's see if you can still be so arrogant in the future!

Xue Qingyuan thought so angrily in his heart, and immediately glanced at Wu Shi beside him.

Although Wushi looks calm and calm, but these days, Xue Qingyuan and Wushi have become close friends, and it is natural to know that this guy looks serious on the surface, but in fact he is very dark. .

Sure enough, Wushi turned his head and exchanged a glance with Xue Qingyuan, his eyes flickered, everything was said in silence.

But the blood phoenix at the side didn't seem to realize what kind of "reward" would be waiting for him in the future.


It seemed that the eternal silence had been broken, and in fact, after such a long time, the gate of the First God City finally opened again.

Sorry, because there are a lot of things on Monday, so this chapter is updated a little later, I am really sorry.

The second update will still be updated around 20:[-].

Thank you so much for all your support!

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