Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 800 Overwhelming and rebuilding the ancient emperor

Chapter 800 Overwhelming and rebuilding the ancient emperor
The only ancient road is open!
The emperor's struggle for supremacy in this life also kicked off.

Although the number of supreme beings allowed to achieve in the same life has ushered in a "skyrocketing" with the rebirth of ten thousand dao in the human world, it is still out of proportion compared to the huge number of arrogance and heroes in the entire universe.

These high-spirited and heroic Goddesses of Tianjiao are destined to kill the sky and the earth, and play the elegy of the prosperous age.

This is a rare great world in ancient times. In the nine days and ten earths, many legendary powerful bloodlines and physiques were born, and they all embarked on the journey of the only ancient road.

The Tianjiao of the Chaos Clan, the Divine King Physique, the Primordial Demon Physique, and the Brahma War Physique are all famous and powerful physiques.

Even in this life, there is a pure-blooded heavenly overlord body and an immortal golden body manifested, all of which are perfect existences of the first generation, not descendants of mixed blood.

Even though these two extremely powerful physiques are under the curse of enlightenment, and only the Holy Emperor has broken the shackles throughout ancient and modern times, they can compete with the enlightened ones after their physiques are mature.

And before they became enlightened, the two were almost no different from the young emperors, and they were truly supreme talents with imperial assets.

In any ordinary era, the Heavenly Hegemony and the Immortal Golden Body are the existences at the top of the ancient road pyramid. Even if they fight to the top of the quasi-emperor, it is difficult for anyone to suppress them.

It is lofty and radiant, and it is by no means weaker than the enlightened ones in the world, so it can be called the uncrowned emperor.

However, this life is quite different.

Not long after the opening of the First Divine City, when the ancient road practitioners in this world had just started, two battles broke out in the Ninth Divine City.

On that day, the Heavenly Baxue and the Immortal Golden Body challenged others respectively, but they both lost, shocking the entire ancient road.

On one side, a vast, majestic, majestic silver-white dragon soared into the sky, tearing apart the body of the heavenly bully, bathed in crystal clear blood, and then without bowing his head again, he took a look at the distraught young bully body;
On the other side, the picture is relatively less bloody, but it makes the onlookers on the edge feel that kind of powerlessness.I saw a heroic and stalwart young man standing proudly, in harmony with the heaven and the earth, swaying the avenue casually.

Whether it was a physical fight or a Taoist duel, it can be said that the Immortal Golden Body was crushed in almost all directions, without any suspense.

The immortal monuments of the two Xeon Physiques have not yet been erected, but they have already been broken.

The geniuses of all races who watched these two battles were genuinely horrified, and what's more, their hearts were unstable, and they had deep doubts.

Even if the young emperor reappeared, he might not be able to defeat the Heavenly Tyrant Blood and the Immortal Golden Body in such an understatement.

There are many people who tried the ancient road, and there are many young arrogances who came from the depths of the universe after hearing the news. However, under the kind science popularization of many insiders, they finally learned about Xue Qingyuan and Wushi Past and "brilliant record".

While being shocked by the fighting power and deeds of the two men, the heroes of the ancient road couldn't believe that there is still someone who can beat these two unrivaled men at the same time, which is really unimaginable.

On the only ancient road, there are not a few Tianjiao Yingjie with such thoughts.

Especially those who have witnessed the two battles with Tyrannical Blood and Golden Body, they never think that such a terrifying person really exists in the world.

Fortunately, the doubts of the world were quickly answered.

"Huang Tiandao has accepted the challenge from Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi, and wants to confront the two juvenile supremes at the same time!"

The two had just defeated the prestigious Tyrannical Blood and Golden Body. This challenge naturally attracted the attention of the world, and the testers flocked to it, unwilling to miss it.

In that battle, the sky was really dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and it even overturned a certain trial field on the ancient road that was specially opened for monks below the saint realm.

But the final result is equally astonishing.

It was the mysterious strong Huang Tiandao who narrowly won, overshadowing the two young supreme beings who were in the limelight.

Someone really can do it!

After that day, the prestige of Huang Tiandao spread throughout the entire ancient road, and even the most powerful guardians recognized its potential.

Even traversing the entire ancient road, almost no one would doubt that he will eventually prove the Tao as the emperor and achieve the highest Tao fruit.

Of course, at the same time, the hearts of the few talented heroes who were born in Beidou and watched the battle of the three in the past were even more shocked.

Because, compared to the scene during the First World War, Xue Qingyuan and Wushi's progress can be described as rapid.

Now, the two teamed up to draw with Huang Tiandao.

In time, whether Huang Tiandao will be able to suppress the two of them is still unknown.

Afterwards, in the battle for supremacy along the ancient roads, naturally only the figures of these three people stand tall and occupy all the brilliance of this life, while the rest have all become green leaves and foils.

However, among them, such as the Heavenly Baxue, the Immortal Golden Body, and the Heavenly Demon Body, etc., after knowing their shame, they were brave, and did not lose their fighting spirit. They practiced hard and worked hard to catch up.

As for the remaining Tianjiao Yingjie, they naturally set Ba Xue and others as targets of pursuit.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere on the only ancient road was warm, and the wind of cultivating Taoism became more and more prosperous, just like a glorious scene of heroes vying for the throne.

This is mainly due to the Immortal Emperor, who feeds back the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, allowing many Supreme Dao Supremes to coexist in this life, so that the Tianjiao in this life will not despair.

Of course, on the only ancient road, the most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the battle between Huang Tiandao, Xue Qingyuan, and Wushi.

The three started from Beidou and went straight to the deepest part of the only ancient road. Along the way, there was no other celestial hero who could pose a threat to the three of them.

Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi's talent is truly astonishing, and the world is there for all to see.

From the very beginning, the two of them could barely draw with Huang Tiandao with their joint efforts, and then gradually narrowed the gap until they could barely start a one-on-one fight.

Such a change is undoubtedly astonishing.

Moreover, in the eyes of the onlookers, it was definitely not that Huang Tiandao was slacking off, it could only be said that the two evildoers were beyond common sense, making him pale in comparison.

In the end, the advantage that Huang Tiandao can occupy is very small.



At the end of the only ancient road, the vast and boundless sea of ​​taboos is surging, and the golden waves are surging.

Every drop of seawater contained shocking blazing thunder. If it fell to the outside world, it would turn countless star fields into ashes.

However, here, no matter how turbulent the taboo sea is, it can't hurt the existence that is in the middle of the war.


Above the sea of ​​taboo, a great battle broke out, three figures who looked like supreme gods were fighting and attacking each other.

The extremely brilliant fairy light danced wildly, and countless magical powers appeared, covering the sky.

The great avenues of the heavens roared, and the nine majestic passes shook violently, as if they couldn't bear the overwhelming coercion.

At this moment, on the shore of the Forbidden Sea, several slightly embarrassed figures stood barely, and they looked at the three figures in midair with complicated and inexplicable expressions.

In fact, those who can stand here are all the top geniuses of all races, and now they have stepped into the quasi-emperor realm, and they are even expected to reach the pinnacle of quasi-emperor in the future.

However, in front of those three people, it was still not enough to watch, and they were beaten out immediately.

Fortunately, everyone has long been used to it, and their mentality has been calmed down. Now they just stand here silently, wanting to know how the final outcome will be.


In the end, it was a ray of blood that shocked the world, and the radiant figure fell and fell into the sea of ​​taboos.

Huang Tiandao lost for the first time.

 Sorry, things are busy today, so the update is a little late, sorry again.

  The third update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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