Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 801 The Way Without Beginning, Supreme Attention

At the end of the only ancient road, above the golden taboo sea, the great battle is still going on.

Two majestic and majestic figures loomed, shrouded in the bright and gorgeous fairy light, and the magical powers of laws penetrated the sky, as if they were about to reopen the fire, water and wind.

In contrast, on the edge of the taboo sea, there is silence and silence.

Many proud heroes in this world stared straight ahead at the taboo sea with deep eyes, without saying a word.

Even though everyone had expected this in their hearts, when Huang Tiandao's defeat really happened before their eyes, they were still surprised and they couldn't help but hold their breath.


However, before everyone had time to express their emotions, the taboo sea formed by the blazing celestial light and thunder exploded loudly.

Accompanied by the long cry of the fairy phoenix, a heroic and majestic figure rushed out of it, a powerful and boundless aura swept across, and the blood was surging, shining on the eternal blue sky.

It seemed that although Huang Tiandao was defeated, it was probably only a slight difference, and he didn't even suffer any serious injuries.

"You two brats, I don't believe it yet!"

As soon as the words fell, Huang Tiandao's invincible power spread across the whole body, rushing towards the battlefield in the sky again.

Seeing this situation, the current generation's proud people not far away couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Obviously, they didn't expect that Huang Tiandao would be so vigorous and could continue to fight.

Furthermore, according to the usual practice, after falling into the taboo sea, it should be regarded as out of the game, and they will be teleported out of the range of the golden sea of ​​gods just like them.

After thinking about it, it is difficult for everyone to come to a conclusion. It can only be attributed to the supernatural formation left by the Immortal Emperor, which has its own criteria for judging.

At the same time, perhaps sensing Huang Tiandao's return, Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi, who were still attacking each other just now, immediately stopped and stood in the void.

The real body of the Blood Phoenix descended, still majestic and majestic, and its blazing eyes looked around, taking a panoramic view of the two people in front of them, and finally sighed leisurely:

"It's really scary for young people."

In fact, the Blood Phoenix had been dormant in the Undead Mountain before, and although it had never met these two people directly, it had also heard about some cause and effect from the mouths of Xian Zhong and others.

The talents of the two are astonishing, and their roots are extremely deep. Afterwards, they will be baptized by the blood essence of the Supreme Immortal King, and they are destined to become unbelievably strong.

Because of this, even though I experienced a slightly bitter taste again after a million years, my heart was not so agitated.

However, this does not mean that he will admit defeat.

I saw that the eyes of the blood phoenix were burning with a fighting spirit, accompanied by its majestic and grand voice:

"I would like to see, what step you have reached."

After the words fell, Xue Qingyuan and Wushi looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that the next step would be a simple one-on-one duel.

After thinking for a while, Wushi took the initiative to take a step forward, and bowed his hands respectfully towards the blood phoenix:

"Also ask the seniors to give pointers."

Even though the two had always regarded the Blood Phoenix as a strong enemy and were not particularly close, in fact, both of them were really grateful for the Blood Phoenix in their hearts.

The blood phoenix fought with the two again and again, although they often taught them until their noses and faces were swollen, but they never really killed them, and even gave them intentional pointers from time to time.

There is no need to doubt that Xue Qingyuan and Wushi's combat experience, as well as their comprehension of the origin of the Dao, would never have grown to where they are today without the training of a powerful and trustworthy predecessor like Blood Phoenix.


Hearing this, the blood phoenix on the opposite side let out a cold snort, his expression seemed disdainful, but there was also a look of relief in his eyes, but he said indifferently:
"This emperor is destined to forge the strongest Dao fruit in this life, so don't hold back—"

As soon as the Blood Phoenix's voice fell, he attacked fiercely.


The void was shattered, and the light feathers filled the sky, all of which were dyed blood red by the tragic and boundless aura in the dark.

The blood phoenix's real body was hazy, blending into the myriad ways of the world, as if it had turned into a vast ocean of blood in an instant, trying to sweep the entire world.

Obviously, the current Blood Phoenix no longer needs to intentionally hold back, and truly showed the invincible posture of the Peerless Emperor who belonged to the third world of Chonghuo.

The imperial scriptures and taboo magical powers, which were already extremely mysterious, have now been sublimated by him to an unimaginable state, which dazzled the onlookers.

However, Wushi on the opposite side has long since changed from what it used to be.

Facing this stunning and peerless attack, Wushi did not panic at all, instead his eyes flickered, and then he pushed out with a seemingly ordinary palm.

I saw that Wushi's jade-like crystal palm met the vast sea of ​​blood, and it actually resisted the latter's attack.


In the dark, there is some kind of mysterious and inexplicable aura spreading. It is the collision of the supreme avenue, which makes the time and space of this place disordered, and the illusory and colorful scene is fleeting.

But under the horrifying gazes of the onlookers, the magnificent sea of ​​blood was actually flowing backwards, disintegrating, and collapsing.

Time seems to be receding, and the fragments of time are intertwined here.

In the end, the sea of ​​blood disappeared, Wushi's palm was withdrawn, and the void was completely suppressed. The figure of the blood phoenix naturally manifested immediately, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, the Blood Phoenix did not choose to make a move, but only took a deep look at Wu Shi, and said with emotion:
"Have you touched the time domain..."

After the words fell, the Blood Phoenix no longer looked at Wushi, but turned to look at Xue Qingyuan at the side.

The latter smiled helplessly, and immediately fought with the blood phoenix.

The universe was in turmoil, the avenues were crying, and it was obvious that another world-shattering war broke out.


At the same time, there is a vast area shrouded in mysterious mist at the edge of the universe.

Here, it is the supreme battlefield that was opened up by the Immortal Emperor himself in the past, and prepared for the honing of the future generations of heroes.

Now that the golden age has descended, this place has naturally swept away the silence of more than ten thousand years, and the Supreme King has come again.

In the deepest part of the supreme battlefield, amidst the turbulent chaos, five majestic and supreme figures sat cross-legged, like giants who opened the sky, overlooking the world of mortals.

Although there was no divine energy pervading his body, it naturally made the world tremble and the law surrendered.

He never expected that in this world, five supreme beings would emerge together, far surpassing the past.

It can also be seen from this that the supreme people recognize and value this golden world.

At this moment, the five supreme beings have not entered into enlightenment practice, but all of them are looking at the direction of the only ancient road with burning eyes.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Blood Phoenix is ​​really 'untimely', I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to be invincible for the rest of his life."

After a while, a supreme being spoke with a hint of teasing in his tone.

The person came from the ancient mine in the early days, and he was a certain ancient emperor from the past, and he had good friends with the blood phoenix.

Seeing that the blood phoenix had rebuilt his first life, but hit a wall everywhere, he couldn't help but joked.

"If it weren't for the fact that this world is really extraordinary, how could we all come out together?"

The one who said this was a handsome young man in Taoist robes.

Three changes completed.

It will continue tomorrow, and there will be one update at around 14:20, 23:50, and [-]:[-].

Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

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