The frontier of the universe, the depths of the Supreme Battlefield.

In the vast chaos, densely packed divine patterns are intertwined, outlining one after another invincible figures.

At the same time, the laws of the extreme dao were stirring in the void, and the supreme avenues collided with each other, scattering crystal light rain.

Accompanied by a huge roar that seemed to open up the world, the immortal glow and fairy light bloomed.

At this moment, five god-like figures residing in the nine heavens sit cross-legged, with solemn treasure appearances.

All the lords looked at the direction of the only ancient road, and commented on the rebuilt Blood Phoenix and the two peerless talents in a calm tone.

Of course, even among the supreme beings, the young man who spoke just now is particularly outstanding.

And hearing this, the remaining four couldn't help raising their eyes, and looked at that person.

Her appearance is handsome, with a spirit of immortality, not like ordinary people, even the most magnificent woman in the world should be envied from the bottom of her heart.

Immortal Taoist!

Although all the people present are supreme beings who have lived out the third life, and they have all ruled the nine heavens and ten earths, and have been worshiped by all spirits and beings, but they also respect the immortal Taoist.

Because, the background of this person is very great, it is the belief god body of the immortal emperor, who was given consciousness by the emperor and became an independent existence.

Of course, even though the Undead Taoist is already a brand new life form, he still has a constant connection with the Undead Emperor.

In the past, the Immortal Emperor survived the immeasurable catastrophe, and the world of mortals became immortals. The Immortal Taoist watched the whole process of the Emperor's catastrophe and benefited a lot.

But now, the Emperor has ascended to the Immortal Realm, and the Immortal Taoist has naturally become the spokesperson of the Emperor in the human world to a certain extent.

"Not bad!"

After a while, another prestige voice came, expressing agreement with what the undead Taoist said.

It was a heroic man with black hair and shawls, like a galaxy of stars, and his eyes were as bright as lightning.

The person's body is filled with a vast ocean of blood, accompanied by the Dao rhyme that belongs to the lineage of the Holy Spirit.

Emperor Ling!

I saw that Linghuang's eyes were shining brightly, he glanced at the undead Taoist beside him, and immediately said with a smile on the corner of his mouth:
"I still remember that when the Western Emperor gave birth to an heir in the past, the world's avenues resonated, and the whole world was full of clouds. This is really unheard of."

In this regard, the supreme beings present could not help but nodded.Although not all of them had participated in the Yaochi Grand Gathering, they basically learned about the extraordinary excellence of the son of the Western Emperor from other supreme beings.

"Not only is this son amazing, but the grandson of Emperor Yuan is also not to be underestimated."

"Since Emperor Yuan dared to arrange for his grandson to be born in this world to cultivate and compete with Wu Shi, his foundation must be solid, and he will definitely not be weaker than the latter."

On the side, another Gu Zun spoke up and added like this.

In fact, as early as the first time of the birth without beginning, many existences in the restricted area were induced.

And after the deduction of the masters, even if they clearly realized the extraordinaryness of this life, it might be better than many golden worlds in the ancient history of cultivation in the human world.

If they are still the same as usual, only three supreme beings are born, it may be difficult to suppress.

Therefore, all the Supremes finally unanimously decided that a total of five Supremes should be born to sit in the Supreme Battlefield.

"Hey, hello—could it be that the existence of Fellow Daoist Blood Phoenix has been ignored by you?"

The ancient emperor, who was born in the ancient mine in the early days, spoke again, emphatically reminding him, which made the rest of the venerables smile knowingly.

After a while, the five supreme beings restrained their smiles and returned to normal.

"Whether it's Wu Shi or Xue Qingyuan, their talents are astounding, which is obvious to all, and there is no doubt about their attainment of the ultimate path."

Linghuang looked serious, and said in an inexplicable tone:
"However, these two people will definitely not be willing to stop at Hetianxin and become enlightened..."

Hearing this, the faces of the other supreme beings also showed solemn expressions, and a certain ancient venerable frowned slightly:

"The Emperor Ling meant that the two of them might try to surpass Wan Dao Tianxin?"

To this, Linghuang nodded.

In fact, there were indeed similar conjectures in the minds of everyone present.

However, as the supreme being who had united with the heavenly heart of the human world in the past, no one knew the difficulty better than them.

The newborn Myriad Dao is majestic and mysterious, far above the previous ones.

Tens of thousands of years ago, even if he was as stunning as the void, he was able to fight the supreme before he became a Taoist, but he could only barely break through the heart of Wan Dao Tianxin for a moment, and then he was powerless.

Therefore, even though Wu Shi and Xue Qingyuan were truly astounded, the Supreme Beings still did not dare to make a statement.

"These two juniors are destined to be on the same level as the emperor. No matter whether they succeed or not, they will definitely try to surpass the world!"

The undead Taoist's tone was firm, as if he was sure of it.

Hearing this, the faces of the other four supreme beings showed astonished expressions.

I never thought that Taoist Immortal would be so optimistic about these two people, even comparing them with the emperor.

However, when the honorable ones calmed down and thought about it carefully, they didn't think it was too much.

After all, Xue Qingyuan has three supreme bloodlines and is the grandson of Emperor Yuan, so he should be amazing in the world.

As for the beginningless, all the venerables are obvious to all, so there is no need to say more.

"Since that's the case, I'll wait and see."

For the five supreme beings, the strength of Wu Shi and Xue Qingyuan is naturally what they like to see.

After all, the achievements of the two are linked to the "performance" of the Supremes.

The more extraordinary they are, the more shocking the Dao fruit they have achieved, and the greater the possibility of the supreme beings ascending to the fairyland.

With a mood of anticipation, Zhu Zun finally took a look at the two figures on the other side of the starry sky, and then became hazy again, and entered the practice of enlightenment.


At the end of the ancient road, the battle between the three "young" Supremes ended in a draw.

The three of them successfully passed the test left by the Immortal Emperor and entered the Heavenly Palace on the other side.

And with the departure of the three unrivaled figures, the three insurmountable mountains were removed in the dark, and the rest of the heroes on the only ancient road couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

For a long period of time after that, the aristocrats of all races rose together, and the lords competed for the throne, blooming their own dazzling light, and composing one song after another of epic legends.

Of course, even after leaving the only ancient road, the battle between the three is still going on.

According to common sense, once a monk enters the quasi-emperor realm, his practice speed will slow down significantly, and he will spend more time accumulating and precipitating.

However, the performance of Xue Qingyuan, Wu Shi, and Huang Tiandao exceeded the imagination of the world.

Not only did the speed of practice of the three not slow down, but it even seemed to usher in a blowout, leaving those who were chasing after the three of them, the overbearing body, the golden body and others, far behind.

Xue Qingyuan and Wushi are actually because part of their origins were once sealed.

Now, with the improvement of the two people's cultivation realm, the seal will naturally be gradually lifted, and after they have integrated the missing origin and perfected themselves, the two will naturally be powerful to the peak of this life, and their potential seems to be endless.

As for Huang Tiandao, it is because he is already trying to penetrate the Dao Fruit of the previous life.

Although he certainly couldn't really do it before he became an emperor, it also benefited him a lot.

In fact, this is already the result of the three people's intentional suppression in order to polish each realm to the extreme.Otherwise, their speed of practice will only be more terrifying.

Over hundreds of years, there have been countless peak duels among the three, from entering the quasi-emperor at the beginning, to high-ranking quasi-emperor, and finally ascending to the supreme realm of the Nine Heavens.

Of course, in the eyes of many outsiders, the records of the three masters are mutually exclusive, and overall they are still indistinguishable.

However, what most monks don't know is that both Wushi and Xue Qingyuan are genuine practitioners of the first life, but the blood phoenix is ​​the ancient emperor's Nirvana recultivation, and it is already the third life.

It is self-evident which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

After the three of them have all stepped into the supreme realm of Zhundi Jiuzhongtian, there will be very few battles with the outside world.

Everyone guessed that the three of them must be making final arrangements and preparations.


Finally, on this day, at the edge of the universe, there came a huge wave that seemed to overturn the world of mortals.

In the expectant eyes of the world, the three supreme figures fought all the way, breaking into the supreme battlefield.

Sorry, this chapter update is still a little late.

The second update will still be updated around 20:[-].

Thanks again for all your support!

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