From Mount Tai on the earth, everyone crossed an unknown distance and the boundless starry sky, and finally came to Yinghuo, which is Mars.

Along the way, what they saw and heard was really like a fairy tale, beyond the limit of everyone's imagination.

But even so, when they saw such a young monk who called himself "Jin Chanzi" with their own eyes, they couldn't help being shocked.

You must know that people in the earth, China, and the world of mortals may not be very familiar with the names and dharmas of many Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in Buddhism, but if it comes to Jin Chanzi and Master Xuanzang, it can be said to be true. No one knows, no one knows.

Of course, this is not only because of his profound Buddhist teachings and his great contribution to the spread and exchange of culture, but also because of "Journey to the West", a well-known mythological and strange novel.

However, Master Xuanzang is a real person who existed in history, and Jin Chanzi is the predecessor of Master Xuanzang fabricated in the novel.

Even, there is no golden cicada in Buddhist scriptures.

However, now, Ye Fan and his party met a young monk named Jin Chanzi in front of the dilapidated ancient temple named Daleiyin Temple on Mars.

I have to say, somewhere in the dark, there really is an inexplicable feeling that reality and illusion are intertwined, and fate and cause and effect converge.

Thinking about it carefully, I have already experienced too many miraculous things along the way. The first Nine Dragons Coffin Pulling has already surpassed the ordinary realm.

In fact, in the hearts of everyone, they have subtly recognized the strange power and chaos.

Now, just a golden cicada appeared, which didn't seem so unacceptable.

Among them, the two practitioners Ye Fan and Pang Bo were naturally the most calm.

The latter rushed towards the handsome and elegant young monk immediately.


Pangbo, a living creature, screamed exaggeratedly, and rushed straight at Jin Chanzi.

If it wasn't for the faint protection of the Buddha's light around him, he might have been hugged by Pang Bo already.

Originally, Jin Chanzi's scrutinizing gaze was wandering over Ye Fan and Pang Bo, but now he naturally stared at the latter with a look of doubt and guard.

He didn't remember when he accepted such a rude disciple.

At the same time, the rest of the people also reacted, and hurried forward, their faces full of excitement:
"It's saved, we're finally saved!"

"Master Xuanzang!"

"Where is the Great Sage, where is the Great Sage?"

"No matter how bad it is, Zhu Bajie is fine!"


Facing the hustle and bustle in front of him, the little monk who called himself Jin Chanzi couldn't help being taken aback.

Fortunately, his cultivation base was profound, and he quickly cleared up his thoughts, realizing that the people in front of him probably mistook him for someone else.

Realizing this, Jin Chanzi immediately put his hands together:

Although Jin Chanzi is young, but his Dharma is profound, accompanied by the buzzing of the Buddha's name like a yellow bell, it makes everyone quiet for an instant.

Looking around, Jin Chanzi's expression was indifferent, and he said peacefully:

"The little monk is indeed a golden cicada, but he is not the master Xuanzang that the benefactors say."

Jin Chanzi's eyes were so clear that it made people feel convincing for no reason.

After calming down, everyone realized that Master Xuanzang was an ancient man at least 1000 years ago, so how could he be a young monk like the one in front of him.

Thinking about this point clearly, Pang Bo, Zhou Yi, Lin Jia, Wang Ziwen and others couldn't help showing disappointment on their faces.

However, due to the reaction of the evil ghost in his mind just now, Ye Fan's heart did not fluctuate. Instead, he took the initiative to step forward, cupped his hands and said:
"Dare to ask the master, who is the respected teacher?"

Hearing this, the eyes of a few people such as Zhou Yi were also shining brightly.

And Jin Chanzi, as a monk, most of the people he faces are ordinary people, and naturally he will not deceive, so he said bluntly:
"The teacher was once revered as Sakyamuni."

After the words were finished, everyone looked at Jin Chanzi again in unison, and the expressions in their eyes were even more meaningful.

There is no need to doubt, obviously, everyone present knows the prestige of his teacher, Jin Chanzi knew it in his heart, immediately smiled, and said frankly:

"This time, the little monk is following the guidance of his family teacher, retracing his previous path, practicing Zen and enlightening the Tao."

"So, the Great Leiyin Temple in front of you is really left by the World Honored One!?"

Zhou Yi's tone was excited, and his whole body shook violently.

It is undoubtedly a rare and precious experience to be able to get in touch with the legendary mythological figures.

Jin Chanzi lowered his eyes and glanced at the Buddhist utensils in the hands of everyone, which obviously originated from ancient temples. He didn't say much, but nodded.

"Master, please save us!"

After confirming that the little monk in front of him was indeed a disciple of Sakyamuni, and probably a true Buddha, the rest naturally rushed forward and begged bitterly.

Along the way, everyone has gone through hardships, and now they meet such a "familiar" mythical figure, it is really very kind.

"Kowloon pulls the coffin? Earth!?"

After listening to everyone's narration, even Jin Chanzi, who has always been calm, had many strange expressions in his eyes.

Just when he was about to check the Jiulong coffin in person, he suddenly frowned and turned around:

"Be careful--"

Followed by it, there is also a sacred and peaceful Buddha light, majestic and majestic.


However, although Jin Chanzi's reaction was quick, he still couldn't stop it in time.

I saw that a man's forehead was splashed with blood red and snow white, and soon he fell to the ground on his back, his eyes wide open, obviously he was dying.


There was a scream and a chewing sound of "baji, baji" came from the person's body, which made everyone present terrified.


Jin Chanzi chanted the Buddha's name, but his attack was merciless, obviously out of anger.

A ray of Buddha light descended, detaining the mysterious existence in the dead man's body.

"call out!"


At the same time, one after another piercing sound came from the void, and the sky was full of black light, almost making people feel that they were in the shadow of swords and swords, and everyone trembled.

Those who hold Buddhist vessels may still be safe and sound, but those who have not been sheltered have become the best prey for "evil spirits" in the dark.

However, there are naturally exceptions.


Apart from the golden cicada who is full of Buddha's light, Ye Fan's performance is the most vigorous.

I saw that there was faint golden light and blood coming out of his body, and he even forcibly shot down a mysterious creature that was rushing towards him, and the latter let out a wail.

At this moment, Ye Fan couldn't care less about exposing his cultivation, and he quickly questioned the evil spirit in his mind.

The latter was not angry at all, but only said sadly:
"That old bald donkey is not the only one who sealed it."

Speaking of this, the evil ghost said in a disdainful tone:
"Although that guy is far inferior to this seat, he is not bad."

Seeing that he couldn't learn more from the evil ghost, Ye Fan immediately looked at Jin Chanzi beside him, and said solemnly:
"What exactly did Sakyamuni seal under the Great Leiyin Temple?"

Hearing this, Jin Chanzi couldn't help but startled, thinking of Wu Guang's real body just now, his eyes were full of light, and he blurted out:

"Crocodile ancestor!"

Jin Chanzi looked straight at the foundation of Daleiyin Temple, his gaze was like a torch.

"No, the seal set by Master is about to be breached!"

As the person's voice fell, the world shook violently, and a mask filled with nine-color Buddha light slowly fell, covering the place.

"Fortunately, the master left behind." Jin Chanzi said happily.

Hearing that Sakyamuni had already prepared, everyone was relieved, but then they couldn't help but change their colors.

Because, they are also within the range covered by the Buddha's light!

"Crocodile Ancestor is vicious, even if Master has a backhand, he may not be able to suppress him. I want to stay here and personally preside over the formation to ensure that Crocodile Ancestor cannot break through the seal."

Jin Chanzi looked around, with a calm tone, and continued:

"If Crocodile Ancestor and even 'that thing' are really freed, not only Yinghuo, but also the ancient star will suffer."


Although the young monk in front of him is young, he already has the demeanor of a Buddhist monk.

Jin Chanzi did not hesitate too much, and immediately handed over his white monk robe and black iron Zen staff to Ye Fan and Pang Bo, and ordered:

"The two of you will hold this thing, and protect them to take refuge."

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Ye Fan and Pang Bo didn't hesitate too much, just nodded heavily, and then led the crowd away.

If there is a safe place in this desolate and boundless world, it is probably the only one.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo had a clear goal and led the students back in the direction they came from.


Jin Chanzi withdrew his gaze, took advantage of the situation and sat down cross-legged, surrounded by a group of crocodiles, reciting the supreme scriptures.

I saw that the Buddha's light filled the sky, connecting with the Daleiyin Temple and the Buddha's light covering the entire desolate land.

Sorry, the author went out today and didn't come back until 18:[-], and this chapter was updated a little later, I'm really sorry.

The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

Finally, thank you again for your support!

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