Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 901 Escaping from Yinghuo, the Buddhas all set out on the road


Yinghuo, where the Buddha's light shrouded, there was a strong wind blowing from the ground, and the dust filled the sky, like the thunder of the gods, spreading throughout this desolate and boundless land.

And in this dark and dead world, there are several faint brilliance.

Taking a closer look, it was Ye Fan and his party who were holding the Buddhist treasures from the Daleiyin Temple and the utensils presented by Jin Chanzi.

While the Buddha's light illuminated this dark world, it undoubtedly became a lighthouse-like existence, attracting the attention of hunters in the dark.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

In the midst of the void, one after another of black light struck, gloomy and cold, like a creature crawling out of the Nine Serenity Hell.There is no doubt that it must be the subordinate of the so-called Crocodile Ancestor.

Fortunately, the real culprit should not be out of trouble at this moment, and is still imprisoned under the foundation of the Great Leiyin Temple.

As for the rest, with the help of Ye Fan, Pang Bo, and the Buddha treasures in the hands of everyone, they can barely deal with them.

Now, a group of people are non-stop, moving slowly but firmly towards the place where the Kowloon coffin fell before.

At the same time, everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Fan in unison, and there was a look of awe in their eyes.

Just now, they could see clearly that Ye Fan didn't rely on any Buddhist treasures, but relied on himself to repel the sneak attacking "evil spirit".

That kind of power is definitely not something that ordinary people can possess.

And this is probably the reason why Jin Chanzi entrusted Ye Fan with his magic weapon.

At this moment, there are thousands of thoughts in the hearts of everyone, but no one stepped forward to speak.

However, Pang Bo was already familiar with Ye Fan, so he naturally had no taboos. He turned his head and looked at Ye Fan with a smile, pretending to ask loudly:
"Leaf, what's going on with you?"

Ye Fan knew it in his heart, and replied loudly:
"About more than a year ago, I dug out a few ancient books from the old house at home, and fiddled with the above method for a period of time, and became a practitioner in a daze."

When everyone behind heard this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

No matter what the truth of the matter is, since Ye Fan is willing to explain to them, it means that he should have no malicious intentions.

Immediately, Zhou Yi, Lin Jia and the others took the initiative to speak, lamenting that Ye Fan's luck is really extraordinary, that he could become the legendary "Cultivator of Immortals" by mistake.

"I just made a mistake, but you kid, quietly?"

Ye Fan showed a kind smile to the students behind him, and immediately scolded Pang Bo beside him.

The latter understood, Ye Fan probably already saw that he was a monk, but he never exposed it, so he said frankly:
"Hey, compared to you, Ye Zi, I'm much more unlucky. I was approached by a group of monsters, and they insisted that I was a family with them hundreds of years ago..."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that not only Ye Fan, but Pang Bo was also a practitioner.

But no matter what, right now, with the existence of these two genuine practitioners, everyone felt much more at ease.


However, before everyone had time to relax, there was a loud noise coming from the direction of Daleiyin Temple, accompanied by the billowing black mist, which made Ye Fan and his party shudder.

"Not good! The monster is probably about to escape!"

Not only that, because the monsters sealed under the Daleiyin Temple are about to be released, and the demonic aura is overwhelming, and the "evil spirits" who are watching in the dark seem to be strengthened.



The attack of "evil spirits" far exceeding the previous number, coupled with the impact of majestic and huge force, almost drowned everyone.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo were so anxious that they almost drained every ounce of their spiritual power, and the students holding Buddha treasures also took the initiative to attack.


The hit streaks of black light collapsed, manifesting a crocodile-like, but without legs, eerie existence covered in scales.

This is the so-called divine crocodile, and it is likely to be the real body of the crocodile ancestor suppressed by Sakyamuni.

Although Ye Fan and the others performed bravely, it was still difficult to protect everyone thoroughly.

In the end, when everyone returned to the place where the coffin was pulled in Jiulong, the original [-] students had suffered heavy casualties, including Liu Yunzhi and others who did not get along well with Ye Fan.

The surviving people naturally felt sympathy, and for a while, the sound of sobbing and whimpering was endless.

Fortunately, everyone then entered the Jiulong coffin.Although there are still many divine crocodiles in the outside world, but they are difficult to break through, and everyone is safe for the time being.

It's just that Ye Fan at this moment has no leisure to pay attention to the affairs of the outside world.

Because, in his mind, the weird black mist was surging, as if it was about to tear his sea of ​​consciousness apart, and there was even an exclamation of the evil ghost:

"Kowloon pulls the coffin!"

Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn't help but move.

Since this evil spirit can induce Sakyamuni to suppress it, it is absolutely not easy to think about it, maybe it just happened to know about the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin.

So, Ye Fan quickly asked in his mind:
"Could it be, do you know its origin?"

"It's not clear."

The evil spirit said so calmly.

Ye Fan's face was naturally disappointed.

However, although this evil spirit doesn't know the origin of Jiulong's coffin, he is obviously very interested in it.At the same time, he was also very curious about the coffin within the coffin.

Just when Ye Fan was itchy and wanted to try to find out more secrets about Jiulong's coffin from the mouth of the evil ghost——


In the direction where the Great Leiyin Temple was located, there was another terrifying sound like the sky collapsing and the earth falling, making the faces of the people hiding in the Jiulong coffin pale, and they couldn't help trembling.


At the same time, a figure wrapped in thick black smoke rushed out of the Daleiyin Temple and headed straight for the place where Jiulong pulled the coffin.

The distance between the two is not too far away, it is really fleeting.

It was too late and then too soon, Pangbo didn't hesitate at all, and immediately raised the plaque of the Big Leiyin Temple at his feet, leaned out from the gap in the lid of the huge bronze coffin, and moved towards the rushing, wrapped in black smoke. The figure was photographed fiercely.

The monster must not be allowed to enter the giant bronze coffin!

"I go!"

Accompanied by the sound of metal and iron colliding, there was a curse.

Listening carefully, the voice seemed quite familiar.

Sure enough, when the black smoke dissipated, the one who manifested in it was Jin Chanzi, who sacrificed his life for righteousness and took the initiative to be the queen of the crowd.

Seeing this, Ye Fan and the others quickly pulled up the eminent Buddhist monk who seemed to be no more than ten years old, and also entered the huge bronze coffin.

"Um, Master Jinchan..."

There was a hint of guilt in Pangbo's tone, and an extremely embarrassing expression on his face.

Fortunately, the difference in cultivation between the two was too great, and Jin Chanzi's physical body was also extraordinary, so he didn't faint on the spot.


Although Jin Chanzi recited the Buddha's name with a kind face, he couldn't hide his resentment when he looked at Pangbo.

However, this moment is obviously not the time to be entangled in such trivial matters.

Seeing that Jin Chanzi was fine, Zhou Yi on the side hurried forward and asked anxiously:
"Master Jin Chan, has the crocodile ancestor escaped?"

And this is undoubtedly what everyone present is most concerned about.

Although Jin Chanzi's figure is slightly embarrassed, his eyes are still bright, and his face is calm and calm:
"Donor benefactors, please rest assured that the little monk has already arranged properly with the formation here with the help of the tokens given by his master."

"Even if the crocodile ancestor can escape from under the Great Leiyin Temple, he will still be trapped in this Buddha's light formation, and he will never be able to be born and endanger the world."

When everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Fan was keenly aware of something wrong, and frowned slightly:

"Now, we are also within the range of the Buddha's light, so what should we do?"

Hearing Ye Fan's words, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

According to what Jin Chanzi just said, if Zu Zu found himself unable to leave this place after he escaped from the Daleiyin Temple, then they, who were also surrounded by the Buddha's light, might become their vent and be imprisoned by Sakyamuni for thousands of years object of resentment.

Thinking of such a miserable end, the group naturally shuddered.

In response, Jin Chanzi smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth:
"Don't worry, benefactors. Although the grand formation has been opened now, we can't leave easily, but since the Nine Dragons Coffin can break through the seal and fall into this place, we will definitely be able to leave."

"Hmph! It's as disgusting as that old bald donkey!"

In his mind, the voice of disgust and disdain from the evil spirit roared, Ye Fan naturally pretended not to hear it.

Seeing Jin Chanzi's confident appearance, everyone hurriedly urged:

"Master, please act quickly."

Fortunately, Jin Chanzi also knew how powerful it was, so he immediately got up regardless of his injuries and started to arrange.

As a disciple of Sakyamuni, he is naturally clear about the layout of this place, and easily aroused some kind of magic circle buried deep in the earth.

Ye Fan, who had studied the "Book of Origin", naturally had scorching eyes, and he didn't want to miss the process of Jin Chanzi's opening of the formation.

Ye Fan benefited a lot from just observing the flashing Dao Shenwen.


Accompanied by a burst of strange fluctuations, Zen sounds burst out, the Buddha's light was brilliant, and a mysterious and mysterious door of light intertwined in the void.

Behind the light gate, there is a colorful starry sky, dark and deep, as if leading to another universe.However, a faint layer of Buddha's light emerged in the void, separating them, which was obviously difficult to pass through.


At the same time, the Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin seemed to be driven by some mysterious force, and it was no longer silent.

The huge coffin lid was closed, blocking everyone's sight and gaze.The whole body of the huge bronze coffin is filled with some kind of mysterious dao rhyme, as if it can break through all obstacles.

In the end, the Jiulong coffin slowly rose up, entered the light gate, left Yinghuo, and embarked on another unknown journey.

The two changes are over.

Tomorrow there will still be a change at around 20:23 and 50:[-].

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