
Amidst the loud noise, the desolate and boundless land cracked open.

Where the foundation of the original Great Leiyin Temple was located, a tragic and boundless aura rose into the sky, accompanied by billowing black smoke and raging demonic aura.

It was an extremely terrifying monster that had run amok in many star fields in the past, and finally attracted Sakyamuni to suppress it with his own hands——Crocodile Ancestor!
Its real body is huge, with a pair of huge magic pupils that are as red as blood and flickering like a blood moon, staring straight at the direction where Jiulong pulled the coffin and left.

As soon as this Unrivaled Demon Ancestor was born, a majestic divine sense swept over him, allowing him to understand everything in an instant.

Naturally, he didn't want to be trapped to death in the Buddha's light formation, so he rushed straight to Jiulong to pull the coffin, hoping to use it to leave this place.


The evil spirit and the evil spirit are intertwined, rolling in like a tsunami, accompanied by Huang Zhong Dalu, and the Buddha's light is all over the sky.

The array laid down by Sakyamuni himself is now blessed by the token left by Jin Chanzi. Even if the crocodile ancestor is fierce and powerful, it will be difficult to break through it, and can only be trapped in this "one-acre three-point land" middle.


The crocodile ancestor looked up to the sky and howled, like ten thousand thunders exploding, shattering this desolate land, but no one knew it after all.

At the same time, the Nine Dragons Coffin has naturally disappeared in the deep and boundless passageway with colorful lights and shadows, leaving no trace in the world.

"Bang!" "Boom!"

Inside the huge bronze coffin, it was pitch black, gloomy and cold.

The mood of Ye Fan and his party also fluctuated with the vibration of the huge bronze coffin.

If something happened to Jiulong's coffin and they failed to leave Yinghuo, then the fate that awaited them would be to fall into the hands of the mighty monster Crocodile Zu.

I'm afraid it's more hopeless than death.

Thinking of this possibility, many students who were not too determined were on the verge of collapse, sobbing and crying softly.

Ye Fan's physical body is extraordinary, and his eyes are like torches. Even in the dark, he can clearly see the expressions on everyone's faces, and he can't help but sigh.

Ye Fan could completely understand their fear and worry.

After all, before this, the vast majority of them had no experience in cultivation, they were just employees in the company, housewives, etc.

Rather, along the way, the performance of Zhou Yi, Lin Jia and others has greatly exceeded expectations, and it is absolutely extraordinary.


In the end, with a huge bang, Jiulong shook the coffin, and then maintained a relatively stable state, which was similar to the feeling that everyone had descended from the earth to Yinghuo before.

Seeing this, everyone in the coffin understood, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


"Finally saved."

The tense thoughts of many people also relaxed, and they collapsed to the ground.

Running wildly all the way, fighting against the ferocious and terrifying crocodile is a test of everyone's physical strength. Now that they are safe for the time being, they can finally rest in peace.


Accompanied by the reverberation of a long Buddha's name, a faint brilliance spread out, illuminating the entire interior of the huge bronze coffin.

Sitting cross-legged in the corner, Jin Chanzi slowly opened his eyes.

In fact, Jin Chanzi faced the erosion of the breath of the divine crocodile and crocodile ancestor alone before. Although he held the token of Sakyamuni, he still suffered a lot of damage.

He sat cross-legged in the huge bronze coffin and recuperated for a long time before recovering.On his pale and handsome face, there was a touch of rosiness.

Perhaps it was because he was too familiar with "Journey to the West", or because he was a disciple of Sakyamuni and his character was trustworthy.

In addition, for Jin Chanzi's act of sacrificing his life for righteousness before, everyone respected and got close to the young monk who looked much younger than them, but was in his teens.

"Amitabha, I would like to ask the master, what is the destination of the Nine Dragons Coffin's departure?"

Lin Jia, a beautiful and intelligent woman, with a dignified expression at the moment, stepped forward to ask Jin Chanzi for advice.

Hearing this, everyone in the coffin couldn't help casting their gazes.

Although everyone didn't speak, they all had a glimmer of hope in their hearts, hoping to return to Earth.

The world of practice is grotesque and grotesque. It is indeed full of yearning, but at the same time it is also truly awe-inspiring.

After going through ups and downs, everyone's nostalgia for the ordinary life on earth has reached its peak at this moment.

What's more, many people still have their own relatives, friends and family members...

These are the existences that they cannot let go of.

Jin Chanzi's cultivation is profound, his mind is keen, and he has an exquisite heart, which can clearly understand what everyone is thinking.

After pondering for a while, his face showed apology, and he folded his hands together:

"The monks don't lie. The destination of our trip is not the prehistoric world, but the Beidou ancient star field."


Hearing Jin Chanzi's words, everyone present felt lost for a moment, but it was soon replaced by sincere shock.

The Big Dipper, Ziwei Star, etc. are all important stars divided in ancient China, and they have extraordinary significance.

According to the modern astronomical point of view, these stars are all far away in the distant starry sky, which is unknown how many light-years away from the earth. Even if all the resources and technological power of the earth are exhausted, it is difficult to get close to them.

Now, they are heading towards the Big Dipper.

Not only that, judging from Jin Chanzi's tone, it might not take long for them to reach their destination.

In the past, if they were able to visit the Big Dipper in the depths of the starry sky, it would really be like a fairy tale.

But now, everyone has already boarded Mars, saw Daleiyin Temple and Jin Chanzi, and almost fell into the clutches of demons.

Beidou no longer seemed out of reach for them.

It's a pity that no matter how good Beidou is, it can't compare to the earth as its hometown.

For a moment, there was silence in the huge bronze coffin, there was no sound, and there were occasional weeping and whimpering.

"Master, I wonder if we can embark on the road of cultivation?"

In the end, it was Zhou Yi's calm voice that broke the silence in the coffin.

His expression was resolute, and although there was pain in his eyes, there was more excitement and longing, and he was radiant.

At the same time as he asked this sentence, Zhou Yi looked in the direction of Ye Fan and Pang Bo, and nodded kindly to them.

Hearing Zhou Yi's question, Jin Chanzi also seemed to be interested, and looked straight at him with bright eyes, as if he wanted to penetrate Zhou Yi's body and see through all the secrets.

After a while, Jin Chanzi looked away, swept across the people in the coffin, and then withdrew his gaze.

But at this moment, Jin Chanzi had a rather surprised expression on his face, which was really beyond his expectation.

Before, when everyone met in front of the Daleiyin Temple, Jin Chanzi never offended him, and felt carefully.Also because Crocodile Zu was about to get out of trouble and was imminent, he couldn't care about these trivial matters.

Now, looking carefully, it really made his eyes widen.

As a disciple of Sakyamuni, Jin Chanzi can be said to be accustomed to seeing heroes of heaven, good talents and beautiful qualities.

Even so, among the people present, the talents of some of them made him admire. As for Ye Fan, if he guessed correctly, he might have the legendary Xeon physique.

Jin Chanzi raised his head, solemnly said:
"Amitabha, the roots and bones of all the donors are extraordinary. Thinking about it, after arriving at Beidou, it will not be difficult to embark on the road of cultivation."

As soon as they heard that they were able to practice in the future, joy appeared on the faces of all the people present, which diluted a little bit of sad thoughts.

Looking around, Jin Chanzi thought for a while, and then spoke again:
"The Big Dipper is the Emperor Burying Star, which has gathered many powerful people and ancient inheritance. If you benefactors want to return to the ancient star, there is not no chance in the future."

After a pause, Jin Chanzi took the initiative to comfort him:

"Even if you have cultivated to the realm of saints and above, you can travel to the stars alone and open star gates, so you might not be able to find the way back."

It has to be said that his words seem to have opened a brand new door for everyone, and behind the door is a grotesque world that fascinates them.

At the same time, Ye Fan communicated with the evil spirit in his mind:

"Can you open the stargate and help us return to Earth?"

In Ye Fan's tone, there was naturally a hint of expectation.

It's a pity that the evil ghost is naturally merciless, and said coldly and disdainfully:
"If I still have such supernatural powers, I still need to possess you, you brat!?"

This move that hurts the enemy by one thousand and self-damages eight hundred makes Ye Fan helpless.

Now, what he can't let go of the most is his parents who are on the earth and have no one to take care of them.

There are no relatives in the family, so we can only hope that Duan De can take care of him for a while before he finds the ancient mythical road.

Fortunately, Ye Fan has always been optimistic and cheerful, and calm when encountering problems.

He knew that even if he was worried, it would not help, so he simply suppressed it for the time being and stopped thinking about it.

Instead, he thought about how to find a way to return to Earth while practicing cultivation when he arrived at Beidou.

At this time, the evil spirit in his mind spoke again, still in a gloomy tone, but persuasively said:
"If you really want to go back to Earth, that's easy."

"You just have to do your best to help me warm and nourish the true spirit, and when I return to consummation, then it will be natural..."

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil spirit was still chattering endlessly, but he naturally automatically blocked his voice.

However, the evil ghost's words also reminded him, making Ye Fan worried.If such a mighty evil spirit really follows him back to the present earth, will it bring disaster to the earth?

But when his mind was full of thoughts, suddenly there was a grand and ethereal sound, like Huang Zhong Dalu, resounding through his heart.

Ye Fan looked around and saw that everyone looked the same, and couldn't help but suspect that it was his own illusion, but the voice of the evil spirit in his mind stopped immediately.

"You heard that too?"


Ye Fan was keenly aware that the tone of the evil ghost was also rare and dignified.

At the same time, the bodhi seeds in his pocket kept heating up, reminding him that this seemed to be the direct reason why he could hear the voice of the Great Dao.

The source of that grand sound was the small bronze coffin in the middle.

Realizing this, Ye Fan bravely stepped forward and got really close to the small bronze coffin, even stretched out his hand to stroke the copper rust and vague scratches on it.

The sound of the great avenue became more and more magnificent, and there were even vague human voices mixed in, Ye Fan couldn't hear it clearly.

Besides Ye Fan, Jin Chanzi also seemed to have heard the loud sound, and also paced around the ancient bronze coffin.

In the end, Jin Chanzi stopped in his tracks, raised his head abruptly, his eyes were blazing:

"No, how about we open this coffin?"

This chapter update is still a little late, sorry.

The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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