The universe is vast, icy cold and desolate, and the occasional meteor pierces through it, but it is only fleeting.

The mysterious, majestic and majestic Nine Dragons Coffin is sailing on an ancient road in the starry sky mottled with light and shadow, heading for the legendary Beidou ancient star field.

At this moment, within the giant bronze coffin, there was complete silence, complete silence.

Everyone's eyes naturally focused on Jin Chanzi.

Although they couldn't hear the faint sound of the Daotian, the actions of Ye Fan and Jin Chanzi just now attracted everyone's attention.

I thought that the two of them were just curious about the mysterious coffin within a coffin. Who would have thought that Jin Chanzi would say such a shocking sentence, which made people dumbfounded.

"Humph! It's too much!"

Perhaps, because of the prejudice against Sakyamuni's lineage, in Ye Fan's mind, the disdainful snort of the evil spirit sounded again.

"Big, master? Is there something wrong with this coffin?"

After a while, many of Ye Fan's classmates came to their senses, and Lin Jia who was next to him stepped forward boldly, glanced at the small bronze coffin, and then asked cautiously.

There was a puzzled look on his face, obviously quite surprised by Jin Chanzi's idea of ​​opening the small bronze coffin.

Hearing this, Jin Chanzi smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, nodded, and threw out another blockbuster in a calm tone:

"This small bronze coffin is indeed strange, there should be living things in it."

After the words fell, there was a moment of dead silence in the huge bronze coffin, and even panicked, everyone chose to stay away from the small bronze coffin, and stood close to the coffin wall of the huge bronze coffin, so that they could feel a little comfort in their hearts.

Except for the three monks Ye Fan, Pang Bo, and Jin Chanzi, no one dared to approach the small bronze coffin.

"Master, could it be that the crocodile ancestor followed us and entered the coffin too?"

In Pangbo's eyes, a rather strange expression emerged.

He even boldly stretched out his hand and knocked on the mysterious bronze coffin lid, accompanied by a clear and sweet voice, which made people tremble with fear.

At the same time, Ye Fan also asked the evil ghost the same question in his mind.

"How can that guy have such abilities?"

Obviously, in the eyes of the evil spirits, the level of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin is much higher than that of Crocodile Zu.

Standing beside the small bronze coffin, Jin Chanzi also shook his head, pointed to the small bronze coffin and said:
"It's not the crocodile ancestor. The existence in that coffin should have entered this coffin long before the benefactors."

Hearing this, everyone's minds were full of turbulent waves, and they all recalled that shortly after they ascended the Kowloon coffin from Mount Tai, there was a "bang bang" sound from the small bronze coffin.

At that time, Zhou Yi's explanation was that Jiulong pulled the coffin bumped, and the objects in the small coffin hit each other, and there was a sound.

Now that I think about it carefully, there are really a lot of doubts.

"However, Master Jinchan, are you sure there is a living thing inside? Why do I think that even if there is, it is still an old rice dumpling?"

Pang Bo's casual tone made the faces of several students who heard this remark turn pale with fright.

Of course, a dead person was buried in the coffin, which is indeed reasonable.

Jin Chanzi raised his head and looked around, taking in all the expressions on everyone's faces.

Knowing this in his heart, he smiled slightly, clasped his hands together and said:
"Don't worry, benefactors. Although the little monk can't see through this ancient bronze coffin, he is somewhat sure in the dark that the contents in the coffin should be harmless."

Hearing Jin Chanzi's words, everyone present was slightly relieved.

In fact, Jin Chanzi's cultivation is so advanced that even if Ye Fan and Pang Bo join forces, they are far from being his opponent.

He could have made his own decision, but he still chose to explain it to everyone first, which is enough to show that he has a good character and is indeed an eminent Buddhist monk.

Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces softened slightly, Jin Chanzi smiled and said:
"This place is weird, suppressing the monk's cultivation. I don't know, which benefactor is willing to help?"

His eyes fell directly on Ye Fan and Pang Bo who were opposite.

Although the cultivation bases of the two are not enough, but the blood of the two is extraordinary, and it may have a miraculous effect.

Ye Fan had a look of deep thought on his face, but he was actually communicating with the evil spirit in his mind.

"Impossible! You three brats want to open this coffin, what a fool's dream!"

The evil ghost's tone was decisive, without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Ye Fan also asked curiously:
"Then, if you were in your prime, would you be able to open this coffin?"

Hearing this, the evil ghost actually thought about it, and then solemnly said:
"Maybe it's a number of five or five."

Ye Fan's heart couldn't help but startled.

Even the evil spirits who were able to fight Shakyamuni said so, but I don't know where Jin Chanzi got his confidence.

In fact, the heyday that the evil spirit refers to is even more astonishing than Ye Fan imagined.

That is the predecessor of the evil ghost, and it is really the invincible supreme king of Junlin Yunei.

"But—" the evil ghost changed his subject and said hesitantly:
"In the induction of this seat, there seems to be an arrangement left by a supreme figure on the ancient bronze coffin. If the person in the middle cooperates with you from inside to outside, maybe it is really possible—"

"Is there really a living person inside!?"

Ye Fan's focus is obviously completely different from that of evil spirits.

"Hmph! Although this seat has fallen, there is still some vague feeling."

There was an undisguised arrogance in the evil ghost's tone.

Although the origin of the evil spirit is mysterious, and it is a murderous creature that Sakyamuni also wanted to suppress, but he and Ye Fan are "in the same boat" at present, and what he said can barely be believed.

With the guidance of the evil spirit, Ye Fan naturally made up his mind very quickly, and happily raised his head and said:
"May I help Master."

Seeing Ye Fan nodding, Pang Bo also had an exaggerated smile on his face, and ran straight to Jin Chanzi's side:

"Young master Jin Chan, don't worry, we will definitely listen to your command."

Apparently, Pangbo also felt apologetic for the "sap" he had hit on Jin Chanzi just now, so he took the initiative to show his favor.

Of course, although Jin Chanzi was young, he already had the demeanor of a Buddhist monk, so he naturally didn't care about it.

"I'll help, too."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yi also took the initiative to invite Ying.

Although he might not be of much use, Jin Chanzi still accepted his wish and nodded.


Then, under Jin Chanzi's guidance, the four separated the sides of the ancient bronze coffin, and put their hands on the coffin lid.

Seeing this, although the rest of the people felt uneasy, they could only retreat to the corner of the huge bronze coffin and wait and see what happened.

The four looked at each other, and without any hesitation, they shot with all their strength and tried to lift the coffin lid.


I saw that Jin Chanzi's whole body was illuminated by Buddha's light.

And Ye Fan and Pang Bo's fleshy bodies were even more exuberant and monstrous.

Even an ordinary man like Zhou Yi, wearing a golden cicada monk's robe, burst out with divine power.

You must know that these four people have extraordinary talents, and they are destined to become great figures in the future.

Now, the four of them work together, naturally——

fart useless!

After all, this Nine Dragons coffin has a very big origin, if there is no arrangement, a few brats would want to open it, it is really whimsical.

Even though the four of them were so tired that their faces were red and their ears were flushed, and they had exhausted all their efforts to feed their babies, in the end there was thunder and rain, and the lid of the small bronze coffin remained motionless.

"Hoo--" "Hoo--"

After a long time, the four of them finally found it difficult to continue, so they leaned against the ancient bronze coffin, slumped on the ground, and gasped for breath.

And just when Ye Fan was about to speak——




In the small bronze coffin, a loud sound came out again.

This time, not only Ye Fan and Jin Chanzi, but everyone else also heard the sound clearly.

"It's similar to what I've heard before."

Zhou Yi's tone was low, and his eyes were shining brightly.

At the same time, where the small bronze coffin was located, there was a faint brilliance, and a hazy mist filled the air.

As the bodhi seeds in his pocket became hot, Ye Fan seemed to see mysterious and complicated avenue runes jumping out one after another in a trance, deeply imprinted in his heart.

Jin Chanzi on the opposite side also had bright eyes and said excitedly:

"I'll try again later!"

And just as the evil spirit speculated before, with the suspected person in the coffin's "inside and outside cooperation", coupled with the mysterious lines on the bronze coffin flickering, the coffin lid of the ancient bronze coffin in front of him seems to be no longer so strong like a rock.


In the end, with a loud bang, the lid of the small bronze coffin was lifted off by the four people.

In an instant, the celestial light was shining brightly, and the vast chaos surged out, submerging the entire inside of the huge bronze coffin, and a figure wrapped in the mist of celestial light spewed out:

"I'm going, so many people!?"

When the mist dissipated slightly, everyone immediately looked forward.

I saw a boy who looked younger than Jin Chanzi was sitting on the ground with a slightly puzzled expression on his face.

"Under Ye Fan, I don't know my little brother?"

Seeing this situation, Ye Fan was the first to come back to his senses, stepped forward, and cupped his hands.

The boy raised his eyes, looked around, with a thoughtful expression in his eyes, and said in a deep voice:

"Gu Tuo."

The two changes are over.

Tomorrow there will still be a change at around 20:23 and 50:[-].

Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

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