
Inside the huge ancient bronze coffin, with the mysterious small coffin as the center, is filled with immortal light, and the vast chaos is surging, filling the entire interior of the ancient coffin.

At the same time, there is also a bang of the Dao Tianyin, which resonates in the void, accompanied by the mysterious and mysterious Dao Rhyme.

Perhaps, it was because several people opened the mysterious small bronze coffin, this time, everyone's ears could clearly hear the divine voice of the Great Dao, as if there was a supreme fairy king preaching the scriptures .

However, at this moment, the people in the coffin didn't pay attention to the distant Tianyin, they just looked straight at the boy named "Gu Tuo" who fell on the ground.

His age is not very old, similar to Jin Chanzi, he is really full of vigor, rich and handsome, and has a kind of heroism and arrogance completely different from Jin Chanzi, which is really extraordinary.

Not only that, judging from his age, Gu Tuo's cultivation was also unpredictable, which made Jin Chanzi beside him show a dignified expression, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Of course, what shocked Jin Chanzi even more was that the boy named "Gu Tuo" seemed to have a sun in his body, which made it difficult for his Buddhist heavenly eyes to look directly at him.

Moreover, Jin Chanzi is born supernatural, with a keen sense of spirituality, and can see things that ordinary people can't touch.

From his point of view, Gu Tuo's body is filled with a certain unique Taoist rhyme, transcending the world, not like a person in the world of mortals, it gives him the feeling that a fairy from the nine heavens has fallen into the mortal world .

There was a lot of fog in his mind, and all kinds of thoughts fluctuated in his heart. For a while, Jin Chanzi also remained silent.

"This kid is really amazing!"

At the same time, Ye Fan's mind was also full of turbulent waves. No matter how difficult it was for the evil ghost in the black mist to calm down, he not only exclaimed, but also murmured in an unbelievable tone:

"How is it possible... Can such a creature really be born in the world?"

Although the evil spirit is in a special state and its memory is incomplete, but its vision is still there. Naturally, it can be seen at a glance that Gu Tuo's extraordinaryness is really a fairy root. A few rivals.

In addition, Gu Tuo's breath of immortality and charm of immortality also made the evil spirits suspicious:

"Could it be that it's really a real fairy coming to the dust, and a fairy descending to the world?"

It's a pity that only a few people in the human world know the secret behind Nine Dragon's coffin, and the evil spirits with incomplete memories naturally dare not make judgments.

"Or maybe it's because of the world in the coffin?"

Although the evil spirit is indeed extremely weak at present, it can also vaguely sense that there seems to be a vast and boundless world of immortality in the small bronze coffin.

Compared with the violent reaction of the evil spirit, Ye Fan's cultivation base is still low now, it is difficult to notice this much, and he is naturally calm.

Of course, he couldn't help but cast a curious look at Gu Tuo.

And just as Ye Fan and his party and Jin Chanzi were sizing up silently, the slightly dazed young man with a pensive expression on the opposite side was also observing everyone without a trace.

From his eyes, he skipped Zhou Yi, Lin Jia and other ordinary people, and only spent a little more time on the three monks Ye Fan, Pang Bo, and Jin Chanzi, and finally locked the age. Jin Chanzi, who was not much different from him, but equally extraordinary in cultivation.

The amount of long-lived substances in the bodies of these people is really thin, and they are definitely not creatures in the fairyland.

Gu Tuo's thoughts turned, and then he thought of Lingbao Tianzun's arrangements and instructions.

Now that he has awakened and broke through the barrier, he must have already left the fairyland and arrived at the legendary nine heavens and ten lands.

Thinking of this, Gu Tuo couldn't help but look at Jin Chanzi and the others again.

Well, what Master said is indeed true. Although the human world is broken and the Dao is incomplete, but in this difficult environment of cultivating the Tao, Tianjiao Yingjie is even more extraordinary.

Although he is still inside the coffin of Nine Dragons, Gu Tuo can already clearly feel that his body and soul have been eroded by the law of the human world, which can be regarded as a different kind of tempering and tempering.

In the end, at the behest of the evil ghost, and Ye Fan himself was equally curious, he took the initiative to step forward, cupped his hands, and prepared to test the young man in front of him:
"Dare to ask, Brother Gu Tuo——"


However, before Ye Fan's words fell, the ancient bronze coffin trembled violently again.

And the small bronze coffin shrouded in hazy mist seemed to have turned into a black hole, swallowing all the chaos and fairy light that had just spilled out into it.


The bronze coffin lid was closed again, tightly seamed, isolating the coffin from the outside world.

It was this huge sound, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, that brought Gu Tuo, who was lost in thought, back to his senses, and rushed towards the small bronze coffin.


The person's body is filled with immortal light, accompanied by the exuberant and monstrous spurt of blood, showing the supernatural power of the body far above Ye Fan and others.

Seeing this situation, Ye Fan, Pang Bo, and Jin Chanzi looked at each other, and immediately stepped forward, intending to open the ancient bronze coffin again.

It's a pity that this time, perhaps because there was no Gu Tuo to "cooperate from the inside to the outside", no matter how hard the four outsiders tried, the coffin lid remained motionless, as firm as a rock.

In the end, the four of them were already tired and collapsed to the ground. Gu Tuo complained in his heart:

"I knew that Master's arrangement would not be so simple..."

The original intention of Lingbao Tianzun is to let him go through honing in the world of mortals. Naturally, it is impossible for him to have the opportunity to use the fairy world in the small bronze coffin. Everything that follows can only rely on himself.

Everyone in the coffin naturally didn't notice Gu Tuo's heartfelt voice. Only the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind, with his spiritual thoughts, caught the waves of fluctuations.

Hearing Gu Tuo's inner voice, even the evil ghost's extremely pale face, full of evil spirits, showed a thoughtful expression.

After that, everyone tried many times, but they couldn't shake the ancient bronze coffin in the end, so they had to choose to give up.

Fortunately, even Gu Tuo didn't have any obsession with the world in the coffin, so he quickly adjusted his mentality and returned to normal.

The people present also took this opportunity to introduce each other.

"Brother Gu Tuo, can you tell us how you got into that coffin?"

Pang Bo sat down directly beside Gu Tuo, and with a more familiar look, he patted his shoulder affectionately, with a curious face, and asked bluntly.

And this, no doubt, is also the common doubt in the hearts of everyone present, so they all cast burning eyes on the two of them.

For Pangbo's question, Gu Tuo seemed to be well prepared.

The person did not answer directly, but first bowed to several people:

"Speaking of which, to be able to escape from the coffin, I need a few fellow Taoists to help me, thank you here."

Ye Fan, Jin Chanzi and the others smiled slightly, and waved their hands, indicating that there is no need to do so.

Seeing this, Gu Tuo first showed an expression of reminiscence, and then he briefly explained the cause and effect without haste:
"In the past, I was sealed by the master, saying that I would leave it for future generations to practice. When I woke up, I was already in the ancient coffin."

"And I have tried many times, bombarding the coffin lid, trying to get out of the ancient coffin, and finally relying on fellow Taoists, this was the only way to succeed."

Hearing this, Ye Fan and his party also nodded.

As they expected, the loud noise they heard before was indeed made by Gu Tuo.

And Jin Chanzi next to him was even brighter, and said in a deep voice:

"In this way, Fellow Daoist should be a sealed ancient hero?"

Before Gu Tuo had time to answer, Jin Chanzi showed a rather puzzled look on his face, and continued:

"However, the little monk had nothing to do before, and read a lot of ancient history books, but he didn't know that in the history of the human world, there was such an astonishingly talented and brilliant person like Gu Tuoyou. It's really ignorant."

"Dare to ask, who is the respected master?"

In the face of Jin Chanzi's repeated bombing, Gu Tuo also behaved with ease, without any confusion, just shook his head with a smile:

"Fellow Daoist praised you absurdly. My teacher is an outsider, and I don't want to leave a name. Please don't blame me."


Hearing Gu Tuo's words, Jin Chanzi hadn't had time to respond, but the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind had already snorted coldly:
"To be able to find this Nine Dragons coffin and seal a person into that mysterious coffin, how can such a person be an unknown person!"

In this regard, Ye Fan's heart moved, and he said curiously:
"Since that's the case, how does Gu Tuo's teacher compare with you?"

Unexpectedly, the evil ghost was stumped by Ye Fan's casual question for a while, and couldn't help but pause.

Originally, he wanted to truthfully say that he was not comparable to that person, but perhaps because of his own mysterious majesty, he said vaguely:
"Hmph! It's always not too much difference."

Fortunately, Ye Fan's realm is low now, so he didn't say much.

Although Gu Tuo's remarks obviously omitted a lot of details, at any rate he gave a brief explanation of the cause and effect, so everyone tactfully did not continue to ask about this matter.

And through communication with everyone, Gu Tuo learned that the destination of the Nine Dragons coffin-drawing trip, Beidou, is the place where the heroes of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths gather, and he couldn't help showing a look of anticipation on his face.


Not long after, the giant bronze coffin shook violently again, and everyone felt like the sky was spinning.

At the same time, the mysterious and profound notches on the bronze coffin wall also gave off a faint halo, which relieved most of the impact.

Seeing this, Ye Fan and his party knew it in their hearts.

The destination is almost here.

The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

Thanks again for all your support!

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