Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 905 All the lords moved together and smashed into the restricted area


Accompanied by the turbulent power of space, the void distorted, the light and shadow were mottled, and there was a monstrous bang.

Suddenly, a dark and deep black hole emerged in the void, and nine majestic and majestic dragon corpses rushed out and landed in this ancient star field.

And behind the nine dragon corpses cast like black gold, connected by chains, is a huge ancient bronze coffin. At this moment, a mysterious and inexplicable Taoist rhyme is circulating, and the supreme majesty is permeating.

When the Nine Dragons Coffin was fully manifested, it seemed to be drawn by some strange force somewhere, and it drove straight to a predetermined direction.

Ahead, there is a sea of ​​stars rising and falling, gathering to form a vast sea of ​​stars.

I saw that in the vast sea of ​​stars, a majestic and majestic star was fixed in the void, and it was extraordinarily bright.

Among them, it seems that there is a huge fairy embryo conceived, and it surges out with the exuberant breath of life like a vast ocean.

And on the big star, five vast and boundless continents are connected to each other, very much like the five-color altars I have seen before.


Known as the Buried Emperor Star, it is a veritable center of the universe, and it has flourished since the Immortal Emperor became enlightened.

It's a pity that Ye Fan and the others were inside the huge bronze coffin, so they naturally missed the chance to see the extraordinary and magnificent scene in front of them.

If a monk above the level of a saint stands here, apart from the magnificent view of the Big Dipper, he can truly feel the strangeness.

Every inch of the void surrounding the Big Dipper star is covered with densely packed avenue divine patterns.

Far more than a supreme avenue intertwined, a supreme formation beyond the imagination of the world is built, which is sincerely awe-inspiring.

However, even the great formation of flying immortals created by the Supreme Being is like nothing in front of Jiulong's coffin.


Accompanied by the spread of some strange fluctuations, the supreme rune engraved on the coffin of Nine Dragons flickered, and the hazy mist came out, wrapped it, passed through the Feixian formation, and was about to descend on the Big Dipper.

"This is!?"

At the moment when Jiulong pulled the coffin and entered the atmosphere of the ancient star, in the five regions of the Big Dipper and the core forbidden areas of the major inheritances, there were beings above the saints who were disturbed, woke up from slumber or the state of enlightenment, and immediately raised their eyes, with a look of surprise on their faces. Looking into the air.

You must know that today's Big Dipper is by no means comparable to Yinghuo, or the earth that has entered the age of dharma.

Although, due to the suppression of the Supreme Dao and the proximity of the real bodies of the venerables, it is really difficult to produce strong men of the quasi-emperor level in this world, but in the ancient inheritances, there are many existences above the holy realm to suppress heritage.

Even if the crocodile ancestor who was suppressed by Sakyamuni under the Great Leiyin Temple came to Beidou, it would not be able to cause too much trouble.

However, when all the saints cast curious eyes and saw the real body of the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin, they couldn't help being horrified.

All the sages are not ignorant of the mysterious Nine Dragons pulling the coffin in front of them. It is more or less recorded in the hidden classics of various religions.

It manifests in the human world every once in a while and travels the heavens.

But even the most powerful quasi-emperor can hardly get close, let alone enter the huge bronze coffin to explore.


At the same time, in the Beidou Donghuang, in many restricted areas of life, a godlike and demonic aura erupted, turmoil between the world and the earth.

Standing tall one after another, his eyes as bright as the sun opened.

The emperor of the extreme way came overwhelmingly, sweeping the entire Beidou land, making all spirits and sentient beings tremble and bow down respectfully.

Today is different from the past, most of the supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life are no longer in the self-appointed state before, they have already been born in real bodies, and they can take action at any time.

Just now, Nine Dragons pulled the coffin through the Great Formation of Big Dipper Flying Immortals, which naturally made all the venerables respond.

"It's it, Jiulong pulls the coffin! Tens of thousands of years have passed, and it has reappeared in the world!"

In the ancient god ruins, the majestic and majestic voice of the Supreme came out, resounding through the Beidou world.

Compared with the powerful people in the world, the Supremes obviously know more about it.

In fact, among all the venerables, there are many people who were destined to see it in the past and tried to pursue it, but in the end it was fruitless.

But now, Gu Zun transformed into Nirvana and lived out the third life, which is really a great achievement, far more powerful than in the past.

In addition, Jiulong pulled the coffin to come to Beidou on its own initiative, so Gu Zun naturally couldn't restrain his inner fluctuations, so he wanted to make a move.


I saw that a palm as crystal clear as jade protruded from the Immortal Mausoleum first, causing the void to roar, and the law wailed, pointing directly at the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin in the air.


The golden fairy shines in the world, bursting out from the ancient mine in the early days, as if connecting the past, the present and the future.

"call out!"

An avenue of immortal light emerged, extending from a restricted area of ​​life, as if preparing to lead the Nine Dragons coffin path directly away.

In addition, in the dark, there are unknown how many supreme avenues collided, and there was a huge bang like the opening of the world.

In the Big Dipper Five Regions, many experts sensed the fluctuation in the void, and all of them changed their colors.

The supreme being was born and lived in peace for thousands of years.

Could it be that now there is going to be a big fight for this Kowloon coffin?
Of course, although the supreme beings are curious about the mysterious Kowloon coffin, they still have reason, and now it is nothing more than a test.


But just as the venerables were confronting each other and were at a stalemate, the Nine Dragons Coffin itself changed.

Originally, the goal of Jiulong pulling the coffin was an ancient five-color altar on the Beidou land.

But now, it seems that he has been drawn by some kind of cause and effect in the dark, deviated from the original direction, and went straight to another forbidden place.


That's right, the current goal of Jiulong's coffin is a suspended island hidden in the sky of the Eastern Desolation.

After experiencing the initial astonishment, Zhu Zun's heart moved, and some kind of induction came out.

All the venerables immediately raised their eyes, looking at the huge island in the sky, which was quite similar to the Kowloon coffin, showing a look of sudden enlightenment.

In the past, when the forbidden zone was first established, someone suggested that the mysterious origin of this island might be related to the legendary Nine Dragons pulling coffins.

Now, the conjecture has finally been confirmed.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Zun immediately chose to stop, and never interfered with the established track of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin.

Just kidding, the two supreme beings dormant in the sky are undoubtedly powerful. As soon as they first proved the Tao, they were already the most powerful figures in the rank of the emperor of heaven.

Now nearly 10 years have passed, and you have no doubt that the two have already taken another big step forward on the road of mortal immortality.

No matter how confident and invincible the venerables are, they still know what to do, and they will not touch the bad luck of the two supreme heavenly emperors for no reason.


In the end, with a huge bang, the mysterious Nine Dragons pulled the coffin and smashed straight into the core area of ​​God's restricted area.

At the same time, in a certain ancient cave on the giant island of the sky.

A huge divine source lay horizontally, and a big black dog as strong as a bull was sealed in it.

At this moment, under the impact of Jiulong pulling the coffin and falling to the ground, the big black dog in the source of the gods naturally also felt a sense.

As if awakened from a sweet dream, he suddenly opened his big eyes like copper bells, and blurted out:
"I'll go! What's making the noise!?"



The copper coffin rolled over, and the huge coffin lid was also lifted.

Only a moment later, a group of people rushed out of the huge bronze coffin.

I saw that the outside world is no longer a desolate and boundless red land, but an endless lush greenery.

Not far away, there are towering ancient trees, exotic flowers and plants in full bloom, full of vigor and vitality.

And around, there is even more celestial light and mist surging, accompanied by a faint longevity vitality, which makes people feel refreshed.

Leaving the land of Yinghuo and the great evil, leaving the coffin of Nine Dragons, what caught everyone's eyes was such a scene like a fairyland on earth.

The two changes are over.

Tomorrow there will still be a change at around 20:23 and 50:[-].

Finally, thank you all for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!The author will also work hard to write a good follow-up plot!

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