Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 906 God's Forbidden Zone, Grab Good Fortune

Chapter 906 God's Forbidden Zone, Grab Good Fortune

"Is this the legendary Big Dipper?"

"Finally, we have returned to the Bright World again!"


Many people present wept with joy in the face of the vibrant scene that was completely different from the desolation and silence of the Martian forbidden land.

Although they know in their hearts that they may never return to their hometown of Earth, compared to the life and death hardships experienced on Mars, it is obvious that the fairyland on earth before them is more acceptable.

Many people even just lay on the ground like this, breathing the fresh air and sniffing the refreshing fragrance, as if they were going to sleep for a long time.

Even if they are as firm as Wang Ziwen and Zhou Yi, and as smart as Lin Jia, they are sincerely excited at this moment, embracing and welcoming the new world before them.

However, the few people including Ye Fan did not relax their vigilance, and observed the surrounding environment with vigilance.

Among them, Jin Chanzi's expression was extraordinarily dignified, and a strange expression flickered in his eyes.

In contrast, the mysterious boy named Gu Tuo was the one with the most relaxed expression among the crowd.

The person silently sensed the fluctuation of the law of the Dao here, his eyes flicked across the surrounding exotic flowers and plants, and the flowing springs and waterfalls in the distance, and nodded.

Although the concentration of long-lived matter here is far from that of Immortal Realm, it is not bad.

As expected of Beidou, the center of the human world, he should not be underestimated.

Of course, Gu Tuo just thought about it in his heart, so naturally he wouldn't say it.

At the same time, in Ye Fan's mind, within the eerie black mist, there was also a surprised voice from the evil spirit:
"Tsk! This restricted area of ​​life is really extraordinary! However, I have never heard of it before. Could it be that it only appeared after 'I' died?"

Although the evil ghost's memory is incomplete, he can be sure that the forbidden places in front of him are by no means the ones he has known before.

Hearing the words of the evil spirit, Ye Fan in the corner couldn't help but feel his heart move.

Although he didn't know anything about the so-called Big Dipper, he could get a glimpse of it just from the word "Life Forbidden Zone", which was definitely not a good place.

Thinking of this in his mind, Ye Fan slowly raised his head, and saw that some of his classmates had the courage to leave this place to explore the unknown area far away from where the Kowloon coffin was located, and immediately said in a deep voice:

"Be careful, everyone, don't act rashly."

Ye Fan's calm voice came, even Gu Tuo and Jin Chanzi, whose cultivation level was much higher than his, cast their gazes on him, and those students who originally wanted to leave also abruptly withdrew their steps , looked at Ye Fan solemnly.

Previously, Ye Fan's performance on Mars, brave and decisive, protecting everyone has already made everyone sincerely recognize him.

Furthermore, he and Pang Bo are the only practitioners among the classmates, so they are naturally closer than the mysterious Jin Chanzi and Gu Tuo.

Sensing everyone's scorching eyes, the expression on Ye Fan's face did not change at all, and he continued:

"Don't you think it's strange? Logically speaking, the Nine Dragons' coffin should land at a place with five-color altars, but there doesn't seem to be such a thing here."

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he looked straight at Jin Chanzi who was opposite him.

The fact that Nine Dragons pulled the coffin away from Yinghuo was because Jin Chanzi opened the formation, and he should know more about this.

At the same time, after Ye Fan's reminder, Zhou Yi, Lin Jia and the others also recalled that there was indeed a similar five-color altar on Mount Tai.

Realizing this, everyone looked at the fairyland in front of them with guarded eyes.

"You boy, you are not stupid."

In my mind, there was a voice that the evil spirit admired.

"If you know something, don't hesitate to tell me."

"Otherwise, if I am buried in this forbidden zone of life, wouldn't you become a lonely ghost again?"

Now, facing the evil spirits, Ye Fan is no longer as frightened and worried as he was at first, but appears calm and unhurried.

After all, since there is no way to expel this guy for the time being, it is natural to "squeeze" his value.


In this regard, the evil ghost snorted coldly, as if the divine thunder roared from the nine heavens, and the destructive light descended, intending to split Ye Fan's head in two.

Fortunately, no matter what the evil ghost did, it was just trying to scare Ye Fan, and in the end he said sadly:
"The mystery of Nine Dragons Coffin is rare in the world. Naturally, there are not a few people who covet it. Do you really think that you can reach the destination of Beidou safe and sound?"

The evil ghost's words made Ye Fan feel chills in his heart.

According to the person, before they knew it, they had already passed through the gate of hell.

"However—" the evil ghost changed his subject, and said in a rather strange tone:

"You are lucky, the master of the restricted area here seems to have no serious intentions to kill."

"Otherwise, once you get out of the ancient bronze coffin, I'm afraid you will all be wiped out."

After all, not all is bad news.

Ye Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as everyone can survive, there is still hope for everything in the future.

And when Ye Fan's mind was full of ups and downs, Jin Chanzi on the opposite side finally spoke:

"Yes, according to the arrangement left by my teacher, after we set off from Yinghuo, we should arrive at an ancient altar in Beidou."

"From the looks of it now, I'm afraid something went wrong halfway, and we just entered this place by mistake."

Ye Fan had already reminded him just now, and now that Jin Chanzi said the same thing, Zhou Yi, Lin Jia and others were naturally even more panicked.

I just feel that this place that looks like a fairyland on earth seems to have countless murderous intentions lurking behind it.

And Ye Fan has a keen sense of spirit, he intuited that Jin Chanzi might have realized something long ago, maybe he had already guessed that they had fallen into the so-called "forbidden zone of life", but he didn't want to make everyone more worried, so he didn't say much .

"If it's the five-color altar...would it be below here?"

Although Zhou Yi's complexion was slightly pale, he still remained calm, so he took the initiative to speak.


Everyone followed Zhou Yi's guidance, and Jin Chanzi and Gu Tuo seemed to have discovered something, and they couldn't help but make a noise.

I saw that there seemed to be something really hidden under the huge and majestic Nine Dragons coffin.

With the passage of time, more and more auspicious colors of the divine glow transpired out, resplendent and splendid, reflecting the quaint and vicissitudes of life in the huge bronze coffin, which was also radiant.

There is even more dense mist of fairy light that seems to be indissoluble, and the sound of the sky is booming in the dark.

"This is—" Even Jin Chanzi, who can be said to be well-read and knowledgeable, can't help but shine in his eyes at this moment.

"Longevity substance, fairy breath."

Gu Tuo's tone was indifferent, and he said so calmly.

Hearing this, Jin Chanzi on the side glanced at him, although his eyes flickered, he didn't say much, just nodded:
"That's right. Such a rich longevity substance is indeed rare in the world."

In fact, since everyone knew nothing about the practice world, they didn't really realize the preciousness of the long-lived substance in front of them. They just took it for granted that it was just a thing of "immortal family" practice.

Jin Chanzi looked around, took a panoramic view of the complex expressions on everyone's faces, and immediately said in a deep voice:

"As Daoist Ye Fan said just now, this place is really mysterious, and there may still be dangers that we don't understand, so it's better not to leave the area where the Nine Dragons Coffin is located for the time being."

Jin Chanzi's suggestion is indeed quite pertinent.

Although the Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin is equally mysterious and frightening, everyone relied on it to cross the vast galaxy and even successfully escaped from the formation set up by Sakyamuni.

Compared with the unknown fairyland in front of us, it is naturally more reliable and safer.

Seeing that everyone nodded in agreement, Gu Tuo on the side did not object.

Although he really wanted to explore this place immediately, but he was born with supernatural powers and keen senses, and he had already noticed the extraordinaryness of this place.

Even if you want to explore later, it's best to work with Jin Chanzi and others.

For a while, everyone seemed to not know what to do.There is silence here, and there is no sound.

In the end, it was Jin Chanzi who broke the silence and took the initiative to say:

"My little monk remembers that the benefactors had previously expressed that they wanted to embark on the road of cultivation—"

Having said that, Jin Chanzi glanced at the celestial glow that gushed out from the bottom of the Kowloon coffin, and then continued:
"Just so, with the help of the magic of this place, if we can successfully open up the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, the benefits to you will really be immeasurable."

Hearing this, the people who were originally frightened, confused, and worried suddenly glowed with dazzling brilliance.

The melancholy in my heart has been diluted a lot when I think that I can also set foot on the cultivation practice and fly through the clouds.

Ye Fan next to him couldn't help but nodded.

Jin Chanzi's move was indeed out of compassion.

Being in the so-called "forbidden zone of life", even if it only improves a little strength, it is good for them.

"Thank you, Master!"

There was a look of genuine excitement on everyone's faces.

Jin Chanzi smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and immediately looked at Ye Fan, Pang Bo and Gu Tuo:

"Since that's the case, I'd like to ask the three fellow daoists to help me as well."

Naturally, the three of them would not have any opinion on this.

Even Gu Tuo, who was born in the fairyland, also carries the inheritance of the Lingbao Tianzun, so he is no stranger to the cultivation methods of the human world.

Based on the "Tao Jing", the four explained to Zhou Yi and others how to open up the sea of ​​suffering.

After that, everyone sat around the huge bronze coffin and tried to practice.

You must know that the longevity substances and the laws of immortality here have a great effect even on the supreme beings, let alone these juniors who have just embarked on cultivation.

Everyone breathes and breathes, absorbing the most precious substance in the world, really cleansing their tendons and cutting their marrow, reborn.

The talents of several of them were already extraordinary, and now they are even more astonishing.

Although Ye Fan had already embarked on the road of cultivation, he still couldn't help but immerse himself in it, as if he had fallen into a deep realm of enlightenment.

"Boy! Hurry up and wake up for me!"

Suddenly, it was the annoying voice of the evil spirit that woke Ye Fan up from that comfortable state, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Perhaps sensing the dissatisfaction in Ye Fan's heart, the evil ghost said with disdain:

"Hmph! What are these things? This seat will take you to find great fortune!"

Hearing this, although Ye Fan felt a little uneasy, he glanced at the people who were still practicing, and finally got up slowly, and walked away according to the guidance of the evil spirit.

 Sorry for the late update of this chapter.

  The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Finally, thank you all for your support!The author will do his best to write the follow-up plot well!
(End of this chapter)

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