Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 907 Capture the magic medicine, the black emperor is furious

Chapter 907 Capture the magic medicine, the black emperor is furious

The mysterious Big Dipper, the dangerous forbidden zone of life.

Everything in front of him was undoubtedly extremely unfamiliar to Ye Fan.

Not long ago, when he was still on the earth, he rejected Duan De's invitation to go on the road together, leave the earth that has entered the age of doom, and go to the depths of the universe to practice in other sources of life.

Who ever thought that fate seemed to be doomed in the dark, and the fate was hard to change.

In the end, by accident, he not only left the earth, but also passed through Mars, and finally arrived at Beidou, the supreme place of cultivation known as the Emperor Buried Star.

Of course, the group of them has not really set foot on the land of Beidou yet.Now he has strayed into a certain forbidden place, and there are crises everywhere.

Fortunately, in Ye Fan's mind, there is still an evil ghost with a big background.

The two are now like grasshoppers on the same rope, but they can barely be trusted.

At this moment, under the guidance of the evil spirit, Ye Fan left the area where the Jiulong coffin was located, and carefully explored this mysterious forbidden area.

"According to my observation, the core of the restricted area in front of me should be under the ancient bronze coffin, and there must be treasures hidden in it!"

It's a pity that even regardless of the miraculous nature of Jiulong's pulling the coffin, the weight alone is majestic, even if everyone works together, it is still difficult to move it a little bit.

In his mind, the evil spirit was still chattering, as if he felt sorry for the treasure land that was within reach but helpless.

"However, this seat is different from the past. If you really touch the fairy treasure in it, I'm afraid it will only bring disaster."

Hearing the evil ghost's sighing words, Ye Fan couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Don't listen to what the evil ghost said, he commanded Ye Fan but he was not vague at all, and even threatened to take him to find "Great Creation".

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn't help but frown slightly, showing a disturbed expression:

"You are so afraid of the lord of this place, but you want to take me to dig his wall, won't there be any problems?"

"It's not fear, it's mutual respect!"

The evil ghost once again solemnly emphasized, and then said proudly:

"As an existence of our level, things outside of us have long been ignored. Although the things I take you to find are precious, they will not make the other party disregard the status of the Supreme, understand?"

Ye Fan was naturally skeptical about this in his heart.However, after all, he is controlled by others and can only follow suit.

In addition, he himself is also quite curious about that evil spirit.

According to the guidance of the evil ghost, as Ye Fan continued to go deeper, the surrounding temperature became obviously hotter, as if he was approaching a crater.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a burst of refreshing fragrance, and just one sniff made Ye Fan feel as if he was ascending.


Suddenly, Ye Fan's ears sounded like the sound of a clear spring flowing.

With a movement in Ye Fan's heart, he knew that he might have arrived at his destination without being reminded by the evil ghost, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

After passing through a dense virgin forest, what appeared in Ye Fan's vision was a strange and magnificent picture.

I saw that in the void, there was a rootless river pouring down, like a curtain falling from the sky, reflecting a dreamlike brilliance, and the myriad of gods were brilliant.

Below the waterfall, there is a collection of fairy ponds.The richness of the origin qi of the middle heaven and earth is the only thing Ye Fan has seen in his life.

However, Ye Fan's eyes only stayed on the fairy pond for a moment, and then he was attracted by something beside it.

It was a crimson fiery bird, crystal-clear all over, radiant to the extreme, as if cast from the most precious fairy gold in the world, but with a mighty source of life beyond imagination.

The bird was standing on the bank of the Immortal Pond, as if accompanied by the ups and downs of the vast ocean of fire, looking forward to brilliance, it was extremely majestic.

"Suzaku elixir." In his mind, the evil ghost's explanation came at the right time.

Being able to be so valued by the evil spirits, and even given the name of "immortality", is enough to show its extraordinary.

After being reminded by the evil ghost, Ye Fan naturally noticed that there were indeed roots growing under the Suzaku's claws.And the fragrance that diffused before is also derived from this magical medicine.

In order to be able to catch the Suzaku elixir in front of them, they did not startle the snake, and the evil spirit temporarily took over Ye Fan's body afterwards.

Since the two have already reached a consensus and are currently in a state of cooperation, this time, Ye Fan can naturally watch the whole process clearly.

Although it was still the same physical body, with that little bit of cultivation and mana, it was completely different.

The evil ghost seems to have the power to turn decay into magic, mobilize its flesh, blood, and divine power, and display many mysterious and ingenious spells.

Ye Fan watched from the sidelines, really fascinated and benefited a lot.

Evil ghosts outline the lines of Yuantian, densely packed, covering every inch of void in this place in darkness.

However, limited by Ye Fan's realm and cultivation, the layout of the evil ghost is really sloppy, but it can be regarded as doing its best.


In the end, he made a sharp move, aroused Yuantian Wenlu, borrowed the power of the Heaven and Earth Dao, and pointed at the Suzaku Undead Medicine not far away.

It's a pity that the latter, after all, is a unique elixir in the world, with the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, so how could he be easily tricked by today's evil ghosts and Ye Fan.

A long cry of the Vermilion Bird resounded through the heaven and earth here, and with the blazing celestial fire, it burned and collapsed the void.

Suzaku flapped its wings and rose from the ground, easily resolved the crisis, and was about to fly away from this place and escape into another secret place in the restricted area of ​​life.

Fortunately, the evil spirit was well prepared. Although he couldn't keep the elixir medicine, it also caused him to drop several precious feathers and cough up a few drops of "immortal blood".

In order to avoid the loss of the medicinal properties of the fairy medicine, the evil spirit immediately took it into Ye Fan's body and warmed it in the sea of ​​life.

"Suzaku fairy medicine!"

Suddenly, a familiar exclamation came.

Ye Fan was not surprised by this, and turned his head immediately, and saw the bald but still handsome Jin Chanzi, and Gu Tuo behind him.

"It's a pity that the magic medicine is psychic, and the forbidden zone Supreme also left arrangements, so it is difficult to catch it."

Even Jin Chanzi, who is a monk, shook his head regretfully.

However, what Ye Fan thought was that Jin Chanzi had already realized that this place was a restricted area for life.

The magic medicine has long been in full swing, no matter how regretful it is, it will not help.

Jin Chanzi then cast his eyes on the fairy pond in front of him, smiled slightly and said:

"It's even better than many divine springs in the world."

As soon as the words fell, Jin Chanzi, Gu Tuo, and Ye Fan all began to collect the holy spring unceremoniously.

During this process, both Jin Chanzi and Gu Tuo tacitly did not ask Ye Fan how they found this place.

After all, they have already noticed that Ye Fan is extraordinary, and the two of them also have many secrets, so everyone tacitly agrees.


Deep in the restricted area of ​​the sky, in a certain ancient cave.

"Wang! What's going on with Old Gu, why isn't the Emperor here?"

The big black dog that was originally sealed in the source of the gods and was as strong as a bull has now escaped.At this moment, he was anxiously asking another huge source of God in front of him.

Among them was a monk with the appearance of a middle-aged man. Although he had not broken through the source of the gods and was born, he opened his eyes with blazing light.

The spiritual fluctuations of the monk known as "Old Ancient" came out:
"You look up."

The big black dog didn't know why, so he raised his head suspiciously and looked up at Qingming.

I saw that at the infinite height, the branches and leaves were luxuriant, covering the entire sky, majestic and majestic, the big black dog blurted out:
"I'm going, the tree world invades!?"

What is this all about?
The monk who was called the old man looked helpless, and then gave a brief account of the major events after the Black Emperor was sealed.

"...Thinking about it, the Great Emperor and the Demon Emperor should be enlightening on the World Tree at this moment."

Knowing the cause and effect of the incident, the Heihuang on the opposite side had a look of sudden realization, and immediately said to himself:
"Well, that's the way it is. Sure enough, it's the emperor who values ​​me so much and seals me so deeply, unlike you, Old Gu, who can still know so many things."

While talking, the Black Emperor shook his head, as if he was quite regretful about it.

As for Gu Tianshu in Shenyuan opposite, his forehead was naturally full of black lines, and he looked like he didn't want to talk to him.


Accompanied by the spread of some strange fluctuations, both Heihuang and Gu Tianshu couldn't help feeling something.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Emperor immediately turned on the "monitoring" of the Great Formation of Heaven, so it could clearly see the Nine Dragons Coffin that happened to fall on the Ancient Cave of Heaven, and the crowd surrounding the huge bronze coffin, absorbing the energy from below. The breath of longevity and immortality that overflowed, and the scene of Ye Fan and other three people rushing to collect the divine spring on the other side.

"I go!"

The Black Emperor, who claimed to be the god and beast protecting the mountains, was naturally furious when he saw such a scene.


 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow weekend, there will still be additional updates as usual, with one update around 14:19 and two after 30:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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