Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 908 The Holy Spirit Breaks into the Coffin, the Black Emperor Doesn't Believe in Evil

In Beidou Donghuang, in the boundless sky, there is a huge island suspended, which is a well-known forbidden zone of life-God.

Previously, the mysterious Kowloon coffin descended on Beidou, which actually attracted the supreme beings dormant in various forbidden areas to "fight", which really made the world horrified.

Fortunately, all the venerables restrained themselves, and in the end the Supreme God War did not really break out.

And Jiulong pulled the coffin, and fell into the forbidden zone of God.

Although, even the ancient sages of the major supernatural forces can hardly find the place where the gods are in the dark, but everyone knows in their hearts that it is hidden somewhere above the sky of the Eastern Desolation.

Therefore, more than one blazing eyes looked at it, and the extremely majestic spiritual thoughts were intertwined, covering almost the entire Eastern Wasteland.

At the same time, in the ancient cave of heaven.

A big black dog as strong as a bull is staring at the "surveillance screen" that appears in front of him. Seeing Ye Fan and the others with their red faces and wantonly grabbing the good fortune of God, he is really annoyed and grinning. stand up.

"Wang! I'm so angry with my emperor!"

Heihuang stared at a pair of big eyes with copper bells, in which there was a fierce light, and the blood in his body was surging like thunder.

However, although the Black Emperor was indeed extremely angry, as if he would strike violently at any time, he suddenly thought of something, immediately raised his head, and looked at Gu Tianshu who was sealed in the source of God with a puzzled expression:
"Strange, where is Stone Emperor No. [-]?"

"Why didn't that guy make a move, so he just didn't work and was lazy?"

The Black Emperor's tone was angry, as if he was quite dissatisfied with it.

And the so-called "Stone Emperor No. [-]" in the Heihuang's mouth naturally refers to the Dzogchen Holy Spirit that was suppressed and subdued by the Demon Emperor and Wu Shidi before.

Since the Dzogchen Holy Spirit and the Stone Emperor are both stone men, and their functions are similar, they are both the "gatekeepers" of the forbidden area of ​​life, so the Black Emperor is called "Stone Emperor No. [-]".

In addition, the Black Emperor and the stone man didn't see eye to eye, and now they can make use of it, so naturally they have to pick its bones.

Hearing the words of the Black Emperor, Gu Tianshu's forehead was naturally full of black lines, and then he couldn't help sighing.

In the whole world, the only one who dares to reprimand a Dzogchen Holy Spirit like this is this big black dog who is fearless in front of him.

Thinking of this, Gu Tianshu's eyes drooped, and he said solemnly:
"Shi Zun has now proved to be the emperor, and you are the Supreme Being of the Supreme Dao. You guy, you should be more polite."

"I'll go!" Hei Huang couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this.

"This old stone has also opened up!?"

Regarding this, Gu Tianshu had an expression of "Listen to what you are talking about?" and said rather speechlessly:

"Thousands of years ago, the restricted area was in motion, and all the gods were born, and Shi Zun naturally also proved himself as the emperor."

"Speaking of which, other people are genuine Dzogchen Holy Spirits. Do you really think they are Chinese cabbage?"

Of course, in fact, the origin of the Black Emperor is even more extraordinary, it is the "reincarnation" of the Supreme True Immortal in the Immortal Ancient Era, and it is definitely far above the Dzogchen Holy Spirit.

It's a pity that in this world, apart from a few people such as Emperor Kai Wushi, even the Black Emperor himself doesn't know about it.

Otherwise, with the personality of the Black Emperor, I'm afraid his tail would have been raised to the sky long ago.

"Hmph! So what if he becomes an emperor, if he dares to be passive and sabotage his work, this emperor will give him a book in front of the emperor!"

Although the Heihuang's mouth was still very firm, but his eyes flickered, it was obvious that his confidence was still quite lacking.

However, the Great Emperor Wushi has been involved in good fortune, and his majesty is extremely high. Even if the stone man proves to be the emperor, he will not dare to cause any disturbances. The Black Emperor is very relieved about this.

Taking a panoramic view of the expression on the black emperor's face, Gu Tianshu shook his head helplessly, and immediately stretched out his divine thoughts.

After a while, a rather strange look appeared on his face, and he said in an uncertain tone:
"At this moment, Shi Zun does not seem to be in the ancient cave where he usually retreats, as if... he has entered the huge bronze coffin!"


Hearing this, the Black Emperor suddenly cried like a chicken blood, and howled like ghosts and wolves, causing the void in this area to shake violently.

"I knew it!" Hei Huang's big eyes stared like lanterns, his gaze was burning, and he said in a firm tone:
"The nine-dragon coffin can smash into the sky, it is extraordinary, and there must be a treasure in it!"

"Made, Old Stone must want to eat alone!"

Thinking so angrily, Heihuang couldn't help but open his bloody mouth slightly, and his mouth flowed to the ground.

After making up his mind, the Black Emperor turned into a "black whirlwind" and galloped away without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing this, Gu Tianshu, who was proclaiming himself a god, originally wanted to stop him, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Although the Black Emperor and Shi Zun were at odds with each other, but with the majesty of the Great Emperor Wushi, it is expected that nothing will happen.

Thinking of this, Gu Tianshu immediately shook his head.

I'm getting old, I'd better continue to sleep in my sleep, and I won't go to this muddy water.


As the number one god general (self-proclaimed) under the seat of Emperor Wushi, the Black Emperor is well aware of the arrangements of the heavens.

Although the sky is full of fog, and some secret places even have mysterious and complex formations flickering, but the Black Emperor walks like a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, as if walking on flat ground, unimpeded.

In just a moment, it arrived at the place where the coffin was stretched out in Kowloon.

Seeing that the huge bronze coffin just covered the retreat place where the two Supreme Heavenly Emperors used to retreat, the Black Emperor was naturally full of black lines.

However, soon, its eyes were attracted by the nine majestic and majestic real dragons.

Although it has been dead for a long time, it still has that kind of supreme dao rhyme, not like a dragon in the world of mortals, but like a real dead fairy, which is really shocking.

"Hey, baby, what a baby..."

The Black Emperor was almost happy, his eyes were full of joy.

However, it was still not completely fascinated by the dragon corpse in front of it after all.

It can even be said that the existence of these nine real dragon corpses made it more convinced that there was an even more extraordinary treasure in the huge bronze coffin!

With his current cultivation level, the people sitting around the huge bronze coffin naturally couldn't notice at all that the Black Emperor went straight into the ancient bronze coffin.

As soon as he stepped into the coffin, the Heihuang realized that this place was extraordinary.

Even though the Black Emperor can be called the "die-hard fan" of Emperor Wushi, he has to admit that the vague and supreme majesty and dao rhyme permeating here seem to be higher than Emperor Wushi.

At the same time, in the dark, there was a bang of the Great Dao Tianyin, which shocked the Heihuang's heart.

And the Heihuang's gaze only stayed for a moment on the ancient notches on the surrounding coffin walls, and immediately fell to the center of this place.

There was a coffin within a coffin that was much smaller in shape, but the aura permeating it was even more grand and hard to fathom.

And in front of the small bronze coffin, stood a figure like a god and demon, majestic and heroic, surrounded by myriad immortals, and even more faintly spread the power of an extreme emperor.

Sure enough, this old stone is really not authentic, he rushed here early and started eating alone!

Thinking of this in his heart, the Black Emperor immediately stood up, walked forward swaggeringly, and patted the man's shoulder quite familiarly.

"Hai brother!"

"What the hell is going on with this thing? Do you have any gains, let me help you palm your eyes?"

Hearing this, even Shi Zun, who is an enlightened person in this world, couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart.

To be so thick-skinned to this extent is considered unprecedented and unique.

However, after all, this dead dog was deeply "favored" by Emperor Wushi, and he was too lazy to care about it.

Shi Zun's thoughts moved slightly, and immediately shook the Heihuang's dog paw away.

Seeing this, the latter couldn't help muttering:

"Became an emperor and still so stingy..."

In fact, this was already the result of Shi Zun's intentional restraint, coupled with the strange physical body of the Black Emperor, this did not cause any damage.

Immediately, there was a moment of silence here.In the end, the majestic and heroic Shi Zun took the initiative to speak, pointing to the small bronze coffin in front of him, and said in a deep voice:
"This coffin is really weird, even for me, it is difficult to open it."

"No way, you can't do it?"

The Black Emperor had an unbelievable look on his face.

Although he was quite at odds with this guy, he had to admit that the other party was enlightened by the Dzogchen Holy Spirit, and he was a genuine supreme supreme with endless divine power.

Apart from those who are immortals in the world of mortals and the supreme emperors, he can also be regarded as the most powerful person in the first echelon.

Even he couldn't do anything about the small bronze coffin in front of him?

Heihuang was naturally dubious about this, and then slowly paced around the small coffin.

And the more it observes, the more it can perceive that this coffin is extraordinary. Not only can there be a faint sound of heaven, but also a faint mist of mist.

If the Black Emperor were allowed to enter Baoshan, but returned empty-handed, it would be more uncomfortable than being severely beaten.


In the end, the Black Emperor still couldn't resist the temptation, and rushed forward, opened his bloody mouth, and bit hard on a corner of the bronze coffin lid.


There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

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