Chapter 909 Supreme fear, deportation

The nine majestic and majestic dragon corpses, like dragon corpses cast in black gold, pulled a huge ancient bronze coffin, lying horizontally in the deepest mysterious place in the sky.

At this moment, around the ancient coffin, Lin Jia, Wang Ziwen, Zhou Yi and others were sitting cross-legged, absorbing the longevity substances and the breath of immortality here, impacting the sea of ​​bitterness, and tempering their bodies.

And the stone man who was ordered to guard the forbidden area of ​​the sky had already entered the inside of the huge bronze coffin, isolating it from the outside world.

Not to mention Jin Chanzi, Gu Tuo and others with mysterious origins, even the evil ghosts who lived in Ye Fan's mind and had a brilliant "previous life" did not notice it at all.

It's a pity that even as the Holy Spirit of Dzogchen who had proved himself as the emperor, Shi Zun really had nothing to do with the small bronze coffin in front of him.

Even if he exerted the supreme divine power capable of overturning the universe and disrupting the avenues, he still couldn't shake the ancient coffin in the slightest.

Of course, just when everyone wants to give up, there are still some people who don't believe in evil——

"Oh, I'm going!"

Shi Zun stood at the side, watching with great interest the big black dog viciously pounced on the small bronze coffin, and then there was a howling of ghosts and wolves, accompanied by the crisp sound of breaking.

"Woof!" "Woof!" "Woof!"

I saw a big black dog as strong as a bull lying on the ground, rolling and barking, and the heart-piercing sound echoed throughout the huge bronze coffin.

After a long time, Heihuang finally got up with difficulty, and carefully covered his cheeks with his front legs. His recklessness just now seemed to have broken all his big teeth.

Seeing this, the heroic and extraordinary Shi Zun also showed a gloating smile at the corner of his mouth.

And when such a big embarrassment happened, even though he was as thick-skinned as the Black Emperor, he couldn't help but blush with embarrassment, but he still kept his mouth stiff and said unhappily:
"Made, what a broken coffin!"

The Heihuang's eyes showed a fierce look, and he was about to slap the copper coffin fiercely, but maybe he was afraid that his claws would also be broken, so he immediately stopped in resentment.

However, the Heihuang still did not give up, and circled around the small bronze coffin, with a look of surprise on his face, while rubbing his cheeks, he muttered in a low voice:

"It shouldn't be, my emperor bit the Wushi bell in the past, and it's not so difficult to chew..."

Hearing this, Shi Zun next to him was naturally speechless.

If it weren't for Emperor Wushi's face, do you really think you can gnaw the emperor's soldiers?
This ancient bronze coffin is not related to you, so it won't spoil you.

There were many thoughts in Shi Zun's mind, but he didn't say much.

After pondering for a while, Shi Zun said solemnly:
"This coffin has a mysterious origin. From the perspective of this deity, it doesn't look like something in the world of mortals. Maybe it really has something to do with immortals."

He is a genuine supreme supreme being, so he can naturally judge the level of the fetish in front of him, which is definitely higher than supreme.

At this moment, Heihuang's feverish mind had calmed down, and he nodded after hearing Shi Zun's words.

After thinking for a moment, Shi Zun spoke again, looking at the big black dog opposite him with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"It's really difficult to open this coffin just by me. Why don't you tell the emperor, Xiao Hei, to let him decide?"

From Shi Zun's point of view, the Great Emperor Wu Shi was amazingly talented, and he went a long way on the road to longevity.

Even if he can't become a celestial being in the world of mortals now, he may have the combat power of a near-celestial being.

If the Great Emperor Wushi returns and even cooperates with the Demon Emperor, it may not be possible to forcibly open this coffin.

Hearing Shi Zun's suggestion, Hei Huang glanced at him guiltily, and said calmly:
"Such a trivial matter, why bother the Emperor, I'll settle it myself."

Shi Zun at the side naturally had a panoramic view of the Heihuang's expression and knew it in his heart.

Cut, you can't get in touch with the emperor even if you are a dead dog, how dare you pretend to be a wolf with a big tail in front of me?
Even if they couldn't open the coffin within the coffin, the two also benefited a lot from observing the fuzzy scratches on the coffin wall.

In the end, the two were still unwilling to reconcile and tried to open the coffin again, but the result still ended in failure.

"Let's put aside the matter of the coffin. You don't care about these guys doing evil to God!?"

Heihuang lay on the ground tired and rested for a while, then raised his head and looked at Shi Zun opposite him with a puzzled expression.

And the latter glanced at it, and did not answer directly:
"As far as I know, since the age of mythology, Nine Dragons have appeared several times, but even if you are the current emperor, it is difficult to really get close. Only this time, not only creatures can enter it, but even Riding on this coffin, crossing the vast galaxy, and finally descending to Beidou."

Shi Zun's tone was calm, and there seemed to be something in it.

The Black Emperor on the opposite side also had a thoughtful expression.

In fact, when it saw the Kowloon coffin for the first time, it was shocked that it was quite similar to the layout of God.

Seeing this, Shi Zun continued to add:
"Earlier, the Nine Dragons Coffin was about to descend on the Big Dipper, and all the venerables almost fought for it, but in the end, it turned its own direction and fell into the sky."

Shi Zun's description made Heihuang feel uneasy:
"You said, shouldn't it be that God is the transit place for the Nine Dragons to pull the coffin?"

It is truly unheard of to use a large restricted area of ​​life as a transit point.

However, when Shi Zun heard Heihuang's speculation, he did not refute it, and even nodded:

"Perhaps, it is not certain that there is such a possibility."

When he said this, Shi Zun's eyes shone brightly, with a serious expression on his face:
"Not only that, but there are also a few people in that group of little guys, even I can't see through them."

If, as Shi Zun speculated, these people were able to take the Nine Dragons to pull the coffin and descend here because of the plan of a certain figure behind the scenes, then it is really easy to move.

"Made! Aren't they just a group of brats? I don't believe there is any cause and effect!?"

The Black Emperor bared his teeth, obviously unwilling to let this group of people continue to run amok in the sky.


On the other side, the Immortal Waterfall of the Void falls down, converging into an Immortal Pond.

The holy spring is so clear that it is hard to find in the whole world. It really has the supernatural power that is close to life and death, flesh and bones.

Previously, even the unique elixir in the world wanted to take root here, which was enough to show its magic.

Although the fairy medicine is doomed to fail, Jin Chanzi, Gu Tuo, and Ye Fan naturally don't want to miss the divine spring in front of them.

However, at the same time, the three of them knew in their hearts that this place might not be unoccupied.

Although, I don't know if the supreme beings in the dark didn't take action because they were afraid of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin, or because they were still asleep, but they definitely shouldn't go too far.

Therefore, after collecting a certain amount of divine springs, the three of them tacitly chose to stop.

Immediately, Jin Chanzi raised his eyes, looked at the direction where the Suzaku fairy medicine escaped, and sighed:
"In the past, although magical medicine was rare, it was occasionally circulated in the world. Now, it can only be seen in the depths of this restricted area..."

Hearing this, Ye Fan's heart moved, and he asked bluntly:
"I don't know what the master means by this? Could it be that the magic medicine can no longer be found in the world?"

Fortunately, this is not a big secret, and Jin Chanzi is not prepared to hide it, so he just said mysteriously:

"Because those magical medicines have all returned to the hands of their former masters."

Regarding this, Gu Tuo, Ye Fan, and the evil spirit in their minds were all thoughtful.


Just when the thoughts in several people's hearts were full of ups and downs, there was a feeling in the dark.

"Not good, someone shot in the restricted area!"

Before the evil ghost could finish his sentence, we saw patterns on the surface flickering and brilliant, Jin Chanzi's figure disappeared immediately.

Seeing this, Ye Fan and Gu Tuo couldn't help being shocked, knowing that something was wrong, and wanted to avoid the pursuit of the mysterious pattern.

However, even though both of them used many mysterious methods, they were still unable to resist, and eventually they also disappeared.

 The third update will take a while, and it will be updated around 20:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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