Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 911 Opening the Road to the Heavenly Emperor's Glory

Chapter 911 Opening the Road to the Heavenly Emperor's Glory


Beidou, a corner of the Eastern Desolation, somewhere in the wilderness and forests that are inaccessible to human beings, there is the roar of the void avenue, and there are countless lights and rains flying, and the fairy light is chaotic and boundless.

Among them, there is a crimson fire-like furnace that rises and falls, accompanied by the long cry of the Suzaku, resounding through the world, and the vigorous vitality permeates.

At this moment, Ye Fan's physical body is in the furnace, as if he is refining the supreme elixir, he has been transformed into a carrier of the Dao.

It has to be said that although the evil ghost has lost most of his cultivation base and divine power, his vision and experience are still there.

A few divine feathers and a few drops of medicinal liquid are nothing compared to the complete Suzaku magical medicine.

If it just falls into the hands of ordinary monks, I'm afraid it's only used for alchemy, or for life-saving at critical moments, and at most it can only exert [-] to [-]% of its medicinal power.

However, evil spirits really have a way to turn decay into a magical method, not to mention that the elixir is a unique treasure in the world.

The combination of the two, coupled with Ye Fan's own blood and firm will, can finally achieve a transformation like a reborn.

Although it is impossible for Ye Fan to live a new life, he is destined to benefit a lot, and his roots and talents have been greatly improved.


At the same time, accompanied by a faint fragrance, one after another of clear divine springs emerged, surging with energy, and immediately all submerged into the divine furnace, nourishing Ye Fan's body and primordial spirit.

In order for Ye Fan's transformation to be perfect this time, if only a small part of the Suzaku elixir is used, I'm afraid it's still a little too late.

And this divine spring comes from the Immortal Pond in the restricted area of ​​a large life. With it as an aid, it should be able to make up for that little deficiency in Ye Fan's transformation process.

The crystal-clear and resplendent chains of laws are intertwined, filled with immortal energy, which wraps the brilliance transformed by Ye Fan's real body, forming a fairy fetus, which is also like a cocoon.


Accompanied by the roar of the void avenue, the fairy fetus seemed to turn into a black hole, and like a sea eye, it swallowed and smelted the Suzaku sacred furnace, the spring water from the fairy pond, and all the strange phenomena in the sky.

As time went by, the fairy fetus became more and more blazing, and the aura that permeated it became more and more mysterious.

Seeing this situation, the evil ghost's pale and strange face also revealed a satisfied expression.


The fairy fetus was dazzling, like a round of the sun, and finally reached the peak, slowly splitting open.

I saw that in the fairy womb, Ye Fanbao looked majestic, sitting cross-legged in the void, really like a fairy Buddha, surrounded by gorgeous clouds, and flowing dreamlike brilliance throughout his body.


Ye Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and two golden dragon-like eyes shot out, piercing through the void.

At this moment, he clearly felt that he was in a powerful state that he had never had before, and he couldn't help but have the illusion of omnipotence, as if he could tear everything apart with just a few gestures.

As soon as Ye Fan's thoughts moved, he immediately sank his mind and looked inside himself.

I saw that the golden ocean was surging, the waves were rough and the waves were ups and downs, and the darkness and silence before were no longer seen. Only the divine rainbow and myriad Taos crossed the sky, accompanied by lightning, thunder, and divine power.

As Ye Fan expected, although most of the medicinal power of Suzaku magic medicine has been refined and used to temper the body and soul, it still completely opened up his sea of ​​bitterness.

Even, in Ye Fan's induction, it seems that it is easy to get through the spring of life and build the bridge of God.

Realizing this, the man nodded in relief, never thinking that there would be such an unexpected gain.

After making up his mind, Ye Fan immediately wanted to use the supreme practice method recorded in the "Tao Jing" to open up the spring of life and build a bridge of gods——

"Wait a minute!"

In his mind, there was a roar of thunder from the God of Myriad Taos, which made Ye Fan's expression dazed, and he couldn't help but stop his movements.


Since there is no one here, Ye Fan is naturally a little casual and has a bad mood.

However, as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Because, the tone of his voice just now was quite immature, really like a teenager.

Ye Fan suddenly felt something bad in his heart, and immediately raised his head and looked around.

Only then did he notice that the surrounding ancient trees seemed to be too tall and strong.

In fact, the trees here are indeed huge, but more importantly, they have become smaller!

Ye Fan sensed his own spiritual sense and clearly saw his current appearance.

Although it can't be said that the lips are red and the teeth are white, but it is still green and immature. Coupled with the crystal clear body, it looks like a young man.

At the same time, Ye Fan also noticed that his clothes had been shattered and withered in the previous baptism of the strong wind, and now they have been completely reborn and reborn, so naturally they are not worn.

But right now, these are trivial matters, Ye Fan widened his eyes, and quickly asked the evil spirit in his mind:
"How is this going!?"

Unexpectedly, the other party was Youzai Youzai, and said in a leisurely manner:

"This seat said before that you have already missed the best age of practice. If you want to make up for it, you will naturally have to 'return and recast'."

The evil ghost had a reasonable tone, and after Ye Fan calmed down, he had to admit that what the other party said was indeed somewhat reasonable.

It's just that he was in the stage of being physically strong before, and now he is a teenager again, it is inevitable that he is a little uncomfortable.

"Hmph! Rejuvenation, no matter how many people ask for it, you are not satisfied, tsk!"

The evil ghost looked extremely disgusted, and looked down upon Ye Fan.

After comprehending it silently, Ye Fan could clearly feel how powerful he is now, which is completely different from before.

Therefore, in the face of the evil spirit's ridicule, he also sensibly remained silent.

"By the way, don't rush to build the Shenqiao, first reshape the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness according to this method."

As soon as the evil ghost's voice fell, a mysterious scripture was passed on.

Today's Ye Fan is no longer the ignorant and ignorant person before.

Through communicating with Gu Tuo, Jin Chanzi, and even Pang Bo, I also came into contact with some profound scriptures.

At this moment, he naturally judged that this scripture was unusual at a glance.

However, the more he browsed, the weirder the look on his face became.

At the end, Ye Fan couldn't help but raised his head in doubt, and asked:
"Is it really possible to reshape the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness in this way?"

After all, the method passed on to him by the evil spirit is much more "world-shocking" than those recorded in the "Tao Jing" and "Taiqing Zhenjing".

After his words fell, Ye Fan felt that the evil spirit in his mind seemed to roll his eyes:
"Love to learn but not to learn!"

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Fan naturally practiced honestly according to the method taught by the evil ghost.

In fact, after this series of events, Ye Fan no longer repulsed evil spirits as before, at least for a short period of time he trusted them quite a bit.

And as Ye Fan practiced according to that mysterious Taoism, he did realize its extraordinaryness.

The golden sea of ​​bitterness was boiling, and an increasingly majestic and magnificent atmosphere was permeating, and the golden blood energy contained in his body was also blazing brightly.

It gave him the feeling that this exercise was tailor-made for him.



I don't know how long it has passed, but when Ye Fan opened his eyes again, there was an expression of excitement that was hard to conceal.

Even though Ye Fan knew little about the situation of other people in the practice world, at this moment, his heart couldn't help being shocked.

Because, although his current level of cultivation is still in the secret realm of Lunhai, his physical body is really strong beyond imagination.

Ye Fan stood up, waved his arm casually, and there was a thunderous wind, and the golden light shone.

That feeling is like tearing the void apart.

Seeing this, even though he was always as calm as Ye Fan, he couldn't help showing joy on his face.


In his mind, the evil ghost let out a cold snort, revealing its own existence.

Ye Fan knew it in his heart, and immediately saluted solemnly:
"Thank you senior."

"Hey, don't thank me in a hurry. You kid, it seems that you are ready?"

There was a hint of gloating in the evil ghost's tone.


Hearing this, Ye Fan naturally looked puzzled, but before he could react, he was already "distressed".


Originally, the universe was bright and clear, and there was no cloud in the sky, but suddenly a thunderbolt fell, and it struck Ye Fan directly below.

"I go!"

 Today, the author's code word is relatively smooth, so I will update it a little earlier.

  There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

  Thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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